Why are black girls so ugly? I mean look at this monster right here
Why are black girls so ugly? I mean look at this monster right here
>I mean look at this monster right here
lmao why are you so mean user? Maybe she's a nice person.
op, I agree most black women are not attractive, but come on your pic was absolutely cherrypicked and most dont look that bad. I have seen a few cute ones, but yeah it is rarer than a cute white girl.
Because they're creatures
>posts aboriginal
>uses Aboriginals as an example
Australoids are even less related to Negroids than Caucasoids are. This is just pathetic.
Because their racial skull shape.
Niggers are a mass parasite that has evolved to confuse invaders into thinking they are ugly stupid brutes so that when the invaders take over, instead of killing the niggers, they enslave them. Every civilization sophisticated enough to totally conquer another people or geographical region inevitably has a much higher standard of living and level of technological sophistication, so even living as slaves, the niggers live better than they would by trying to fend for themselves in Africa. In more than half of cases, niggers are eventually freed due to political or philosophical vicissitudes, at which point they can breed out the host civilization while enjoying all its benefits even more.
You think niggers are your miserable, ugly, stupid inferiors, but they are actually the parasite and you are the host body. You have to create whole social welfare systems spanning centuries just to feed them and give them a basic standard of living, but they actually don't mind that standard of living since it's better than Africa and they don't actually have to work. You are the real slave, not niggers. You are working every day so some nigger can buy grape soda with food stamps and have jungle knife fights on the bus with his nigger friends. They love it.
Ebin our skeletal systems look better than their's!
You're honestly retarded if you think every black person has severe prongthagnism [sic] and an asymmetrical face. You also think most whites look like the bottom pic either?
tfw no black american gf
Daily reminder most "racial realists" who are usually American will retardedly claim they have the same race with a Prussian or a Spaniard being mostly from Ameirmutt assorted European ethnicity stock
you all have to go back
He's right. We should've killed the Jews when we had the chance.
Do you know what an average is?
You also have to go back
There's no average when people of various ethnicities have different phenotypes, people in the same racial group don't even look similar if they belong to a different ethnic group. Which is why it's also even somehow more retarded as fuck to show a symmetrical-featured white person as an example of all white people and an assymetrical black person as an example of all black people.
You people must not get out the house to believe this dumb shit
you have to go back user
Maybe you can invent a time machine and delete the part where your white ancestors mongrelized the Black and Amerindian races. Oh wait, thats happening to you right now like it all comes back in a circle.
Europe doesn't want him.
I'm not American and oh fuck I'm glad I'm not because after the 1960s that country became shit.
God is with the white man. He has a plan.
then you're anglo or have german ancestry, because that is second in racial autism.
I'm Irish but I'm not going to take race opinions from a bottom of the barrel nigger.
Literally kill yourself
You're just mad about what our neighbours did to you, aren't you?
You could have lied and said you were Italian.
So a low tier white with no accomplishments before the english conquered you guys
Wait, how are they any better? They did a lot of shit in Africa as well.
Italians and Iri*sh were grouped together in Muttland but Italians are actually pretty based.
We dominate wall street nigger.
Stop using white mans language
Stop using technology invented by a white man
Stop living in a country founded by a white man
call an italian or a frenchoid your brother see what happens americoid