Couldn't even make it through BT

>couldn't even make it through BT

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Well, most people don't even try

basic training? I got fucked over for medical reasons, but it was a fun experience

I lasted like 3 weeks becuase I broke into tears infront of the sergant. I was written off with anxiety disorder and sent home within a week
I wish I could have tried again

Just out of curiosity, US Army? Which base?

i didnt even fucking make it to basic training

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>US Army?
nah, eurofag

You tried which is more than 99% of people and this board.

man , what is wrong with todays men? And you wonder why girls don't like you.

Why did you cry user original

Go did you drop?
I have seen absolute turds graduate

I don't really know, I just couldn't take it I guess.
It was honestly really stressfull doing things 10-12 hours everyday, It was -30- -35 degrees most of the time, I barely got any sleep because all my roomates were snoring and I didn't really get along with them either, most of them were already well established it seemed.
Then one night after a day long ski trip we had to do the"call your parents and tell them you're fine" thing. I called my mom and said I was alright and all that and she said that she and my little sister really missed me I should have called my dad instead and I kinda started tearing up a bit because I was thinking about the huge mistake I made comming here and my little sister that had to be alone with our boring mom all day and so on.
After that I tried to talk to my sergant about it and maybe see if he could help me and make me feel a bit better but then I just spilled my spaghetti and laid it all out.
Then I had to see the military therapist and within a day I was deemed unfit for service

I wish I stayed and just pushed through, everything is supposedly better once bt is over but it lasts like 8-9 weeks

What country.
>tfw was tank commander for a year as a conscript
>best days of my life

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To be fair, they probably should not have let you finish it anyway.
If you cry because of that, what happens when you have to shoot somebody dead?

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>shoot somebody dead
shooting someone isn't really a part of bt though
and if war breaks out you'll most likely be forced to draft anyway

i can't even join the army because autism. even though i'm Jow Forums

The point of joining the armed forces is to kill the enemy. Even if there is peace and no fighting, the core point is still to kill.
Anyway, basic is also where they analyse people and figure out who would not be able to take it and send them out before they make it worse for themselves. You could say it's part of the test.

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Sound kinda cool, I had a friend who was finishing up his service at the same base, he was a MG shooter in mechanised infantry and watching them in action was so awesome
Those panzer guys were cool as shit

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>Kill the enemy
Yeah, for people at the sharp end of the spear. For all we know OP might have joined up as a steward or an electrician. Yes, I know ultimately they're there to fight too, but you really don't have to have that warrior mentality for support roles, especially in a peace time military.

it's more mentaly demanding than physically demanding

>For all we know OP might have joined up as a steward or an electrician
I was in intelligence so I'd probably just have ended up in an office

Is it really that hard to kill someone who's trying to kill you tho?

>I was in intelligence so I'd probably just have ended up in an office
Yeah. It is a shame, but don't feel too bad. You'll be right lad. The military is fucking shit anyway. Go and get a trade or a degree and enjoy yourself.

I don't know man, sitting in a comfy office snooping around other peoples stuff while at the same time getting to shoot guns sounds good to me
But yeah I kinda also dropped out of trade school but I'm starting a work programs thing in like 2 months or so and I'm thinking about trying carpentry or metalworking again

Harder than you might think.

Ever noticed that most killings in WWII were done by bombing or artillary?
Both of these involve never seeing the person you're killing.

Attached: 1024px-Firebombing_of_Tokyo.jpg (1024x953, 192K)

>Based on Marshall's studies the military instituted training measures to break down this resistance and successfully raised soldiers' firing rates to over 90 percent during the Vietnam War.
So they train people to shoot and kill, they don't just pick out people who are able to shoot and kill others

>Ever noticed that most killings in WWII were done by bombing or artillary?
yeah becuase it requires less efford, manpower, money and risk to just bomb large groups of people than it does to send other humans to fire bullets at them

I wonder how the guy who dropped the bomb over hiroshima felt

>I wonder how the guy who dropped the bomb over hiroshima felt
He was fine with it.
Probably because he didn't have to look at the dead babies he killed.

That might have been the Nagasaki bomber, but you get the idea.

The latter are too few of the population, mostly psycopaths as well.

Army fag here. Its okay bro, I almost quit my basic training but luckily someone convinced my otherwise. It happens, no reason to feel bad about it. What was the reason if I may ask?

>What was the reason if I may ask?

Really should have read more of the thread

I feel you. The cold was the worst part. I went to fort sill Oklahoma in November thru December. It was harsh.