My orgasms don't feel good anymore, i just feel semen flowing out of my penis and that's it...

My orgasms don't feel good anymore, i just feel semen flowing out of my penis and that's it, does this happen to any of you?

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Bump, please tell me this does not only happen to me

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You're dying, user. It happens to everyone eventually. The strength of your orgasms as a man is directly proportional the the amount of vital energy available in your body's reserves.

Eh, sometimes it feels like I'm going through the motions, but then I find sometbing that stimulates me and then it feels good again. Maybe you need to exapnd your fap-rizons user.

Same thing for me op, except I'm a grill
I used to masturbate a lot, and suddenly all feeling went away and the nerves in my clit kinda died. It doesn't feel good to masturbate anymore, maybe a 2/10. It's just a boring chore now, and if I still do it, it's just because I have nothing better to do.

It's just a body jerk and a weird feeling at the tip. Basically what's happening to you.

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how long have you been having anal prostate-only orgasms?

I do play with my butt rarely (like once every month), but nothing more than a finger and i still masturbate

Have the same issue, try not jerking oft dir a week or at least three days, also no porn during that time.
After a some abstinence it starts feeling regarding again.

Tho I usually find that going nofap for 2 week usually does the job

But i already do that, it doesn't feel good so i just do it once a week to avoid having wet dreams

Well, then you should consider going to a cock doctor (can't remember the proper name), maybe you have some issues with your nerves down there

>cock doctor
dick doc

how is urologist not original?

maybe if i didnt masturbate every 2 seconds this wouldnt of happened

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That would be way too embarassing

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I masturbate once a week, user

You do it too much, need too take a break for a few days

I alreasy said multiple times that i masturbate once a week

i was referring to myself bro

my bad user, i have no reading comprehension

How do you have wet dreams from abstaining for a week? A healthy male should be able to go literal months without sleep ejaculating.

i get them after barely a week, i don't know why

My orgasms are okay, but leave me so depressed after i feel all the lust squirt out of my body while leaving me still horny mentally but unable to continue feeling pleasure. I would give absolutely anything to have been born with a vagina. My wife cums so hard she cant talk for minutes afterwards and im jealous

Yeah, keep larping my dude

...what part of that was a larp?.. its true man. Im cut and dont feel shit during sex.

>my orgasms are ok
>i don't feel shit during sex
yeah right, retard; also

It happens when I don't edge enough or I've been masturbating too much. Or it happens when I masturbate when I'm not very aroused. Try to hold off for a few days or even a week . If it's a depression thing, don't even bother masturbating until that you find a way to ease your depression. My sister accidentally touched my dick when we were a kitchen and asked me how I had a "half chub" and I told her it was a full erection . She said it didn't feel that hard and touched it again. I told her I've been having trouble getting full erections. We sat down and I opened up to her about being depressed and she was nice enough to not tell mom about it.

My penis has enough nerve endings to make me come, but i dont have much sensation beyond physically orgasming. And yeah i am married. U jelly fag? Sex leaves me depressed though so i dont really feel like im in any better position than you guys

Me too. Even after 3 weeks of nofap the orgasm was terrible. I have many illnesses, but I get the feeling it's the demons in my dreams sucking my life-force away at night, a bit like said

How are your dreams?

I do not dream sadly
i don't know if it is a depression thing or anything but i already masturbate only once a week

Only once a week, that is concerning. How are you jerking off? Are you at least aroused when you do it? how long do you edge yourself before reaching orgasm?

>I do not dream sadly
Well, maybe it's pic related then.

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I jerk off by simply using my hand
by edging you mean masturbating? because i masturbate for around 10/15 minutes and then come
Also, i masturbate once a week just to avoid wet dreams otherwise i'd just drop masturbating alltogether lol
i don't really have any of those symptoms, but thanks anyways

edging as "jerking off and holding off when you're about to cum" keep repeating until you can't take it anymore.

hmm, i have never tried it but i could
i am kind of scared that i will just edge forever and then get bored hahaha

>started nofap a year ago
>In that time, have came less than 10 times, and only once masturbated to orgasm
>Because 90% of my orgasms are wet dreams, now associate orgasms with feelings of deep deep shame

Congrats, I played myself

Doesn't happen to me, my orgasms feel great. Try laying down when jerking off instead sitting if you aren't already

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Sometimes after nofap.

Anyone else start analysing what an orgasm feels like till they can't feel it anymore?

>start strattera medication
>start ejaculating way before i orgasm
>cum twice per fap


I'm laughing

i am not cut

My willy doesnt even feel good in a vagina cause its not tight enough and my willy is really skinny

I've been having that recently as well. I masturbate once a week just out of boredom and it barely feels like anything. Not even comparable to 1 stroke from a couple of years ago.