Imagine not hating life

imagine not hating life

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I cannot. I can't.

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That girl looks like a 12yo loli

>That girl looks like a 12yo loli

not with those hips

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what hips

is that originally clairo

She originally looks like she fucks black guys

this desu, someone need to shoop the blacked logo in the corner

who's your daddy?
You fucking freaks this comment isn't original?

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This is the sort of thing that a man wants. He wants a small girl that he can hold sweetly - I like to imagine facing her and holding her by the shoulders, feeling her nimble collar bones, which I would press on softly with my thumbs when I squeeze her.

I would like to know the story behind this image first. Because I don't want to be too fast to judge her. What men want in a girl, is something they can be sweet with, something that, like I said, they can hold and dote over. But she must have a secret side to her, she must have what we are seeing here: she must own a pair of sensual underwear, a small pink item that she can wear around her body; she must be willing to photograph herself, or at least to be brazen with me, bold in her sexuality. What I want is to spend time alone with her in our kitchen, while she is wearing everything in pic related, and we can talk about small things and maybe fetch a snack, but she will know that I am watching her, and in between the dithering we would kiss, softly, casually at times, but also, meaningfully, and sexually.

But what's important is that it's especially for me. There is a secret to her, that is our secret. The world looks at me and knows that there is a fiend somewhere deep in me, but this girl here, in a nice dress, with sunglasses on the top of her head when we walk into a lunch restaurant or cafe, can be forgotten in a second to have any sense of lust or sensual ability. And what I find equally repulsive, as say, a girl who openly shares this sort of intimate image with hundreds of people, is a man who does that, who betrays this secret confidence of a girl and shares it with the many internet fiends who want to know about her.

I hope to find a girl like this one, and I hope she is all mine.

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Imagine her orgasm face

pfffFFFFTTHAHAHAH why the fuck is that so funny

Eeh I don't think so? She doesn't look like a child, at least not to me.
>using the term 'loli'
End your life.

Imagine being born with a vagina. You can almost guarantee you wouldn't be posting suicidal, depressed shit on a cantonese rice harvesting board all through your twenties.

That would presume be born a hot female like that in a western country.

>writing all this shit for some nameless thot

grill in op needs to get brutally raped and killed and then left in a ditch

jfc why don't you kill yourself right now

I thought so too user, looks very similar

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It's probably not her and high schooler's "sexy" photo that someone got from a girl, and he shared it with people and now its made its way here

Please delete this post

Origami post

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why? she seems the kind of girl who only needs love and caresses

i wish i could imagine that

You seem to know a lot about 12yo olds

Sit down, i think we need to have a talk

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Fuck off dad i promise i wasn't touching my sister

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>be you
>be pre-skeet in another "place"
>prompted with a menu of various difficulties
>decide to pick "NIGHTMARE MODE" because you've played the game on easy before
>immediately birthed into the world
>grow up forgetting your selection
>wonder why things seem absolutely fucking ruthless and unrelenting
>don't spend time cultivating relationships and building yourself after being clipped by some psychological disorder
>put life on cruise control
>wonder why life is so shit
>see a bunch of people in relationships and enjoying themselves
>isolate even further
>don't do anything other than post on an anonymous nepalese goat herding forum complaining about it instead of doing something
You chose this.

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