Why does everyone hate us?

Why does everyone hate us?
Its not like we were given the choice to be black.

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I think it's all the crime.

it's because of the smell, and the rapings too

I dont hate blacks. I just hate ghetto culture shit. Blacks have been friendly to me before and theyve also been mean to me. Same with white people.

Do you not know where you are? Youre on a racist Vietnamese Whale Hunting forum.

It's not black people that are the problem it's NIGGERS. Eddie Murphy explains it very well. Every group of people have their niggers. In Australia they have derros, the white Americans have trailer trash. I could go on but no.


Racism is usually rooted in prior experiences as well as either outright lies or embellishments.

When I was a kid for example my first memorable experience with a black person was at my uncle's apartment. They had a community playground and no one was around. I was about 7 or 8 alone and minding my own business in the sandbox. I saw a black kid who was likely my age or older by a year or two approching. I was nervous but said hi regardless. Without saying a single word to me he scoops up a handful of sand and throws it in my face and gets in my eyes. I'm lucky he didn't decide to go after me further cause theres no way a blinded 7 year old can defend themselves.
That being said I don't hate black people. There are definitely decent black people who just want to live decent lives but when theres no one around I'm definitely more on edge if a casual or obviously ghetto black guy is around.

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This is something that I have no control over. I didnt ask for this at all.
Why are you being so mean to me?

don't give them attention


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>Why are you being so mean to me?

I wouldn't hate blacks if they:
Weren't always making noise during lecture that we're paying lots of money to attend.
Weren't always playing basketball in the street outside my home.
Weren't constantly begging me for money (the white homeless leave me alone)
Did not smell.
Did not keep me awake until 3 am every night playing mating ritual music.
Had a bit more respect for themselves, people around them, and their environment.
Stop trying to pull on my car door to see if its unlocked and steal my shit.

t. white guy that grew up in hood

Here's the problem, people say "well not all black people commit crime" which is true, but the rest of their culture is a pain in the ass as well. Like you said, just being rude in general, having complete lack of concern for how their actions may be effecting other people. I can't tell you how many times I've seen blacks eating with their fingers at a restaurant with shit like pasta and rice. fucking disgusting.

I don't hate blacks. Not everyone is pol

You can go on forums filled with black people and get similar results to these threads

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it really sucks being black
imagine being white and having your race (white) being synonymous with beautiful

rather than hideous

I don't hate you, I just don't want to breed you

But white people smell gross and the majority of African Americans are 1/4th white because white men love raping black women.

We wouldn't if there was ONE (1) 1st world developed black Nation.

But there isn't. There isn't even close to one. Pathetic.

Whites probably smell "gross" if you are black because of how smell works across racial lines. Whites find blacks, mexicans, indians, and arabs smelly wholesale.

Who cares what society's beauty standards are? We have our own beauty standards.

Because we perpetuate a destructive culture and negative stereotypes as the face of our identity as blacks. Just don't be another nigger.

How's things over in opposite world?

I genuinely think it has to do more with the fact that blacks don't have a SINGLE nation they can be proud of that contributed to the world as a whole. Almost every other race has a home country to look back to or return to which has contributed something to the world.

Blacks have FUCK all. If anything they have always had the saddest nations on earth. How can any Eurasian respect blacks? It's like grasping at straws. What have they done?

go back to Africa and you will be loved and accepted

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>destructive culture
>confusing our criminal culture with our main culture
Every ethnic group has criminal culture. Irish have the Irish Mob and Irish drunks who beat the shit out of each other. Italians have the Mafia and used to have teen greaser gangs. Mexicans have cartels and Southside 13/Northside 14, white trash has the Klan, Aryans, Japanese have Yakuza, Chinese have Triads, I could go on for days. Blacks have street gangs. But for some reason, people think criminals are the face of our culture. Most blacks don't gangbang or sell/do drugs, shoot each other, etc. That's poor culture. Poor people of every race make up most of the criminal population, cornball.

I also hate black pop culture more than white pop culture (though I actually hate both). "This is America" was pure cringe.
Except for Kanye. Kanye is cool. Kanye is not afraid of anything.

How is it opposite world when it's true? Black people say whites smell like wet dogs and mayonnaise. You people get lice, only take one or two showers a week, you have to wash your hair daily because it's so oily. You people are filthy.

And the 1/4th white thing is just facts. It's a known fact that white men loved raping slaves. You ever wonder why the majority of native Americans in the US look like white people?

Why do whites call themselves Eurasians now? Stop trying to Kang yourselves up and claim the achievements of Asia. They think you people are pigs. The Japanese used to think you were gross because you refused to bathe on a regular basis. Stop it.

when the entire planet follows those standards, even Africa, really... its hard to get away from it

What you are failing to admit is that all of those races who have brought destruction into the world also brought useless things to help progress the human race.

Blacks flat out have not. Why be so disingenuous?

just go to europe, get your 400 euro per month welfare and pop out 7 kids, ezpz idk why you worrying bout this shit lmao

They don't, the ones that like you are just invisible to you

This does contribute. We haven't had anything to be proud of as a communitt since the civil rights era where self improvment and hard work was encouraged. Then all our leaders got killed off and drugs hit the nation hard and blacks especially, degenerating them to their current state.

Criminals may be a facet of every culture and ethnicity but the modern image of blacks has been particularly centered around nothing but criminality if you look at mainstream television and music.

I thought you were talking about rape today, which is a mostly black thing. not rape carried out by Jewish slave dealers centuries ago.

Is this bait? Eurasian literally means a race from the continent of Europe and Asia, nothing more. There is no agenda. Fucks sake.

>call themselves Eurasian.
This is news to me. I always thought of us as white/Europeans.

I'm talking about an independent, successful sub-saharan African nation which could compete with European powers within the past 3,000 years.

Fuck man, sub-saharan languages don't have words for "promise" and "future". The linguistic constructs blacks made preclude them from abstract thought. It's pathetic.


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>Fuck man, sub-saharan languages don't have words for "promise" and "future". The linguistic constructs blacks made preclude them from abstract thought. It's pathetic.
Your joking right? Because East Africans already had those.

Cause most of you people act like self entitled ass holes with no concepts of consequences with a huge ego/victim complex to boot.

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So the lite version of white people?

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When people say "sub-saharan" they typically mean western African because they are a different race. Ethiopians are semetic/arab unlike say Ghanaians.

Africa's just that much of a shithole unless it's an area bordering Europe/Mediterranean or somewhere colonized like the south. I really don't know why. Maybe the environment? Or perhaps the pervasive tribal culture they couldn't grow out of on their own? I honestly don't know why Africa's so awful on its own.

why did sub Saharan Africans not build mines, railways and write before Europeans and Arabs arrived?

>Ethiopians are semetic/arab unlike say Ghanaians.
Are you legitimately retarded?

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No, most white people are either empathetic that trust to much or are complete psychopaths that will do and say anything to climb the social ladder.

As I've mentioned before; their language literally prevents them from having abstract thought. It's hard to plan/build anything if you have no concept of "the future" or "obligation"

And when I say empathetic I don't mean it in a good way, empathetic where they will fuck themselves.

>No, most white people are either empathetic that trust to much or are complete psychopaths that will do and say anything to climb the social ladder.
I can't even be bothered to argue, you faggots are amazing.

That's not even a debate anymore my dude. You didn't know that? You think Eastern Africans are the same race/culture as West Africans? Yikes.


They aren't. Care to have an actual dialogue so you can learn something or will you resort to memeing as a way to deflect how mis/disinformed you are?

I'm saying white people are not perfect and you are still fed up? Whatever then.

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>That's not even a debate anymore my dude. You didn't know that? You think Eastern Africans are the same race/culture as West Africans? Yikes.
They're not ethnically related to west Africans they're Cushits but in no goddamn way are they related to semites

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I dunno user, that sounds kinda dumb. Language evolves with people. Complicated and abstract words start as ideas before they are given words. A very basic and uncomplicated language is more a result than a cause. Africa never advanced very far on its own for their language to become abstract but that only makes me wonder why Africa is so slow on the uptake in regards to progress of society.

>War mongers
>Highest count of genocide
>Take over nations and treat people there like shit
>Later complain about people not liking them on the internet and claiming they're being genocided

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So back to East Africa which developed languages and sheeeiiit and are not related to semites only north Africans. Explain?

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Highland Ethiopians have semetic admixture.

The point here is that Ethiopians are not the same race as Western Africans. Admixture alone is enough to bring up the IQ to be able to have abstract thought.

Also the Ethiopian language is a Semitic one.

Oh then I take it back cuz I was only going off that user saying they don't have complex language. I guess language isn't the root of their poorly advanced society then, and to be honest it would be kinda dumb if it was. But then why is Africa still so shit?


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It's ONE of the many roots, but it's extremely sad and if that reason was brought forth alone to explain why there was a lack of progression in that region it would suffice. Ignore the other guy, he just memes instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue.

oh calm down there are tons of ugly as fuck white people
just because the most attractive hollywood stars are white (And all have shittons of makeup, fake hair, photoshop, etc)
Stop spending so much time on Jow Forums and fetishising whites

Let's take Somalia which has a population that barely has Semitic admixture and was miles ahead of Africa until the US and Soviets plus a civil war. Explain that?

Can whites smell each other? I cannot smell any white person I have met

>Why does everyone hate us?

The behavior of your fellow blacks.

Where black people go in large numbers, civilization seems to disappear. It can't be fixed without eugenics of some sort.

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You're more likely to not be offended by the odors of people genetically similar to you.

Did you guys know that black people have larger pores on average than whites and Asians? And that their sweat contains a higher amount of chloride?

There really is something to the racist trope of nigger stench.

They couldn't have gotten that far with just trade although it had a large effect.
Calm down lad you white people are only above south Asians in terms of smell and you all end up smelling worse than us after a bit. And what's with the wet dog/carpet and sour cream smell?

>Why does everyone hate us?
>Its not like we were given the choice to be black.
choose not to commit so much crime

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Trade is enough and you know it.

OP please read and try not to be the things on this page


The question was not 'why are you mean on the internet?', it was 'why are you mean to [black people]?'
Even if you said 'because my salary is less than the minumum wage', the answer would do, but now it doesn't make sence.

Blacks commit so much crime in my country and I'm not even American, it's insane. I wish race relation could get better but blacks just won't stop being violent and robbing people. Obviously not all black people are bad but most can only thrive as criminals


My post is reality. stop running away from it pussy

Also try reading this

This is a result of centuries of oppression and being born into a life of poverty, mainly whites being the ones to blame for this. Black crime is approving across the board though.

see We never enslaved blacks and they're a problem here, too. There's just something wrong with black people. A lot of them think being a criminal is their only way to make it in life

As bad as this looks, it is likely an underestimate of black crime because

a.) Black homicides are more likely to go unsolved, thus excluding a disproportionate number of black suspects from being counted the statistics. This is because blacks tend to kill more impulsively leaving less threads to be woven together to solve the crime, and black on black crime occurs in areas where witnesses are less likely to cooperate with police.
b.) The FBI doesn't include homicides in the statistics where there was more than one perpetrator, for some odd reason, and blacks are disproportionately likely to kill in groups of two or more.

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Imagine being this fucking ignorant about history. Fuck me.

>black on black crime occurs in areas where witnesses are less likely to cooperate with police.
Who cares about them killing their own kind?

They still come from impoverished countries and there are studies done that show poverty shrinks the brain. What country are you from?

>It's another apartheid, slavery, and centuries of whites treating blacks like second-class citizens never happened.
Do please for the love of god, fuck off.

The UK jails more black people proportionally than the US.

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>Trade is enough and you know it.
Trade doesn't really help you fight and last twenty years against the British.

Definitely I agree that not all blacks are the same. I have great black friends but I do believe their worst people are the worst people on this planet. Whatever you want to call them, they are apart from the rest of the blacks and have no sense of remorse, care, or feeling. The kind of people that throw boiling hot water on cats or the type of people that beat people up for initiation or just because. I've been around whites and blacks all my life and by far blacks are the most racist group of people I've ever seen without even knowing they're racist. As I said, not all blacks are the same. I hate every race equally.

Blacks aren't native to the Cape you fuck. Dutch built that part of the world and the Anglos improved/administrated it. Fuck Bantu apologists and their lies.

Not unique to Europeans. Africans basically invented chattle slavery and it was the Arabs who primarily traded in African slaves 700 years before Euros even got the idea. Not to mention there are more slaves in Africa today than all slaves in Anglo-America throughout the centuries combined.

>whites treating blacks like second-class citizens in their own country
Why do blacks get mad at this? White people create a white nation for white people to thrive in and white children to grow in and you bitch about it. Why not bitch about how blacks haven't created one (1) first world nation to be proud of? Be angry at your own fucking ancestors.

Again, imagine being THIS FUCKING IGNORANT about history hahahahaha.

We were talking about abstract thought and a competitive civilization -- not sure what you are on about now.

but i donz, cause this is my dream

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I would never understand the whole "no snitching" culture. Sure, don't snitch on the starving man who shop lifted a banana, but why would anyone have a culture for not snitching on psychopathic murderers. These murderers need to go to jail for the sake of your children.

Imagine having such a victim mentality that you blame black people today because of spooky whites from hundreds of years ago. You have equal opportunity. Use it and stop complaining about the people who came before. Stop dwelling on the past while you waste your future

Don't pull that shit. We had it good in the civil rights era and actually put up a respectable image. We're capable as fuck of not being dregs of society but so many are too ignorant and complacent to realize this.

Discovery of technologies on early pre-industrial stages is a matter of pure random.

Besides, African nature is so fucking dangerous that you have to concentrate more on being hunters than scientists.

Remnants of slavery. House slaves routinely snitched on their cousins on plantation for favor from their masters.

>We were talking about abstract thought and a competitive civilization
I was talking about strategies they used to fight wars. Either way trade only gets you so far if that's what they relied on they'd be fucked a long time ago.

You can thank slavery for that

>African nature is so fucking dangerous

And here I thought Europeans had the harsher environment which triggered IQ growth. Just another WE WUZ bullshit argument coming straight from your anus.

>hundreds of years ago
More like 50. And the South still hasn't completely recovered from the Civil War. What makes you think black people will have bounced right back on their feet after the 60s?

You can have it. Military history is entry level, miss me with it.

>Blacks aren't native to the Cape you fuck
This reminds me of that ridiculous "most of the land wasn't populated by native Americans" argument. There was definitely Bantu presence before the Dutch came, I like how this "blood and soil" shit only counts when it's a white country.

>Not unique to Europeans. Africans basically invented chattle slavery
Uh oh, more "whataboutism" no shit there were slavery at different parts of the world, but black slavery had fuck all to do with racially motivated imprisonment. Europeans specifically invented that, blacks had what you'd call "indentured" servants and believe it or not, Africa had different tribes just like Europe. They don't call themselves "Africans" as some sort of monolith.

In any case, this is moving the goalpost, it doesn't matter who invented slavery. No one is concerned with who the inventor of slavery is when you're the ones being worked to the bone for free.

>Why do blacks get mad at this? White people create a white nation for white people to thrive in and white children to grow in and you bitch about it.
If you're so morally bankrupt as to think that it's okay to take a group of people from an entire continent, work them for centuries without pay, then treat them like shit for the next few centuries, then there is no debate to be had here.

>More like 50. And the South still hasn't completely recovered from the Civil War. What makes you think black people will have bounced right back on their feet after the 60s?

Indians rape more than niggers, if you're into numbers.