Why do white females hate asians so much?

Why do white females hate asians so much?

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Because white men love them and take attention away from their beat up roast beef

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because asians are like billions of times more hot than them

The world may never know rep

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Only if they're an ugly white fembot who is mentally ill. One of my best friends was a white girl before. Irl, well adjusted people don't obsess about race that much.

Are you kidding? Virtually every fembot I've talked to has been exactly what you described they're all extremely liberal and political, I wouldn't call them SJWs but they're definitely not right wing in any way.

They also like to say the n word for some reason but they're not actually racist.

i will never understand how women get abs like this

Politics wasn't the topic of discussion, we're talking about whether white women hate asians, no? I'd say a good amount do but it's because they're fat, ugly bitter cows from lolcow. It's mostly an online phenomenon where you can be more racist. Feel free to prove me wrong, I'm probably obviously born somewhere completely different from you.

we don't, I wager most either find them beautiful or have no thoughts on them.

>because they're fat, ugly bitter cows from lolcow.
Its crazy how scary accurate this is because pic related.

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>I-I'm too good for you
>that's why I'm getting angry at who you date
Basically entitled bitter people in a nutshell. They will never let you just be happy without putting you down. I wouldn't say it's super common that whites hates asians but it kind of exists to some degree, but for latinas and black ladies they're more chill.

Asian women take away white men, and Asian men are completely unattractive to them because:
>no muscles
>no body hair
>small peen

Because if you're an autistic nerdy white girl, then a very noticeable part of your counterparts, like 45% of them, have a thing for asian women, and those tend to be the most autistic retards more than not. So unless they lose weight/take care of themselves/ect they'll be stuck with waifu worshiping autists instead of Chad.

Look at that seething wall-dweller.

Guy she quoted said this "Asian women are honestly ugly i dont get the appeal"

i think asians are so fucking cute and im dating one rn

We are not cute. Most of us have a serious case of resting bitch face.

Stop announcing you're a female at every opportunity you dumb attention whore.

so do black females btw
they hate that you would date a minority but still wont go for a nigress

from one who knows

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>so do black females btw
What? go on any black female forum / spaces they actually laugh about it and mock white women but no one actually cares

Listen to her guys, we gotta adhere to her advice if we want any hope of getting in those walls

i got trust issues with white women. they don't need men.
asian women you can at least put your faith in her family


Somehow this is true. Actually dated a fembot, we broke up because of political differences. She was a sjw though, as she said herself.

>n word
if you think about it, the n word is really funny sounding and fun to say anyway. It's made tremendously more fun to say because it happens to be extremely offensive and taboo (though not taboo around these parts obviously)

Are you stupid or just pretending? Refusing to date a certain race and finding them repulsive is definitely a fucking political stance you mongoloid. The majority of fembots either give the whole "it doesn't matter what race you are blah blah" spiel or they outright refuse to date white men. I'm pretty sure there is this ass blasted black girl on here who complains about white men all day.

Most asian females are almsot exactly as traditional white females used to be now almost every white girl is a self declared feminist or a sjw which conflict with traditionalistic asian views, which coincidentally are the same views most men want. if that made any sense

As an asian bot, i hate other asian women because i cant look like them at all. Im a fucking disgrace

Why do you faggots keep posting ol' Michael Jackson with tits over here?

Become a trans then you miserable wretch of humanity

Studies show that mentioning that whites will be a minority in the future causes anxiety among them, and all people have a natural reaction of disgust at the sight of interracial relationships.



Guess normies care more about race than you think gook.

Thats even worse. I wont succumb to becoming a faggot

be my deformed ugly Asian gf

This pic is incredible, is there more of her?

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Is this her? nishime05.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-124.html?sp

Here is another pic should i post more

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I like birds too, joke's on you.

I know a few thots that have asian boyfriends and every single one is the same: she is flirting with guys on the side and he doesn't do anything about it, he has rich as fuck parents and is ugly as hell. It's hilarious.

Daddy I poop my panties!

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So do you want more

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Sure, more.

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Here is anothe r birb

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I really like your dwarf birds. Any animal with a big head is cute.

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You mean nigger? Sorry, there are lots of words that start with n so i dont know.

These are big headed animals according to duckduckgo

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The cat is fine.

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and their puss and butthole taste and smell good

thats a nice cherrypicked image faggot. beautiful people with good genes will always be attractive unlike most people

its literally the opposite, most asians have deep internal loathing of white females.

honestly white females cant catch a break.

jesus christ, how can she be so hypocritcal

Both these threads are started by the gay porn spammer this is his new race bait tactic

>Cacs like to say nigger
>not racist
>say nigger

Lie detest determined that is a lie, they are in fact racist and Cacs are not adequate judges of racism because it's extremely normalized among themselves

>Cacs are not adequate judges of racism because it's extremely normalized among themselves
did you just generalized a group of people by their race? Fucking racist piece of shit

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t. triggered ugly white roastie about to hit the wall
Where is your evidence?

>delusional cac thinking calling out racism is racist while blatantly ignoring the racism called out

Combined with your retarded pic and I rest my case. Only a delusional cac could think your pic had any sort of relevant thing to say about reality when it's blatant fact that America is and always has been staggeringly racist to blacks. The humor in the pic your pic is based on was based on the fact that white male Americans are clearly not racially opressed but whine racism as soon as someone that is racially opressed points out disparity. This point was completely lost on whoever made your knock off version and also by you right here in your retarded response...again only a male cac could be this delusional and oblivious because only he has that much privilege.

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most feminist infested countries (germany, sweden) are also the country with the highest amount of thai waifus.
white women bring in the third world (male),
white men bring in the east asian world (female).
somehow its okay for white women to import hundreds of thousands of violent ISIS members but if white males bring in a view thousand thai waifus who dont do any harm THAT is an issue.
Shows how matriarchal our society really is.

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Neither of those things is okay

>muh racism!
Jesus fuck off nigger

>butt blasted cac chimp out

I accept your concession you can go back to bottle pissing and family shaming now

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Because asian girls are cute.

roasties who think they can compete with this are in denial

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keep thinking that way. it seriously benefits me very much.

>think they are inferior
>actually prefer them
>never point this out to them
>they actually think that I'm the one that is settling


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chinks are ugly as fuck u retards, I wont fall for the second fucking assimilation tricks by the jews, honestly get a brain u morons, jews are already killing whites with black genetics and are pushing chinkscams on to us also. Chinks are ugly af most of the time and all "attractive" chinks have fake masks on their face & plastic surgery, theyh ave shit genetics and cant even handle lactose. fuck off

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i hate the jews and am racist, but come on, you have to admit asian girls are superior in every way. i would never fuck one, let alone have kids with one, but fuck do i want to.

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open ur mind ffs, asian culture today is absolute garbage trash like it always was, the ninnja samurai shit basically never happened

theo nly good thing they had going was a strong race reality and nationality where theystayed for themselfs for along time.

the kpop, anime push is not a accident as being a massive weeb is comparable to being a tranny soon enough, WAKEUP

Detected the roastie. You will never have a delicious and tight asian innie pussy.

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is there a source to this though?

asian girls are hot as fuck and also tight as fuck

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u will scream when u see her face without makeup lmao

joke's on you cuz I'll never see her outside of porn lmao I bet you feel stupid now

easter hill-worker monkeys, faaaake faces, fake everything, pedom magnets, all the same

>m-muh pedo magnets
The absolute state of aging white roasties

ive seen them with my own eyes in shithole in thailand, big degenrate men going for insanely ugly young asians just because they look like prepube children, they dont care they look like monkeys

because asian girls are like nymphs that take away mens attentions obviously, white women would want none of that.
for good reason too i suppose, chink pussy is hot and easy, why would i try to pay for dates when chinks flock to white cock

thats where youre fuckin wrong, race traitor

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Nice try dumb roastie cunt

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If I am to be branded a "race traitor" by some neo-nazi loser then so fucking be it.Enjoy your women getting fucked when your not around.

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Jews hate when intelligent races breed with each other. They want intelligent + nigger mixes.

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And Hitler approved White + Asian

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Jews have always wanted every race to breed with niggers.

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And reminder that all the """hapas"""" on Rebbit are actually jews.

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Jews and niggers are mentally unfit, among other things.

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Women have a sort of coalition where they all support each other, raise each other's self esteem, and shame sluts, so that they can inflate the perceived value of their pussy. They also work to devalue men. This is why, for example, any time you see a discussion about a break-up, they'll instinctually say stuff like "you were too good for him". If they raise the value of women while lowering the value of men, it means they can receive more from men for sitting around and doing nothing.

However, when men can decide instead to go for traditional women who are willing to cook, clean, and be subservient to their man, it destroys their entire plot. They can't extract value out of men while being ruthless harpies if there are traditionally minded women looking to please their husbands, undermining the entire game.

It's mostly the beta whites that go for asian girls. In theory this should be a win-win, the beta gets laid and the woman doesn't have to put up with the beta's creepy advances, right? Wrong. These bitches want betas to be single and desperate, so they can use them for free meals/rides/non-sexual favors, the infamous friendzone.

If you think about it, literally everything that makes beta men happy makes women mad. Video games, waifus, porn, sex dolls, etc.

>If you think about it, literally everything that makes beta men happy makes women mad. Video games, waifus, porn, sex dolls, etc.

right. it's utterly incomprehensible to them that men would want to do anything but work for pussy.

Dopamine sources compete with dopamine sources for power/control over the individual's actions.

If a male has means of achieving satisfying levels of dopamine aside from the woman, it diminishes her ability to manipulate his behavior. Women aren't introspective nor logical enough to break it down like this in their head, but on a subconscious primal level they all want to exert the most amount of control possible over their spouse. Most of their actions branch out from this ingrained mindset.

Imagine a beta male with no video games, porn, or out-race women. She now has vastly more power in the relationship. If she doesn't want to cook or clean, or wants to stay out late, what is he going to do but give in, knowing that he has little other options? But give him addictive video games and asian women who love him just for being white, now he has alternatives and she can no longer act on her whims as she pleases.

Most beta whites go for white women, because they buy into the social shaming that roasties like you screech.

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How fucking autistic are you that you assume that post was made by a female?

>it's a carousel riding party girl turned church girl
Lmfao, I feel so bad for these Christian men. They deserve better

>only betas go for asians
It's obvious.

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honestly tho..

I like white women, but they have become ruined.

Currently asians are best women on the planet.
Maybe that can change but it doesnt look like it.

Also not that Japan and many asian countries are still patriarchies.

Connect the dots.

Men make women great.

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this is just so cringy and far off from reality please stop stirring up controversy
t. asian fembot

>asian fembot
those words alone made my dick hard and there is absolutely nothing that you can do about it

I'm a white female and I love Asian girls
Checkmate dorks

>didn't eat meat
>supported white and Asian racemixing
He had the right idea sometimes

Cute chewy

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qt oregonn


I have a mini alter for asian women in my room. I pray to it every day.

Ironically, all the asians I know are ripped, especially the short ones. Except for me, Im the skinnyfat one. Probably because Im half white.

>Those abs

jfl at that legit cuckold

worst part is he could be quite chadish if he started lifting and dressing decently