Make r9k a blue board

>make r9k a blue board
>remove robot
>ban trannies and gays
>board becomes 1000 times better
would they do it? no

Attached: 1427640085791.jpg (255x189, 9K)

Maybe better for you, but not for everyone. There just needs to be more strict rules on shit posting and /soc/ type of threads. The robot does a good job at clearing out some spam.

>remove robot

so you want a bunch of unoriginal faggot jews spamming the same shit over and over?

I think the robot is kind of important. It's especially necessary while cleaning up the board. Faggots and other shoah'd groups are going to throw a shitfit and start spamming the second you do that, so you need to prevent them from posting the same thread every hour. A statement in the pinned thread explicitly making Jow Forums a robot board while vaguely defining things like feels threads, etc might also help. It would need to be very versatile. My main point is to have something to make people not think of Jow Forums as /b/ or Jow Forums.

>remove robot

so you want a bunch of unoriginaI faggot jews spamming the same shit over and over?

removing gays and trannies is better for everyone and if youre a one go kill yourself worthless scum

A lot of robots struggle with their sexuality. They may feel more comfortable here than on /tttt/

so you think that is not already happening? LOL
It does help but it's not really useful. Adding two extra words to a pile of copypasta makes you avoid the robot. And wanting to post a very short reply most of the times ends up in you being muted because it wasn't original. Of course it wasn't original when you mute posts with less than 10 words.

it isnt, due to the robot, kid

Yes. We struggle with not being able to do anything but jacking off with our sexuality.

now go kill yourself.

People who advocate for the robot are doing so because they hate this board as the only thing the robot accomplishes is annoying people

Keep the robot just make this a blue board and 70% of this board would be cleaned up and better

Attached: C7ZovMkUwAAXEs-.jpg (902x1200, 137K)

If we could remove trannies and gays from Jow Forums altogether the site would become so much better.

>Most robots are social outcast cause of normies.
>Self proclaimed "robot" tries to make other people outcasts on """his""" board.
You sure sound like a normie to me.

even if we can't remove them alltogether let's at least ban them from this board
dont they have /lgbt/ anyway?
trannies & gays should fuck off with their repulsive disgusting posting here

Being the outcast of outcasts makes you a normie.

Kys shill. Pol9k remains red

Jow Forums will no longer be Robot 9000 without the bbot. What do we call it and how do we separate ourselves from /b/? Do we just call ourselves Kind of Random (/KOR/?

No they fucking don't, heterosexuality is basically a defining aspect of the robot experience.
If you're anything other than straight and "cis" you literally cannot be a robot.

>struggle with their sexuality
post disgusting trans/gay porn on a non-porn related (before /lgbt/ & /b/ tards invaded) board
trying to bait others or mocking them for their sexuality

ye I wouldnt feel sorry for you if trans got banned from this board, you are beyond the point of acceptance with your shown disgusting behavior

>A lot of robots struggle with their sexuality.

No, they're almost all jailhouse gays. Otherwise we'd have gay porn being spammed instead of tranny porn.