30+ Thread

30+ Thread - Catalog is completely full of shit as per usual

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Bumping with a pretty girl.

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Board is polluted with edgy teenagers, no oldfags here anymore

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hi frens. i am here too.
board is shit, this thread will eventually be hit with zoomers being retarded and oldfags sharing their failed normalfaggot blog posts.
but it's okay.
because i'm comfy and have no hecks to give, to be quite honest with you family.
t. ass burger

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It's been a week since my uneventful 30th, just wondering what was your 30th like?

1st for BRAAAAP

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I still love her :(


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I think it's more so that you can barely have a decent conversation here.

Guess thread is gonna sink.

Us 30+ers tend to be sleeping because we're old and senile, or sleeping because we need to wake up for work

I guess but what of those who are unemployed, or worse, on zero hour contracts?

i decided that sleep was taking up too much of my night so i just quit doing it.

we are a dying breed

That's for sure. I'm convinced most newfags are unlikeable arseholes IRL rather than the loser outcasts we were.

I wonder how different Jow Forums is gonna be in a few years time, cos it barely resembles what it used to.

I'd like to meetup with the saner anons here in this thread. God knows I should have done that 10-14 years ago.

Don't doubt it
>loser outcasts
I think they are, they just are also more outwardly assholes. i never came around this place until end of 2008, just before boxxy. i knew of the site since 2004 or so

I hope some of you guys do this.
if any femanons show up don't creep them out, for gods sake kek

>I hope some of you guys do this.
I don't think meetups happen anymore.

There's always discord if you guys feel like talking in a group I guess

It'd have to be invite only or something due to all "old-timer" teenagers coming and giving their 2 cents on the state of thing talking about "chan culture" as if they were there.

How do you people cope with the thought that it's now too late to set your life straight?

How do you cope with daycare

At 31 I'm going to kill myself. My 20s were shit, I don't need an extension of them into my 30s.

Fucking get your shit together, it's still not too late to join the military and get a job

I am not joining the military, and I believe the age limit in the UK is under 30.

Jesus, here in the US the age limit for the National Guard is 39

At 30+ we're all Chads or normies. Are there actually any 30+ robots?

>*Failed normies

Regardless I don't really want to join the military.

Life is way too long, having missed all the critical development in your teens and 20s, and just a long stretch of nothing afterwards.

>Chads normies hurr durr robots
Please fuck off zoomer.

If you are a robot in your 20's, you'll be a robot in your 30s.

t. 38

That's pretty young. You still have plenty of time to UwU and OwO. ^_^

I have a job, a house and I'm lonely. I don't know what I'll do when My mom passed away because she's the only person I have in life. My only friends are online and extremely far away. I almost wish I could ask one to come live with me, but that would sound pretty pathetic and most of them have a nice job or a family.

Wasting time on an Jow Forums thread with a poster named aspie fuck who's 20 and thinks that being 20 and 25+ is no different. I mean, good on him for moving forward with his life at 20 but fuck him for not understanding that if you're in the doldrums at 25+, it's a completely different ball game.

32 year old wizard here.

I'm wageslaving, exhausted, my stomach has problems, I have back pain.

Sorry to hear that user. I just bought a house, I'm going to move out of my dads garage soon once I finish renovating the house (which is a pain) in a few months. My dad is pretty difficult to live with full time, but I'm afraid of when my dad dies, similar to how your mom was to you, he's basically the only person I talk to.

How do I prepare for that?

How did you handle your moms affairs too? My dad has a lot of stuff and a business, I can't imagine how I'd handle all of that if he dies. He has cancer too, so, I think about how this is all going to go down in the end.

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No, robots are lazy 18-23 year olds. Most will grow up eventually.

Those are just failed normies.

>turn 25 a month ago
>all of a sudden 25+ threads become 30+
What the fuck

kek. don't worry about it. what pains you, user?

>turn 25 a month ago
>all of a sudden 25+ threads become 30+
You can go fuck yourself.

The absolute minimum the line should be drawn at is 27.

Ah, geez, the tablet I was using at the time bonked out and decided to change everything I typed. I usually check that, but I have a migraine.

My mother hasn't actually passed away and is still with me. I was worrying over her leaving me at some point because she's in her 60's and isn't in the greatest health. I've been caring for her since she was disabled when I was 16 years old.
Funny thing is I'm actually doing the same thing you are and renovating my house. It's a huge project where a ton of the house is getting fixed up along with an addition being put onto the kitchen.
What are you having done to your house? Are you doing some of it yourself?

That sounds really rough to think about relating to your father and sorry to hear he has cancer. That makes things even harder, I'm sure. My father died from it as well last year. It must be especially difficult when your father has a business you need to think about on top of that. What kind of work does it entail? I'm not sure what will happen for me either, but my uncle is a lawyer and knows his stuff, so I at least have him I can pester.

> I've been caring for her since she was disabled when I was 16 years old.
That sounds really rough. Does she need full time care? Is she able to wash herself and stuff?

>Funny thing is I'm actually doing the same thing you are and renovating my house. It's a huge project where a ton of the house is getting fixed up along with an addition being put onto the kitchen.
>What are you having done to your house? Are you doing some of it yourself?
I have a contractor. I'm redoing the kitchen and master bathroom, deck, air conditioning, paint, lighting, and fixing a bunch of oddball stuff. Honestly the whole thing is exhausting. I work like ten hour days and then have to go to the house and see how it is coming along. I cringe everytime I see the contractor calling me with some question about tile or trim or whatever. It should be a fun thing but after a full day of work it's hard to have much motivation, then the weekends I end up having to buy stuff for the house like fixtures and lights and all that shit. I think I got another three months and I'll be done and moved in. Sucks paying a mortgage and still living at my dads house.

What about you? are you using a contractor or doing a lot yourself?

>That sounds really rough to think about relating to your father and sorry to hear he has cancer. That makes things even harder, I'm sure. My father died from it as well last year. It must be especially difficult when your father has a business you need to think about on top of that. What kind of work does it entail? I'm not sure what will happen for me either, but my uncle is a lawyer and knows his stuff, so I at least have him I can pester.
It's a manufacturing business. What type of cancer did your dad have? How do they die when they go? I've always wondered about that.

>That sounds really rough. Does she need full time care? Is she able to wash herself and stuff?
It's not too bad. She just needs to have me around because she can't do much because she can lose control of her legs and is in pain sometimes. I mostly have to do regular things like shopping, cleaning, cooking and regular upkeep. It'll be even easier once my house is finished and she can have a comfortable bathroom where I don't need to worry too much.

>What about you? are you using a contractor or doing a lot yourself?
I'm also using a contractor. I'll mostly be refinishing some furniture for the house since I enjoy doing that kind of thing. I've been going to a great place called Habitat for Humanity, which sells some nice pieces for the home for cheap. I've found some intricately detailed desks I can fix up and turn into bathroom vanities for only $30 and they're pure wood. I'm finding it exciting to search around to find the best deals when not working, but reno is in the early stages right now where they're currently tearing down an unused chimney and putting in a steel beam for support. It sounds like you're further along and it might become more stressful when I get to your point. Do you just shop around your area or have any favorite online shops as well? How long has the entire process taken in total so far? These guys are saying I'll be able to move in before Christmas, but that doesn't feel likely to me with all the work that needs to be done.

>What type of cancer did your dad have? How do they die when they go?
He had prostate cancer and passed away in his sleep, so I think he went away peacefully. He was just saying he didn't feel too great before he went to bed.

Threads sinking again. I think we do need an actual discord. I'm sick of making this thread again and again.

discord is the gayyest

30+ fag reporting in ask me anything

Sooo much this tbqh! :3

>have solid career
>own a decent house
>no real friends
>nothing brings me joy anymore
>go to work, come home, drink, sleep, repeat
>thinking about paying a chubby girl with huge tits for a blowjob just to break up the monotony
>thinking i might rather just get drunk and jerk off though

How many fembots with daddy issues are lurking here hoping to fuck an older guy?

nobody 30+ uses discord. can we get an AIM group chat going instead?

yeah wtf, I'm 27 in a few weeks and got kicked out of the club, NOT cool guys

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Keep on dreaming, gramps.

You're either genuinely retarded or a zoomer who thinks can get girls with daddy issues.

She is going to move in with you? That's very nice of you. Are you worried about this interfering with your chances of being a normie someday?

>Do you just shop around your area or have any favorite online shops as well? How long has the entire process taken in total so far?
I'm mostly using furniture my dad already has. He has a bunch of stuff stored at his business that will work fine. For bathroom fixtures and stuff I just shopped at local stores and looked for stuff on sale/closeout. I started two months ago, aiming to be done in another three. The kitchen cabinets are going to be about two months by the time it is all said and done, so I'm going to say three months by the time I move in. Bathroom is 70% done.

> These guys are saying I'll be able to move in before Christmas, but that doesn't feel likely to me with all the work that needs to be done.
I work in an industry that isn't home building, but, kinda the same idea of contractors and such. You have to PUSH them. They'll come up with all kinds of reasons why they aren't getting stuff done. Basically all of them do this. I go there and he'll say "I need the exhaust fan for the bathroom" and then I order the fan for the bathroom and get it and it just sits there for a week. The exhaust fan wasn't what he was waiting on, it was just an excuse. So you have to go there and point out things that need to be done and be kinda educated on how long it takes. /diy/ is useful for figuring this sort of stuff out.

You can be nice but also have to be assertive. Also don't let them take shortcuts. If you didn't pull a permit, still make sure they do everything to code.

Married my Asian waifu, and was virgin until 29. Why don't you white lads get an Asian wife? Couldn't be happier.

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Fapped three times again today after yesterday.
I have now added all the porn IPs to the hostfile and if that's not enough I will encrypt it with some gibberish I cannot remember.

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Born after 92?

I don't think you're allowed here.

Kill yourself 90s born queer filth

Discord fags should be executed

You don't have a fucking clue kiddo.

Yeah, she'll be moving in with me. I'm actually going to end up a real basement dweller because I want her to have the main level master for herself hah. We get along really well to the point we're more like friends than her being my mother. I'm not really worried since I'm 30 and I don't think I can be a normie at this point. I had other plans and ideas for my life, but I care about her too much.

>I'm mostly using furniture my dad already has.
I'm sure that helps a ton with money. I was looking at a furniture store around here that sells new pieces and it was ridiculous how expensive everything was. You could say the same for a lot of things, though. I'm not looking forward to looking at furniture anymore...Or countertops for the kitchen. What kind of countertops are you going with? I was thinking for quartz because it's not porous, but it's pretty pricey. I thought with it being manmade, it would be cheaper than granite.

>You have to PUSH them. They'll come up with all kinds of reasons why they aren't getting stuff done.
This sounds like what I was dealing with at first with one sitting on their ass not doing anything when it came to just the permits alone. Because of them, 3 months were completely wasted when I want everything done right and in a timely manner. Luckily, I switched to a guy who knew what he was doing and he doesn't seem to be like that at all. He's the one pushing things forward and trying to get in there fast as well as his other men. The man is 80 years old and as spry and sharp as any man. I just went over there yesterday and his partner was pulling back in after getting dinner to finish working. They had done a lot in just two days, so hopefully, that keeps up.
I'll check out /diy/. Thanks for the tip!

stop putting the dumb cunt in my dreams. If you insist I'll fucking kill her.

You are an amazing son.

>I'm sure that helps a ton with money. I was looking at a furniture store around here that sells new pieces and it was ridiculous how expensive everything was.
Yeah it's ridiculous. Sofas and stuff are what get really pricey. I was at Ikea a few weeks ago and saw even their sofas are like 500+, many of them 800+. And nothing special! And if you buy junk you end up having to replace it shortly. My recommendation is not to feel like you need to fill the place with furniture. Just buy it in pieces as needed over time. I mean an advantage of being a robot is we don't have any visitors haha.

>What kind of countertops are you going with? I was thinking for quartz because it's not porous, but it's pretty pricey. I thought with it being manmade, it would be cheaper than granite.
Yeah I'm going with quartz. Nope, quartz and granite can be the same price, if the granite is low-end. High end granite gets extremely expensive. You can go with laminate, but then you have to be pretty careful using it. I think if you are going to live in there a long time, quartz is worthwhile. Cabinets are also expensive. The doors, the hardware.

Thanks, user. I'm a daughter, though. That's why the 30 thing kind of blows for me, but at least I'll have a nice house to grow old in and have fun gardening or whatever else I like.

>Sofas and stuff are what get really pricey. I was at Ikea a few weeks ago and saw even their sofas are like 500+, many of them 800+
Even Ikea? I don't have one near me to even browse, unfortunately. That's pretty expensive for what I thought they'd have, but cheaper than what I was looking at near me. Although the couch I was really eyeing was massive and incredibly comfy. It was $3000, which blew me away. I'll end up doing what you say and slowly add things in. At the same time, with how much money I save on certain things, I can probably put what I save into a couple couches. I can find anything else I might need at that store I mentioned earlier or just fix up my mother's stuff. I also had a few pieces left behind in my house that are quite nice.

>Yeah I'm going with quartz.
Nice! I'm most likely sticking with quartz either way because it does sound easier to keep in good condition than granite and definitely laminate. The biggest issue for me is that it looks like it might be hard for me to find a countertop that's a color I like. The kitchen is a huge deal to me and I'm really picky with everything related to it. What colors are you going with for your kitchen cabinets, backsplash and countertops?

Do you think it's important to leave the house at least bi-weekly?

You need food and toilet paper, so yes.

I just turning 30 this year and I feel like I will be stuck in my shit bar tending job for the rest of my life. I've been doing this shit since I was 18 and I want to leave but I don't know how. I've done a little bit of college but I dropped out because I was failing and depressed all the time. Fucking went from a marketing major to an accounting major, to a Finance major, and then to a business admin major. I realize I was just wasting my time so I dropped out. I've also tried to learn help desk/basic IT shit and web dev, but bailed on that too because I felt like I wasn't going to make it in the tech world.

I just feel like I am too dumb to get a real job. I can't even talk to normal functioning adults w/o sounding like a fucking aspie ass sad cunt.

Every day is a fucking pain for me.

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You'd have to be stupid to go to one. This is too big of a community now.

How'd you mean? I didn't realise there were any (proper) meetups to go to now.

I assume you have decent enough social skills to be a bar tender?

Yeah, I'm super excited to have a home finally. I like home theater and it's going to be really nice to not have to worry about disturbing any neighbors. I know I'll have to do lots of housework but that's okay. What do you do for a living?

>Even Ikea? I don't have one near me to even browse, unfortunately. That's pretty expensive for what I thought they'd have, but cheaper than what I was looking at near me.
Yeah. I just went there to see what they had for kitchen cabinets (not good) so didn't look deeply at the couches, but, at glance I saw stuff for a lot more than I expected. Where they were very cheap was on things like bookcases, tables, shelving. Simple things they could ship flat. It's all cheap particle board stuff so it's not long lasting, but, can be a life saver for a cheap nightstand or bookshelf. It all has to be assembled of course, so, there is that too.

>Nice! I'm most likely sticking with quartz either way because it does sound easier to keep in good condition than granite and definitely laminate.
That's why I went that route too. My dad had granite and it's a pain to worry about it. Quartz there is still some care, but it's much more durable.

>The biggest issue for me is that it looks like it might be hard for me to find a countertop that's a color I like. The kitchen is a huge deal to me and I'm really picky with everything related to it.

>What colors are you going with for your kitchen cabinets, backsplash and countertops?
I'm doing a lighter wood cabinet with white granite for the tops. Kind of a textured looking granite. I tried to pick the one that looked the least synthetic. I don't have a picture of the kitchen wood handy, but the living room which it attaches (it's open to the living/dining area) has pic related for all the bookshelves to juxtapose the kitchen. It's a mid century modern house so I'm trying to warm it up.

What are you thinking for yours?

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No, not really. I'm good at making drinks, but suck at the social part. I work at a huge bar so there are always 3 other bar tenders with me. I'm the shy aspie one that only talks to a few of the regulars.

I think the only reason I get good tips is because people think I have some problem and they just feel bad for me.

Also do you cook? I figure that's why the kitchen is so important to you? I'm an awful cook and wish I could manage. I'm afraid I'll be eating a lot of garbage and carryout. Sometimes I get in the mood to cook any try something but I'm not very good.

>I've also tried to learn help desk/basic IT shit and web dev, but bailed on that too because I felt like I wasn't going to make it in the tech world.
Jow Forums keeps telling me that's the bottom of the tech world and if *that's* too hard, what's left?

There's an active 25+ discord.

discord is for normies, irc is for 30+ robots.

>white granite
I just realized I said granite. I meant quartz. *

Damn right, in my time everyone was on irc. Btw, I would visit a Jow Forums irc-channel. But I doubt anyone is motivated enough to moderate it.

Yeah, that's the problem. Nobody wants to fuck with it. I still use irc for private torrent trackers and visit my childhood channel, where I still idle (and have been for almost twenty years). Still occasionally talk to the same people from when I was really young.

Turned 30 a couple of months ago, all I can say is don't do drugs. It's like they're cool and make you feel good but when you're not high you wanna die. I just wish at some point my life I could have had a gf or some real friends that didn't talk shit about me when I'm not around.

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plz no
Would you be some old bastard if pretty girls were ever interested in you? The pretty ones do everything possible to hurt you. They know they have an innate advantage and use it for everything possible. You're a beta chump for having known them no matter what you do. They will always have it out for you and they have a longer expected life span. They'll tell you day in and out their life is worse when you have to do things that will make you die sooner.

Why not learn a trade? I'm a STEM graduate and secretly fantasize about living a comfy life as a welder. I'm 26 though and just starting my career so it's not really an option for me atm.

Started getting addicted to cam sites.

>25+ discord
Is it even moderated? It should really be a moving line rather than a static 25+ or cunts like start appearing.

>use irc
In my great hubris way back when the internet was just nerds and flash websites, I sort of rejected that with it being "too nerdy" and the same with forums I just lurked on them thinking registering for an account would be "too sad".

Yes it's moderated.

Dude 26, you fucked up so bad if you don't already have a career. I'm not trying to be a dick but the older you get the more fucked you are. The younger you are the more free opportunities people will offer you to get into something like a trade. Education is full of people that got pushed into that so their parents could brag about them being better than you even though they'll never retire and move out of those high paying slots they say you'll get a chance to go into some day because they think you'll get the same opportunities they did automatically. You need to start thinking about how you can generate an independent income without having to be a leech employee your entire life like they were because you're not going to get the same chances they did which they could have save and invested that money to do what you need to do a lot easier.

>I like home theater and it's going to be really nice to not have to worry about disturbing any neighbors.
That sounds like you could make a neat setup. Is there going to be a dedicated room just for it? Do you have a movie collection? I'll somewhat have that, but it'll mainly be for video games. It sounds bad being in the basement, but it's massive and I'll have my own bedroom, bathroom, craft room, and living room area to have something similar.

>What do you do for a living?
I was talking in a previous thread, but I just work at a little arts and crafts supply shop and I dabble in buying and selling. I used to work at a veterinary hospital, though. What about you? I was thinking you'd work at your father's place, but I might be wrong.

>It's all cheap particle board stuff so it's not long lasting
Yeah, that's what I expected Ikea stuff to be like. I've only ever wanted to buy their stuff because they have some really nice glass display cases I could use for storing my few figures I own.

I do love to cook! I enjoy making a lot of homey meals, baking, grilling and I bought a smoker to give that a go as well. I'm really hoping I can get into my kitchen by the time Thanksgiving comes around because I adore cooking everything from the turkey itself to the potatoes and pumpkin cheesecake not to mention the other sides. I've been using a cramped little kitchen for five years and it's going to be a blast to cook in something nice.
Cooking can be challenging and it's easy to get discouraged to the point where it's easier to just buy stuff, so I definitely understand. I was kind of forced to learn how to cook better at a young age, but I always enjoyed it as a little girl and have tons of cookbooks and even recipes from the women in my family. I still fail horribly on certain things. Fried chicken is apparently very easy for some people, but I have never been able to make it well.

Comment was too long to talk about the kitchen.

I'm turning 21 in a few days. I keep hoping that I'll be able to start fixing my life soon, because of more responsibilities and the like, but judging by this thread it seems that I'm wrong. Can any 30+ anons tell me about their 20s? Is there truly no hope?

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There are no 25+ threads anymore, fucker. What am I supposed to do? Hang out with 18 years in gay BBC threads? +25 threads were working just fine.

I got conscripted with 20/21, didn't help me tough.

>I'm doing a lighter wood cabinet with white granite for the tops.
This all sounds lovely! What you chose for the bookshelves look beautiful.
It's really difficult for me to decide on my kitchen because I love different kinds of colors and shades from dark to light. I eventually decided I'll get a very light cream colored cabinet, so it's not a pure white and has a little warmth to it.
The backsplash I'm still not entirely sure about. I've only seen a few that I like in my searching and one was too expensive for my liking at almost $18 a square foot. It was a beautiful blue, which is something I wanted from the start because I live by the water and thought some nice blues or greens would be pretty.
The other backsplash I'm checking out is an iridescent white (the photo) that I think is pretty when it reflects light, but I'd mostly get it because it is the only one my mother likes whenever I try to show her backsplashes. If I go with this iridescent backsplash, that'll be why the countertop is so incredibly important because I don't want the kitchen to be too white. I dislike the trend where people want their kitchen to be white on white on white to the point where it looks so sterile it's as if it belongs in a hospital. I'm thinking I'll need to find a nice countertop with warm browns to counterbalance all the light colors/white and that seems like a much easier task with granite than it will for quartz. Like you mentioned, you tried to find a countertop that didn't look too synthetic and that is part of what's going to be tough, too. You get a lot of variety in patterns and color going on with granite because it's naturally formed.

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Yeah I'm aware of that. My medium-term plan is to wage-slave for like 10 years and save as much money as possible in the process. After that I hope to have enough money and exp to start my own business.

If you're 25 then you're pretty much an elder zoomer faggot.

what are you gonna do if I keep posting here old man huh fight me grandpa

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im here

Honestly no. Don't plan on wage slaving. They'll raise the price of living on you. If you're that fucked you're their investment and they spend their investment the second they get it. You are going to be put into a position to put everything into yourself and someone that has no plans whatsoever and spends everything the second they get it. They know they are fine no matter what they do, they don't care about how fucked you are. Consider what they did for you and what you're doing for them, what you're doing now and you can't keep doing it, you're giving charity well beyond your means and they'll say they are the ones doing it. These are people that failed to invest, and when you invest correctly they'll say you did it because of them. Think about it. Why is your life bad vs. how bad they made your life and how much more difficult they made everything for you vs. what you could do for them. It's not a good deal.

You fucked yourself. There's a line in the sand, somewhere between '88 and '91, where if you were born after you got to be part of the social media driven, "geek is cool" generation.

People around my age, say 27-31 possibly smaller, were born on the cusp of technological and (geek) cultural change early adopters who got nothing in the end.

>elder zoomer faggot
A nice way of putting it.

Hello fellow friends *sip*. Right now I am working at my job, I just want to go home and play some Quake 2 like in the good ol' times (it's a shame they don't do games like this anymore), listen to some AC/DC (also they don't make music like they used to) and crack some cold Monsters. Heh, I'm waiting for Saturday so I can mow the lawn.

Life's great.


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Got an invite code or anything? I haven't really talked to anyone in the past 8 months besides the guy who calls every now and again to make sure I haven't killed myself.

>That sounds like you could make a neat setup. Is there going to be a dedicated room just for it?
Yeah, my living room basically. I don't have a dedicated room, but the plan with this house is actually to live in it for 4-5 years and then when I get some time knock it down a build a custom home which would have a dedicated theater. Work is just too busy for that now, but the plan is for that to be different in the next 4-5 years. So I'm just trying to make the house nice for that time and not spend too much money before knocking it down. The setup will be very nice though.

>Do you have a movie collection?
Yeah, I have a NAS with like 14TB of movies and tv. I can never watch it all but at this point it is just fun to collect. The 4k stuff takes a lot of space too.

>I was talking in a previous thread, but I just work at a little arts and crafts supply shop and I dabble in buying and selling.
That sounds extremely comfy. Maximum comfy. Is it enough money wise to support you in your area? Where are you from?

>What about you? I was thinking you'd work at your father's place, but I might be wrong.
Yeah I work at my dads, I'm an engineer.

>I do love to cook! I enjoy making a lot of homey meals, baking, grilling and I bought a smoker to give that a go as well. I'm really hoping I can get into my kitchen by the time Thanksgiving comes around because I adore cooking everything from the turkey itself to the potatoes and pumpkin cheesecake not to mention the other sides. I've been using a cramped little kitchen for five years and it's going to be a blast to cook in something nice.
That sounds amazing, I'd be so fat if I was your house mate. I'm going to put some effort into learning. I sometimes watch Food Wishes on YouTube and try the recipes. It's fun on a weekend but it all takes too long for weekdays. I need simple stuff for wageslaves...

Normally I wouldn't even tell you this. Someone twisted their arm to even keep you around as long as they did. If they had a chance to make their life better for a day, it'd be hell for you for years. They'd sell out years of your life for moments of their own happiness. Really think about it. It's not strangers doing these things to you, it's people you know making a racket off you to better themselves.

I often read this opinion, but I don't believe it. The recession in 2008/2009 in the US and the EU changed a lot more.

Welfare was cut, youth unemployment sky-rocket, investment tanked, and so on.

If you were born in the 80s you could land a career without much trouble, if you were born in the 90s you have to deal with recession and the political consequences of it.

So I'm pretty sure younger people got the short end of the stick. I wouldn't like it to be a part of a generation with 20% unemployment.