Red flags for guys. I'll start:
>creepy, obsessive, stalkerish
>has bad hygiene
>lies a lot/lies about anything at all
>generally sadistic/malicious, likes harming others and betraying them
>narcissistic, entitled, expects to be treated like royalty
>sensitive or emotional, easily offended
>low patience
>snaps easily, combative
>overly political
>doesn't keep his word, unreliable
>napoleon complex
>huge misogynist or worse, male feminist
>pities himself
>delusional or schizo
>feminine in any way
>dresses bad or crossdresses
Red flags for guys. I'll start:
almost got those epic digits, didn't ya?
almost. satanic trips of truth
why did you even make this thread
>guy who meets the red flags detected
>creepy, obsessive, stalkerish
So anyone that isn't a 8-10/10?
I meet every red flag except for sensitive, low patience, snaps, overly political, napoleon complex, misogynist
I guess this is why girls don't like me ;_; I thouhgt it was cause I'm fat.
>he's into asian women
>low patience
>>creepy, obsessive, stalkerish
>>low patience
>>snaps easily, combative
>tfw want a bf like that.
I agree with the rest though. Here are mine:
>considers playing videogames or worse, watching anime as a "hobby"
>uses discord or steam
>has a "gaming PC" or cares about videogames at all
>likes porn, masturbates on a daily basis
>below 180cm
>patchy beard
>black hair and/or brown eyes
>couch potato
>lives with his parents past the age of 21
Also this.
I enjoy the stench of your insecurity.
Go ride the cock carousel roastie and fuck off
let's see how much potential i have
here are the red flags i meet
>sensitive or emotional, easily offended
>low patience
>snaps easily, combative
>non-white (3/4 white)
>doesn't keep his word, unreliable
>pities himself
>delusional or schizo
>feminine in any way
>uses discord or steam
>below 180cm
>black hair and/or brown eyes
such shit standards
Yeah, I'm very insecure but what does that have to do with my post?
Your red flags are based off of it, whether or not you realize it. I like that.
I bet it wouldn't be a red flag if he was a chad.
itt self hating ethnic sluts lusting over nordic guys
>>considers playing videogames or worse, watchimg anime as a "hobby"
I assume you watch series and movies on netflix or on the cinema and consider that a hobby
>>uses discord or steam
I assume you use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or any of those other cancerous sites/social media
>>below 180cm
>>black hair and/or brown eyes
This is why you don't have a boyfriend, because despite browsing this site and potentially being ugly and/or fat yourself, you have physical standarts as high as all those other roasties
desu robot's standards are as high as fembot's
this is why were all doomed to remain alone until we die
>huge misogynist or worse, male feminist
Care to elaborate? I identify as a feminist but I'm not a man-hating SJW. I just believe in equality .
Yes but not all of them. Some are just things I genuinely don't like in a guy.
>I assume you watch series and movies on netflix or on the cinema and consider that a hobby
I don't have Netflix.
>I assume you use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or any of those other cancerous sites/social media
No I don't. If I did I wouldn't be here.
>This is why you don't have a boyfriend, because despite browsing this site and potentially being ugly and/or fat yourself, you have physical standarts as high as all those other roasties
Yes I'm ugly but not fat. My standards aren't high. It's just hard to find someone I'm attracted to. And no that doesn't mean I'm only attracted to Chads because I'm not.
Yes this. They all want a "qt" gf
Yeah but still most of us would fuck even a 3/10 if we were given the chance
We have to work for sex, they just have to show their tits
Feminism isn't equality m8, it's about women being superior to men
What you are looking for is egalitarianism
Being into asian women is a huge indicator the guy is secretly a pedophile. Prove me wrong.
>he likes flat chested short girls who look way younger than they are
It's just his excuse to legally indulge in his degeneracy.
>tfw none of those
Notwithstanding preference, of course. I wonder how far He would be able to make you bend.
>>below 180cm
>>black hair and/or brown eyes
>i'm not only attracted to chad guys i swear i don't have high standarts
And to add onto this, these same yellow fever "men" will be 45 year old bald men someday who will try to date a 19 year old filipino girl.
i'd rather have standards than fuck a 3/10 desu
>we have to work for sex, they just have to show their tits
do you have to "work" for a 3/10?
Feminism: the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.
Feminism is by definition an egalitarian movement. You are confusing real feminists with feminazi SJW's.
Even 3/10 have standarts unless they are seriously desperate
>bellow 5'11
Damn, one inch too short
Seriously though what the fuck?
that's racist. asian girls need love too.
Unfortunetely, feminazi SJW make more noise and are more noticeable than real feminists
I respect the true feminists, but the movement is now ruined
Then let asian guys love them. You're a disgusting pedophile who "love" them for all the wrong reasons, all the unhealthy reasons that a psychologist could write a book about.
fuck everyone in this thread
will someone shut up and suck my dick
still literally racist. i don't discriminate my relationship choices based on race. i'm an equal opportunity type of guy, and candidates are screened on an individual basis.
>implying all asian women are fat and have a baby face
user come on, you are embarassing yourself
>implying most 45 year old men don't go after 19 year old white girls too
I'll suck your dick user... I just hope you don't mind that i'm a boy
the people who have yellow fever are racist and fetishists. any psychologist in the world would agree with me.
No one said they're fat retard
>implying most 45 year old men don't go after 19 year old white girls too
They're pathetic as well but my point is still 100% correct
I assume you only like white girls about your age, right?
>any psychologist in the world would agree with me.
26/f here can everyone please stop bullying the freaking robots aaaaand saged
I have noticed that white men with yellow fever are usually low quality appearance wise
True, I guess it's preferable to start using the term egalitarian instead, but I stuck to 'feminism' because the dictionary definition is still the same. Plus the latter has more historical value, as it was first used for the 1st and 2nd wave feminism. It's sad that now it's represented by snowflakes who complain about man spreading and the non-existent wage gap.
>teehee. i'm a girl
fuck off
Fine the "below 180cm" is a bit much (idc much about height) but I don't see anything wrong with the rest.
Low quality men along with being a probable pedophile who jerks of to "teen" porn all the time.
I'd be curious to know what you consider to be "true feminism".
I've been raised by a family of traditionally "True Feminists" (inspired by first-wave feminism) and have no respect for them. They despise men and / or see them as second-class citizens, and consider women to be by default blameless or victimized. Both outdated and sexist.
I agree pretty much with all of that except for the word sensitive being in there. It isn't always a bad thing.
I'd also add
>doesn't like animals
>hates children
>does drugs and drinks a lot
>picky eater who only eats crap
>has cheated on someone in the past
>hobbies only comprise of consuming media
>he likes flat chested short girls who look way younger than they really are
>no said they're
Yes I have to work for a 3/10
"showing tits" is work too
making yourself desirable for men is not innate it's something you have to learn and put effort into
when will incels realize this
what the fuck is htiis omg
You are literally just taking off your top and bra
The only hard part is if you have really and mean REALLY ugly tits
Stop complaining
>Hard mode: List things that don't apply to both genders
>>feminine in any way
What do i win?
I don't bother people anymore, grew out of it
>Bad hygiene
Got me
Austically honest
Too empathetic. I feel bad for even movie characters. I get second hand cringe really easily.
I'm actually overly subservient
>Low Patience
Overly patient, can spend way too much time trying to solve a problem
>Snaps easily
>Overly Political
I keep my thoughts to myself.
Got me
Yeah I'm a screw up, but have been getting better about it
>Napoleon Complex
I keep my distance from women, but I'd hardly call that misogyny
>Pities himself
I've been pretty resistant to depression lately, feels good man.
My thought process is incomprehensible to most people. Nobody understands why I do what I do. I don't either.
I've been told that my walk is really girly. Trying to fix it, but I don't know how or if it's working. Probably other things, but I don't fucking know nor do I try to play them up.
>Dresses bad
>Wasting money on clothes
lmao white roasties hate asian women cause white men get to skip all the games and bullshit. They usually just love eachother unconditionally.
here's how i match up to this
I talk to her every day & she's constantly in my thoughts
>has bad hygiene
i shower most days but my teeth are p nasty cus i cba to brush
>lies a lot/about anything at all
I only really tell her small harmless lies, not often at all desu i feel like i'm v up front with her
>narcissistic, entitled
I think i might be a narcissist considering i care very highly about myself & am kinda obsessed with my looks, i dont tend to spend less than 5 seconds in front of any mirror i walk past unless i make a conscious effort not to
>sensitive or emotional, easily offended
this describes me pretty well desu, i try to bury how offended i get at most things that do but the other 2 are pretty accurate
>low patience
>doesn't keep his word, unreliable
ive talked about learning to drive all summer and all i've done towards it is 1 multiple choice test for the theory after 0 revision
>pities himself
often, but i have a lot of up & downs
>feminine in any way
highly sensitive & i get emotional, physically i'm a lucky man though
under-appreciated post. it deserves a (You)
Based on what i have been told, im everything in your post except delusional(im schizo), a crossdresser and a mysoginist or male feminist.
>don't be a misogynist
Its do fucking hard when most of you are vapid cunts with nothing of interest to say.
Fat is valid as that can be easily changed. The rest are turn offs, not red flags, as they are physical traits, not indicative of mental states.