>eat less (500 calorie deficit) for 3 months
>don't lose any fat just feel fucking godawful all day
it's all pointless. fuck this i'm just going to be hedonist
>eat less (500 calorie deficit) for 3 months
>don't lose any fat just feel fucking godawful all day
it's all pointless. fuck this i'm just going to be hedonist
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Did you do sport?
Losing weight is more about sport than your diet
tfw cant gain weight. its probabky because im vegan. be vegan i guess?
Exercise if you want to actually commit yourself.
What the fuck did you eat? Did you count your macros? Did you exercise?
But Jow Forums told me it's about eating less
How would that explain sumos?
moron. it's the opposite.
you're full of shit, if you actually ate 500 calories a day you would have lost weight
He didn't lose fat. Maybe he lost muscle.
Though the body is supposed to burn fat before muscle.
he would have lost both
he's either a liar, or wrong about how much he was eating. genetics don't change thermodynamics.
I worked out everyday
lost weight but not body fat%
500 was the deficit
you are probably eating or drinking simple sugars, cut down all soda, alcohol, and prefer vegetables to fruit for vitamins, eat even less than you're now.
If you want a fool proof way of doing it eat only 3/4 diversified meals a day no more than a plate full, never refill and drink only water. You'll lose weight guaranteed
500 calorie deficit means 500 calories less
and yes, he is meant to. probably not noticeable if he's that fat
How does OP know his calorie deficit? Is this based on speculation or standard values? If so OP fell for the memes.
You look diseased user. Go get a tan, put on some muscle and fix that posture and maybe you'll look normal and not like a week old roadkill.
eh. what for. nevere take my shirt off unless im alone
Got any staircases around ?
INB4 it hurts your legs, that's a reason not to eat less at first.
Also hydrate often.
Try metformin, a safe otc drug. I'm taking it and it works.
If you can you would be better off getting Adderall as well. Stimulants make one lose weight.
Also read this slatestarcodex.com
Tell me your current bodyweight, and I'll tell you what you should limit yourself to to lose weight.
There is no way that, abiding by the laws of phyisics, you are incapable of weight loss. You've just fucked up somewhere.
I do this for a living, post bodyweight.
>eating at a caloric deficit instead of just working hard to burn off those 500 calories
Never going to make it. You can even do both just make sure to exercise.
Step 1: increase protein intake (at least .83g/lb lean body mass) if your weight is decreasing and you aren't losing fat, your body is burning muscle
But it's also difficult to track fat day by day as you become accustomed to what your body looks like. Slight changes aren't noticeable to you. Try progress pictures for comparison purposes
Step 2: incorporate strength training into your routine (preferably free weights if you can do standard powerlifting lifts)
Step 3: monitor your weekly progress. If you aren't losing at least a pound per week reduce calories by 200, making sure you hit protein above all. Lifestyle has a lot to do with TDEE, your deficit may not be accurate, adjustment will fix it
Than eat at a 1000 calorie deficit or increase your activity level
eating less calories than you burn a day doesn't mean you're going to lose fat
yes, technically you will lose weight, but nobody ever said you will lose fat
you only lose fat under specific circumstances, it was never as simple as just eating less food.
you need to commit to a very specific, well thought out eating plan recommended by professionals and you can find them online, anywhere if you look hard enough.
Intermittent fasting and ACV is a good starting point. Combine this with weight training if you want for max yields. Very easy and low levels of thinking.