Why don't men like smart women?

why don't men like smart women?

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uhhhhh what?
this a bait thread right?

who cares about brains lmao, i want milkies

>why don't people want their sex toys try to discuss topics they have no clue about

men are mostly just looking for something comfortable and not playing an ego game where their partner has to be the best in every way to validate themselves to other men.

Not op
1. nice numerals u got ther
2. I don't know about other people but I could not bear being in a relationship with a woman of lesser intellect than me. It's not about bragging or whatever, but if I can't talk with her then why bother at all?

>Not liking smart girls
Is this bait?

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Just leaving this here nhentai.net/g/219738/

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why dont women like good men?

>It's not about bragging
for you. it is for her. even when a girl has a high IQ she still only has a surface level of knowledge about things. she will always have the need to "prove herself" and the game of "one-up" will never cease. a girl with a high IQ adds no more or less value to a relationship than a girl with a low IQ. at best, she is mimicking - regurgitating facts while lacking the understanding about them - in effect putting on a show.

Repeating digits never lie. Women project their own failings onto men. It's women who don't want smart men, not the other way around.

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Why dont women like ugly men?


No smart woman would like someone like me, so that's a nonstarter, OP.

>post is by or about girls
>doesn't know if it's bait

Skyward Sword Zelda > A bag of nigger dicks > The rest.

I do but

this has been studied and reported on over and over again. it's really simple.

60% of college grads are female. Most of these women ONLY want to date/marry the 40% of college grads who are male. The 40% of male college grads will date college educated women, or women with only high school diplomas; they don't care about education, only looks and personality. So a huge number of female college grads can't find boyfriends/husbands with a college degree, not because men aren't willing to date them, but because there is literally an insufficient supply of men who they are willing to date themselves.

Many very successful women, end up alone. they rationalize it by crying
>why am I alone!? It must be that men don't like smart/successful/educated women!
but really, what's going on is that they are biased against uneducated men who make less money than they do. Everyone's allowed to define their own standards for a bf/gf; but you shouldn't be allowed to call yourself smart, if you can't understand that it's a very basic supply/demand problem that educated women are facing; not prejudice against smart women.

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because men know that wymin^tm don't fuck/marry with anyone who less than equal or greater than herself, only exeption is when the wymi^(R) lowers her status to met said requirement. But other than permanent brain damage, there's no way a g*rl would want to house with a lower IQ guy.

>only looks and personality
*only looks
Let's not kid ourselves if I wanted a bitch to have personality I'd date a guy

Of course individuals differ, but men do care about personality. I don't have sources on me; but as I recall, men care about looks most, and personality second. Women care about status most (wealth, career, educational level, and the social group you belong to). Looks are a very distant second for women; and personality is third.

I'll be honest I've never met a smart woman who didn't dedicate at least half her brainpower to social media and other advanced attention whoring. What's the point of intelligence if you're still going to associate with plebeians and plebeian culture? Worthless.

You can't have both.

The point of literally everything is status seeking.

I find stupid women super adorable.

Oh yeah? Then explain why I am a super genius yet prefer to spend my time on an anonymous image board with no possibility of gaining status or prestige? Checkmate, socialpleb.

You're obviously defective. My diagnosis is autism and also the big gay.

Most men I know, especially intellectually inclined ones, want to be with women who are a just a little dumber than they are so they can talk to them but still be intellectually dominant.

There are some of us for whom intelligence is our number one turn-on, but even we sometimes get intimidated and a little patience may be called for. That said, don't be afraid to cut your losses.

What I suspect you may actually mean, though, is, "Why doesn't/don't the man I like/the men I've dated like me despite my intelligence?" I couldn't say for sure about that, but if you're pining for some particular guy I'd recommend trying to get over it and looking elsewhere for romance. It's very rare that any good can come of admiring from afar and the truth is it probably wouldn't be worth it if you got what you want.

You're only 66.6% correct, brainlet. I'd smash some defective pussy if any existed.

>why don't men like smart women
>all men
Who said I didn't like smart women, maybe then I wouldn't see a post like this, fucking dumbass

This is a rational answer. In other wise irrational thread .

Claiming women my age 18-25 are smart pppffffffff haven't found a single one and I hang out in libaries. Face it most girls these days are total brainlets

>implying libraries are for anything but charging your laptop and getting free wifi in the year 2018
I fell for the library meme hard. Imagine being the only person reading a book in the country's biggest research library.

pick only one

i love smart women, i wish they were real

Posing as smart doesn't equate actually being smart.

Robots, I know this thread tries to paint the picture that woman can't be smart, yet here is the question:
How come, I know a dfc smart girl, that's not some roastie, even far from a stacie? Any theories?

I've never met one, so I wouldn't know.

The thread isn't trying to paint the picture that women can't be smart, rather that women typically aren't smart, not even the ones with college degrees who think they are. Also it's entirely possible that you are just stupid.

Why do smart vidya girls have such nice asses?

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What about her makes her smart? Does she able to solve complex mathematical equations or what?

But that's all r9k does

You know how in work people are sometimes called overqualified?
Usually old people with lots of experience and degrees, applying for entry level jobs.
They're rejected for basically being too good for that particular job, since they would cost too much money and would be liable to leave soon for something better.
You're not gonna pay an architect big bucks to mop floors, and the architect with 50 years of experience isn't gonna work for peanuts.

With smart women it's the same problem. They price themselves out of the market.
Smart women typically want a man who is just as smart or even smarter. If she makes 60K a year, he has to make even more.
They feel like since they put so much time and effort into their careers, they deserve even more from a man than the average roastie toastie.

And, just like the company looking for unskilled, cheap labor, most men also prefer a cute young thing without any experience or demands.

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There is no such thing as smart women
There are only pretty girls who think they are smart
and ugly girls wo think they are smart

choose one

The last time I approached a smart woman she told me I was creepy and to never speak to her again

Pas con

There is also nearly 51% of the world population being woman.

I can speak only for myself.

When I hit on a grill it is obvious for me to be energetic and amusing and then she chooses whether she wants to "fall into my hands" or not (guess what, no one ever chose first).
But if she's smart I simply feel like I'm not good enough and it is a waste of time

If I wanted to talk about any "smart" stuff, I'd rather talk to a smart male instead. I list the reasons below
>no udders to distract me
>no buttocks to distract me
>no other sexual features to distract me
>can focus on the conversion
>higher chance of finding an actually smart guy instead of "lol I'm such a nerd xDD girl"
>the guy cannot wriggle out of incorrect arguments/losing side just by saying "lol you're so boring user" or shit like that
>no relationship drama (very important when you just want to talk)
>the guy can relate to more topics than the girl because I'm a guy and he has grown up in more similar conditions to me

Women already have an over-evaluated sense of self-worth. Women to men are like sociopaths, and we don't want to deal with raging ones. We feel like we are capable of love and that most women are not. Love is a stupid, obsessive thing, and women just want more, more, more.

Intelligent women tend to be manipulative and or crazy, that is, moreso than less intelligent women, and are more effective at it.

maybe because intelligence is rare and its even rarer in women, so a very intelligent woman is unlikely to find a partner more intelligent than herself.

dont set your standards too high, just find someone who loves you that you can find meaningful conversation with

otherwise youd become pic related

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intelligent girls are overrated

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Smart women are often also dominant
I don't like women who are to dominant
Also they are often arrogant

I honestly don't give a fuck if they're smarter than me. I'm not that bright, but I wouldn't say I'm stupid or not smart. I think it's subjective, but I really don't care. She could be einstein or dumb as rocks, as long as she has huge fucking titties and loves me as I love her, I'm fine.

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>tfw too smart to be a couple
Who else took the incelpill

the amount of pseudo intelligent posters on r9k though lmao

Women naturally seek out ideal males and partners. Men naturally seek out any tolerable female.

Because men date down and women date up. Not a hard concept to understand.

OPs brainlet question us on the level of
>why don't women like short men?

this, I'm not really intimidated by smart women persay but honestly they're just not fucking worth it. I'm highish IQ (totally relevant to this post) yet still brainlet because of work ethic. My sister (who I'll assume has a similar or higher IQ) is way more successful in life with a nice job and actual social skills.

I've seen the way she treats men and holy fuck, fuck that shit. Once women get a morsel of status they elevate themselves to the point of alienation. Some of it seems rooted insecurity since she works in a male dominated industry and we're an ethnic minority. She's shown me chat logs of her completely dropping a guy for one fuck up. Some were legit assholes though who would've probably been abusive though.

I like talking to girls I perceive as less intelligent because I know they won't fucking play me like my sister does her guys. I suppose it's insecurity but fuck investing time into a girl to learn she was playing you. Girls are way more calculated in the way they choose men, like damn near having itemized spreadsheets comparing the values of each one to another. Male standards are essentially "is she talkkng to me, is she attractive, is she mentally ill/weird within acceptable boundaries."

A smart woman who doesn't make me question the validity of our relationship would be great, but since I'm a low status faggot who barely ever talks to people...

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What the fuck are you on about
My girlfriend is one of the smartest people I know. She does not have to constantly prove it or try to one up me; she is just very intelligent and accomplished

Nice facts there. What most people dont realize dont every college diploma is the same. So while that statistic may be true with all of college diplomas the statistics of woman who have a actual useful diploma are much more slim. No smart woman is going to get a diploma in a degree she knows wont make any money

Why the fuck would you want a woman that possesses the intellect to challenge your authority?

>oh no my bullshit will be questioned
You sound as bad as the women you claim to be manipulative

I like them, but so far they've probably been too smart to like me back.
I need to improve.

I do, I just have yet to find one on my level :\
And that's not including the potential communication issues due to my lacklustre social skills.

because i like girls that are dumb. they won't try to manipulate me.
if they do, its obvious. i also want to be able to manipulate the girl. it's good to have options.

I would like them if they existed. Too bad we live in reality.

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Yes, we get that you're insecure now

That sounds like some predatory shit
Youre saying
I wanna mess with her, but she better not mess with me

Smart =/= highly opinionated.

Any woman smart enough for me is also inevitably smart enough to stay away from me, or at the very least friendzone me.

>smart women spend their youth getting a worthless master's degree in women's studies.
Yeah, about that: educated =/= smart....sorry to burst your bubble.

I wish I could find a woman that's smart

Not every woman, and hell, I dont even think the majority of men and women, get a gender studies degree

This right here.

What's added is that men and women aren't the same, even though we've been taught this for the last couple decades. The women who are left behind can't wrap their heads around why their degrees and income don't have the same weight as looks and youth when it comes to attracting men.

i wasn't always like this. but because i was a "nice guy", I was catfished a couple times, put on an emotional rollercoaster, and had to deal with an irl yandere.
you don't get around by being nice. you have to play the worlds game. with modern women, you gotta be predatory.

Smart women are super attractive you faggot.

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She wasn't a yandere, whoever it was. Yandere are a retarded character archetype because they literally do not exist, unlike dandere, kudere, and tsundere. No woman would ever be that dedicated to someone.

Tbh this is the most true, but looks are only above personality because I can't date someone that I'm not sexually attracted to so that's a box that needs to be checked.

I don't think people realize that social class is one of the most important factors in compatibility. I met a guy last year who was from the same social group as me (wealthy family, private school, Oxbridge course, future career in finance) and we clicked pretty much instantly because of shared experiences and values.

I'm not going to date some Chad from a trailer park when I could have a nice guy like him who understands what I've been through.

Men love smart women.
I have never, EVER, heard a guy say
>she is hot but too smart
What guys *do* dislike is women like this
>In HS I took all honors and was in honor society and went to Really Great University where I took Important Studies. I got a 3.8725 GPA and an amazing internship and now I am fast-tracked. I see art my Masters in Pretensiousness next term and hope to get my PhD in Obnoxious Snobbery within 4 more years
That shit? Fuck that. We know the difference between smart and teachers pet

This is retarded. Dont force anything and try to be over aggressive redpill shit. Just dont be a pushover either

I like smart women but im a brainlet and smart women don't like brainlets

Smart people are usually depressed, and EVERYBODY hates depressed people.

gender studies jab was a stereotype, but the point still stands. Women have from 16 to 33 to have kids, if they waste those years getting a degree then by definition they are not smart. Men are fertile from 15 to 59 (sometimes longer with the power of viagra). They can afford to burn a decade on education; however, women can not.
It sucks, I wish we would hurry the fuck up with the artificial womb so women could have the same reproductive clock as men, but reality doesn't give a fuck about what I want.

she wasn't, i just used a word to describe her at the top of my head.
>dont force anything
>over aggressive redpill shit
the difference for me is i don't chase after women anymore. they're too much of a bother.

>I have never, EVER, heard a guy say
>she is hot but too smart

Maybe not out loud, but I do run into anons who admit that smart women make them feel insecure every now and then.

Statistics show that smart people are usually happier on average. The whole intelligence = depression meme is propagated by teenage pseudointellectuals.

>16 to 33
I was born when my mom was 37 and I don't have any issues because of it.
Women usually don't start menopause until they're in their late 40s or early 50s. Also, lots of intelligent women don't care about having kids.

This robot gets it. Men find smart+down to earth to be attractive. Men do not find smart+stuck up to be attractive at all.

Here's how every relationship starts with me. They think im a funny dummy that they are obviously smarter than. Slowly they see me being more and more right as time goes on. Finally they realize I'm the smarter one and it intimidates them so much they lash out in anger. Not even that smart bros but people legitimately cant stsnd me being smarter than them. I dont even shove it in their faces.

So, based on that example, "stuck up" means confident and proud of her accomplishments?
Fuck off.

I know guys that admit
>gorgeous women with huge tits make them feel insecure
That does not mean men are not attracted to gorgeous women with huge tits, though, does it?

Yes. Nobody likes bitchy girls that act like they have something to prove to the world. I don't know how long you've been on this planet but surely you've heard of SJWs, yes?

Averages, user, averages. My mom gave birth to my brother with no issues at 41, but she lost a prior pregnancy due to her age. My bro got super lucky that he even exists. My mom treated her body like a temple: no drugs, no alcohol and only the healthiest foods. The average woman drinks sailors under the table and the average woman also would struggle just to get pregnant past 33, much less carry it to term.

Do you get erections when a woman smugly degrades you because her degree is more advanced than yours?

In that example, she's not being bitchy or degrading the person she's talking to. A PhD takes an assload of work and anyone getting one should be proud.
If you interpret that as degrading to you, you're the one with issues.

If you seriously think education is more about actual intelligence than wasted time and money then you aren't intelligent, sorry honey. Like I said, nobody likes a bitch. Dumb bitches are even worse.

I do. Any smart fembots send contact to [email protected]