I have Borderline Personality Disorder AMA

It was around this time last year that I stopped making these threads. I wonder if I've missed anything. Kinda missed making these threads

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>i have bpd. ama

I'm a male aussie sir, you'll have no interest in me in that way

>no interest in that way
i wouldn't have interest in that way regardless. i just wanted to know who i was talking to. what's the hardest thing about bpd, from your perspective?

long time no talk, hi...

I have asperger
I am literally weaponized autism

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i am probably worse than you while being undiagnosed.

>tfw also male aussie with BPD
how about that

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You weak and pathetic and not focusing obsessive power for yandere for very one and only?
You pig disgusting

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Hmm, there's a lot of difficulties. I'd have to say maybe the paranoia because I can't trust anyone enough to get help

Hi hi, it has been a while hasn't it? Do I know you?

Some say BPD is adult aspergers or aspergers for girls

Howdy howdy lets get fucking roudy

perhaps you remember me. i wasn't anyone who really mattered. just someone who suffers from crippling loneliness. the only communication i get is pity.

Will that anime ever get a sequel? I don't think there's much left they can do in the realm of character development.

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Can you please go on a rampage to kill all BPD girls? Thanks

>some say BPD is adult aspergers or aspergers for girls
no they don't, they call it women's sociopathy

Will i can call you a faggot
Sup faggot
Hope that helps

thank you for the you at least. it feels nice to see words directed to me. almost like something i said mattered for two seconds.

Sike, the reason I haven't been here is because I've been focusing all my powers on being a yandere

Did I talk to you on discord? I miss Kyo

I wish...

I would enjoy that, and I have a BPD radar. Maybe when I finally lose it, I will, and I'll post my developments here or on /b/

True I guess, but isn't women's sociopathy the xx chromosome

yes, you talked to me once or twice. then you left, i figure because we never talked as we shared no interests and i offered no entertainment value.

Really strong magnets

Gimmie your contact, I don't remember losing interest in anyone, I enjoyed talking to everyone that I did


curious... worth the attempt... i like you...

Burnmarks Never Fade#0122

You know nothing shiroi akuma

>You know nothing
You're right, because I have no idea what you're talking about

where in straya mate? i'm in brissy

Ayyy I'm just north of there right now, but I visit brissy pretty often

Hey I'm an aussie too. I think I might be borderline also but idk. Can you describe what it's like?

It's a very complex disorder and I'm no psychiatrist (although I'd like to be) but generally it involves rapid mood swings, intense anger, psychosis, unstable relationships, self harm/suicide idealization, paranoia and/or dissociation. It's a very unfun disorder but feel free to ask more questions if you're curious or you want me to go more in depth with something. The name comes from the disorder being on the borderline of psychosis and neurosis but it's also known as Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder

Thanks for the info santa
Haha Christmas for me

I'm a male with BPD too.
Shit sucks OP.

And a manic new year easter fairy

I'm so sorry you've been cursed with it too. How has your day been user?

I got diagnosed with bipolar recently and was concerned it was bpd as well. That doesn't sound like me though so it's a little bit of a relief. It sucks that you have those though man, you guys get a bad wrap where people just call you evil or whatever but I get it being tough.

It's got stigma, but for good reason. A lot of us really do have sociopathic traits, me included. It's because we have lost all care for the world and feel as if we need to switch to survival mode, and we have to do whatever we can to survive and have a happy time. I guess that's one reason at least. But there's also the times where I really do mean well but hurt people anyway by accident, usually from being overwhelmed with emotion or delusion

different person here, i have most of those symptoms and i took some online tests (i know they're unreliable). should i try and get help? i told my mom i think i had it before but she kind of brushed it off as depression (ive been to a therapist/mental hospital/meds). i'm about 80% sure i have it. im not sure how to approach this?

Depending on your age, they most likely will brush it off as depression and anxiety. If you're under 18 you'll have no luck at all, but you should definitely seek help regardless. If you're over 18 you'll have an easier time getting a definitive diagnosis. If/when you see a therapist, bring it up as soon as possible so you make sure the sessions go in the right direction and you make sure you're working on the right issues

I have a few questions, lad.
1. Are you understanding of the fact that people like me want absolutely nothing to do with people like you solely because of your hurtful and destructive mental illness? Nothing to do with you as a person.

2. Do you ever use the fact that you're Borderline as an excuse for voluntarily-shitty behavior?

3. Do you ever feel guilty for lashing out at people? If so, does this affect your ability to "contain" your BPD?

4. What's the worst you've ever hurt someone due to your BPD?

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I had a bipolar xgf when I was dumb and a kid 20 years ago 15 through 18, good sex hot but crazy and a mind fucked, you ever stick your dick in crazy bro?

How many men have you had sex with? Have you tried Grindr I always find mentally ill twinks to TOP, some of them I put their legs behind their heads and fuck their ass raw its pretty sweet

1. Yea I understand that, and I try not to take that kind of thing personally
2. I think I have done it in the past, and I try to avoid doing that because it's totally unacceptable. Only time I'd use it as an excuse now would be if I had a psychotic episode because those are totally out of my control
3. Of course I feel guilty, I hate making a scene and lashing out at people yet I do it anyway for reasons I don't exactly know and I only have myself to blame. It's real shitty of me and I always with it never happens unless the person well and truly deserves it
4. Someone did something very minor to piss me off once and I wildly overreacted and blackmailed them out of anger and they nearly an heroed because they were so scared
Thank you for your questions, I strangely really love answering questions no matter what they are

Only thing I've stuck my dick in is inanimate (clean) objects because I'm a virgin. I have tried to get with BPD girls though

Scoopity bump