Fembots, what are your redflags?

Fembots, what are your redflags?
>he's a nazi

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He's mean to animals
He's mean to his mother

What the heck is with these threads.

I guess here are mine, then.
-he is feminine
-he doesn't like animals
-he doesn't play video games at least moderately
-ALL of his music is too happy
-chose a career with feelings rather than logic

There's already a thread about this user.

Robot here. Maybe I should just greentext absolutely every aspect of my lifestyle and personality.

LARPing faggots please leave

>ALL of his music is too happy
Explain this please

>brown eyes
>tan skin
>gets angry easily
>emotional in any way
>gets offended by anything
>shitty music taste
>massive weeb
>sexually submissive and/or cripplingly shy
>overreactive, cant handle banter
>narcissistic, entitled, wants to be treated like royalty
>excessively cold and distant, ignores you a lot, rarely compliments you
>sadistic/malicious, likes harming and betraying others
>unreliable, doesnt keep his word
>faps excessively
>cannot hold a conversation, has nothing to say, never initiates
>very clingy/needy, gets angry if you dont reply in a split second
>short and/or has a napoleon complex
>angry at the world/mad at women and cant handle rejection
>lies a lot/lies at all, especially about important things
>has social media

Most are just larping faggits

*LARP thread

ftfy buddy

Like. Generic pop
American Country

Basically anything that would make me want to get out of the car after 3 songs. I heavily gravitate towards sad or serious music, so I'd feel emotionally out of tune with a person who just constantly jams to how great life is, haha.

and for the record not saying those music genres are always bad. I'm just saying if they constantly played happy music without any comedowns like a psychopath. Should be a rare occurrence but I've encountered a person like that before

I see
That's kinda weird ngl, but if you had bad experiences i guess i can't blame you (I don't listen to any of those in particular, i was just curious)

I see why you're on r9k

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What sad and serious music do you like then?

nine inch nails, tool, things like that! I've got to leave now. was fun giving my 2 cents here. :)


>straight edge
>anti gun
>prone to jealousy
>too status/hierarchy conscious, worries about Chad/Stacey being more popular/attractive/successful than him
>wants to live in a city for most/all of his life
>opposes non-state education
>believes in "original virtue" and thinks people only do bad things because society made them that way

>>emotional in any way
>>excessively cold and distant, ignores you a lot, rarely compliments you
Pick one

lolol fuck off u dumb bitch

>angry at the world

There's good fucking reason to be mad at the world.
Have you looked at it?

>tfw i don't have any redflags said in this thread but i'm still a kissless virgin

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Wowee, I didn't trip a single red flag on this wall of text.

Red flag for fembots
>she has dozens of red flags

you should start fucking dogs then

>skinny penis
>penis under four inches
>follows jordan peterson
>abuses animals
>Jow Forums
>fat face
>not healthy
>does harsh drugs
>boasts about his iq
>likes east asian chicks
>does not like to read
>watches porn everyday
>indian or fully oriental
>loves anime and vidya
>pedo or hebe

>-chose a career with feelings rather than logic

So you dislike if a guy chose a career he enjoys oer one that pays more?

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>he's got weird fetishes

I've got a couple. I mean none of these are absolute no-goes but I find they usually mean the guy is immature.

>gets angry while driving easily
>drinks energy drinks
>swears in public/around people he hasn't met before
>wears all black/metal band shirts

Those are really weird specific things but they seem to fit the mold of the edgy, late bloomer guy. I mean it's fine if those things are occasional but doing them frequently is usually a big no-no for me.

Jesus christ, you would be a boring girlfriend.

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Red flags

>he can't handle dark humour
>overly jealous
>low sex drive

>Basically anything that makes him an over grown brat, like being selfish or thinking they're the smartest person on the planet
>Strong left political leaning (accepting of refugees/illegals, supports these "women's marches" shits, unrealistically anti-gun, commie)
>"Alt right" type
>Doesn't want kids

>anger issues

there's probably more, but this was the first thing that came to mind. i'd rather date the most unintelligent, disgusting guy on the planet that one with a bad temper.

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Are you a trap? Or are you just the most perfect femanon i've seen in this board in a long time?

My red flag is people not understanding that Nazi's dont exist anymore and that they are called neo nazis and that most of the "neo nazis" here are larping faggots who think they say 1488 and that makes them on.

>distorted heavy guitars
>frantic drumming
>aggressive singing
Yeah, totally sad and depressing music.

Be my gf to live innawoods with

>short and/or has a napoleon complex

confirmed manlets should just kill themselves.

Get fucked, you liberal, pop culture feminist status-quo shill.

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Thread ruined. Thanks redditfag. Fucking leftypol fuck off

Thread was ruined the moment cunts started putting Jow Forums in the same basket as socialism.

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This 100%

>blames society for his problems
>hates smart women
>hates accomplished women
>thinks everyone he meets is an asshole
>gets angry frequently
>believes that "hypergamy" exists
>follows the redpill
>thinks life has "losers" and "winners"
>Trump supporter

Fuck off leftypol. Just leave. Nobody likes you and nobody wants you here

Lol are you triggered?
I'm not a leftist, I just have more than 4 brain cells.

>you triggered xd
Its time to stop big brain leftypol

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You're all kulaks basking in the dying light of the western world's vile decadence.

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Cringe as fuck. Go away dumb faggot

>Bitches bout wage slavery
>Bitches bout alienation
>Bitches bout social mobility being stagnant

>Doesn't name the Porky and shits on the hard-left instead

Bootlickers. The whole lot of you.

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I bitch about your shitposting only. Fuck off and go back to leftypol

Maybe I will. It's a helluva lot better than this racist, misogynistic shithole board fulla closet and open-paedophiles with fuck all knowledge bout politics beyond Fox News-tier "gommunism is wen teh gobermint does stuff" one-liners.

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Dont let the door hit your ass on the way out poofter

I'm collectivising this thread. If fembots can reply, WE ALL can reply.

>Unironically thinks free healthcare leads to communism
>Thinks Venezuela is a communist society
>Thinks Nordic countries are "socialist"
>Doesn't think of Papa Stalin when we make love
>Is racist
>Is sexist and/or shits on her own gender to score points with guys
>Owns a sex toy bigger than 7 inches

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For the many, not the few, wanker.

>overly jealous
>low sex drive
just be honest and say that you'll serial cheat like a shameless roastie

Ledditors are the biggest red flag of them all

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You pretty much reacted the same way Jow Forums would to realising someone disagrees with you. Only instead of cuck, Jew, soiboy, etc you used a different set of baseless insults.

>>low sex drive
Im guilty of this, to me sex is just a routine which is barely better than masturbation.

i just want a virgin gf who allows me to choke and slap her sometimes to vent my hatred for females... i hope this is not a redflag

Here, have a meme, comrade.

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Do you think so? Nazis are fucktards sure, but I always thought fembots were supposed to try to be edgy and liked guys like that

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Okay then, smart and and accomplished woman. Why should I pick you over someone else?

>doesn't like animals
>hates children
>can't appreciate the beauty of nature
>hypocritically judgmental
>hard drugs
>huge ego
>"I'm smart but lazy"
>cares about money/status/prestige
>can't empathize with others
>never apologizes or admits fault when wrong
>vain, spends a decent amount of time in the mirror or working on his appearance aside from personal hygiene, like using tools to style his hair or putting a lot of thought into his outfits
>cares a lot about his personal style or achieving a certain "look" or fitting in with a crowd
>meathead or gym rat obsessed with "getting big"

What are you like? Please be nice


>plays the "sad booboo kitty all my exes were mean/crazy" act
>large curated porn collection with passwords and everything
>drops "love" bomb after three dates or less
>jealous over innocent relationships like with family or pets
>likes a fetish too much, can't just have normal sex

I never know how to answer things like that. I'm very boring but I think I'm nice. I like to do things at home and be comfy.

What kind of things at home? Do you like cozying up under blankets?

But do you like sex? And have big tits?

these are almost all my gf...

Comfy things but nothing exciting. I like to cook. I have little container gardens for herbs, veggies and flowers. I like to bake but I especially like to decorate cakes and cupcakes so that they look pretty, but I only do it around holidays when I know I'll see family and they'll eat it. I like to keep my house clean and decorate seasonally. I browse, play really pleb/casual games, watch different shows. I have a cute pupper I take care of. And yes, I especially love to get snug on the couch with my softest blanket.

>lies a lot
>says a lot of embarrassing shit
>gets jealous easily
>no personality

Do you have cuddly animals?

If I can't use my shameless autism to embarrass the hell out of my girlfriend when we're in public, why ever bother having her in the first place?

Just one right now. My dog loves to cuddle. I'd like to get her a little friend soon.

Aww post doggy pls

>has social media
>brown eyes

so close yet so far

Ah, even though she's just a dog I'm hesitant to post her. I can assure you she's very cute.

I wanna see cute doggy ;-;

>have slightly fat face and none of these


The only one I fit is caring about money/status because I want to have kids and I need to provide them with they best I can.

>he is feminine

Robots BTFO'd

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t. Indigo

I'm sorry user.

I respect that and that to me is different than what I listed. I was talking more about needing to become a doctor or CEO so you can buy flashy things like a retardedly expensive car and feel that people should treat you like a god. To be unhappy in a position where you feel the same as everyone else and a need to feel more important than others. That you have to be wealthy to be happy. I think those people have much different priorities than my own, which is why it would be a red flag for me.

>>thinks life has "losers" and "winners"
only winners can think that it doesn't desu.

>Isn't white
>Is a communist or socialist
>Is a liberal
>Is a reactionary
>Is an Ancap
>Has lots of childish hobbies
>Isn't sexually dominant
>Dosen't work out
>Won't wait until marridge
>Isn't intellegent

You will always be an incel because you think you are le big brained political intellectual

Stop wanting chad and be my qt gf

>>childish hobbies
you'll have to clarify this one


le bottom text

>No college degree
>Has children
>Shorter than me

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>close minded
>can't take jokes
>takes me too seriously
>hopeless romantic type
>tries too hard

T-Tell me about yourself please

What if my mom is legit borderline and screams every other day? Love animals though, especially birds and cats

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Under 6'
Receding jaw
Negative canthal tilt

I'm rich, a virgin, a student at a top 5 university, I have a nice body (36-24-36), and I'm generally competent at life, just anxious and depressed.
But given that my post offended you, I'm going to guess that you have one or more red flags.

You're probably just ugly. Sorry user, but that's probably it

>imagine pretending to be a girl on the internet this much

t. someone who has only heard NIN on the radio

Unironically good list.

>-he doesn't play video games at least moderately

Brainlet gAm3r GuRl and her brainlet """"hobby""""

>-chose a career with feelings rather than logic

There's no need to adopt a round about way of stating "I want a man with a big salary". Just be up front.

Good list.

Mixed bag.

>hard drugs

Soft ones too, past a certain age. Dude weed lmao'ers are worse than regular coke-users on a personal level, as far as dealing with them goes.

>"sad booboo kitty all my exes were mean/crazy" act

They were. That or boring.

Pasting everything that applies as usual.
>He's mean to his mother
>brown eyes
>narcissistic, entitled, wants to be treated like royalty
>has social media
>anti gun
>prone to jealousy
>boasts about his iq
>likes east asian chicks
>does not like to read
>indian or fully oriental
>gets angry while driving easily
>drinks energy drinks
>Basically anything that makes him an over grown brat, like being selfish or thinking they're the smartest person on the planet
>anger issues
>blames society for his problems
>hates accomplished women
>gets angry frequently
>believes that "hypergamy" exists
>thinks life has "losers" and "winners"
>huge ego
>cares about money/status/prestige
>meathead or gym rat obsessed with "getting big"
>plays the "sad booboo kitty all my exes were mean/crazy" act
>Won't wait until marridge

>Has Facebook faggots political opinions of any sort
I'm right but I'll take a commie with things worth talking about over some kekistani fagg any day