Fembot thread

Do you think the girls on this website are shallow?

It seems the moment a half decent looking guy appears on any discord server he's inundated with formerly "tee hee I'm shy..." girls sending him nudes and begging for his dick. See Oscar, Jusky, even Vyro.

Girls on this board seem trashy and shallow.

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A real robot or fembot do not join servers, you dunce. Also, men are just as bad with their pathetic fawning over attractive girls from here.

>irls on this board seem trashy and shallow.

Trashy yes but they usually don't seem shallow, but that may be due to the plethora of mental illnesses they have

Vyro is one thing. I never minded that guy. But faggots like Jusky are in their 20s and still taking angle shots of their faces while lying down and other teenage girl shit. Shaking my head, honestly.

post pics of Oscar and jusky and vyro

If you're attractive women will want you. A good portion of this board would gladly fuck Vyro but not even want to acknowledge me. It pisses me off.

New here?

If it's any consolation they all end up getting "cheated" on with other femanons. Then they come on here and whine about men. Without realizing they were only "with" these guys for patently shallow reasons to begin with.

No fucking shit. Everyone on this shit community is a shallow mental fuckup. Why do you even think the girls would be any different?

Guys are desperate as fuck and start asskissing, orbiting and begging the moment some remotely attractive slut shows the tip of the nose so it's no surprise a robot girl starts drenching the moment a dude shows an iota of assertiveness and aggressivity. This is tg
the board for the socially handicapped who are pathetically desperate for attention and affection, you'd think you would be a good match for eachother, but two social incompetents don't make a social butterfly.

Fuck off you dumb fucking worthless cunt.

Kek this. At least with men we'll be honest. We want to fuck attractive girls but we won't attach a bunch of other girlfriend like qualities to them purely because they're hot. Only women do this.

Ohhh baby is mad.

The only person who really hardcore orbits jusky is some bitch called sleepy, and she's a literal disgusting brown shitskin whore and orbits every guy on earth and sends out her nudes easy.

Yeah, pretty much this. It's our own fault. Besides, male or female, we're all losers so at least some of us can find some semblance of happiness, right?

Your cunt is a Petri dish of diseases as yet unknown to medical science.

>Do you think the "girls" on this website are shallow?
A bunch of HRT chemical experiments don't qualify as girls. Faggots go in the dumpster.

I don't care about the shallowness. I just wish there were girls here into 30+ guys with their shit together. But most are into the 20-25 age group range. Even a 30+ girl would be alright but they're all burned out from being used by guys over and over again.

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>Girls on this board seem trashy and shallow.
Women everywhere, irl, literally everywhere except a few good women are shallow as a saucer. Internet is even worse because it provides them an avenue for whoring and scamming while expanding their reach tremendously.

wow, the truth really does hurt

I've been told I'm cute. where are my fembots

Does anyone else think these incestuous discord groups ruined this board?

If she makes a public announcement that she's a girl every time she posts, then yes, she knows she has no value besides being a female. Otherwise, she's just as shallow as any male on this board

Fuck yourself nigger, I've never orbited and will never orbit. Suck a pistol's dick.

Not him, but i am new and no idea who youbare talking about

They were burned again and again because the only men they're interested in are those with the most marketable faces. They deserve literally no sympathy.

>i am new
You both are. Lurk more.

I feel like the internet amplifies shallowness.


Put this shit over a filtered picture of a field and post it on Facebook you fucking niggernormie

How am I a normie? I hate the women who post here far more than you could ever possibly imagine.

Wow you are so special and amazingly full of emotions


Yep. I stand by it. You have no idea what said "fembots" have put me through. I'll greentext it one of these days.

Post pics of these guys please. I'm a quite good looking guy and I want to see if I stand a chance in obtaining nudes.

would still kill for a fembot gf. my desire is immune to reason at this point, i just need to fulfill the ambition.

>Girls on this board seem trashy and shallow
they are as much as the boys are on this website.

I want a black fembot gf to pin down and fill with my sticky cum and have a bunch of mixed niglets with.

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This pretty much, if you feel the need to announce your gender on an anonymous image board you are probably very shallow and definitely not a robot.

>implying it isn't fags and trolls pretending to be grils for (You)s

>there are discords associated with this board which have chads and females on them

how far we've fallen

Don't give them the ego boost of calling them Chads. These are people who fail with women in real life settings and have to come to a place like this, invest a ton of effort and time simply to obtain a few grainy, underexposed nudes. Ninety nine times out of a hundred they'll never even meet up with the girl. It's a colossal waste of time and effort. And it's exclusively done by sad losers with no professional future who think they're lotharios.

this is vyro

never heard of jusky

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No cunt. You're shallow. Kill yourself soon. Make sure you cut your arteries. Daddy doesn't love you :((((

you boys are just as shallow. and I have other plans, stop trying to control the situation just like a boy to try and control something he has no business trying to control.
grow up boy.

You like saying boy a lot

>I have other plans

You mean e dating some unemployed 5.5/10 faggot who is secretly sexting three other daddy issues sluts on the side? Get real child.

Women are shallow in general they cant be fembots unless they horribly ugly and have no social skills.

the but modern day brazilians are the way they are due to mixing with black slaves

Tell you what's shallow, comparing your penis every day with other guys while looking for new ways to scare a girl off.

Anyway try and prove I'm shallow.

I'm literally just addressing who I'm talking about..

Yes, that is exactly my plan. 5.5/10. exactly.
I'll kill myself in time, but it won't be by slicing my wrists.

Can I be the 5.5

date me plz fembot and tell me what's what

>daddy issues sluts
You realize no woman would have daddy issues if a worthless MAN didn't run from or abuse his daughter.

Which discord servers?

And this makes you want to go and fuck other men or send your nudes to men for what reason exactly. Doesn't make any sense to me. Wouldn't you be wary of men rather than giving it all up so easily?

You've had sex with how many partners?

reminder that vyro is a twink faggot who used to be an underage gay camwhore

Everyone is shallow. That said the only two girls who have ever spurned me were fembots. It still stings.

I already have an object for my affection.

0 and I'm thinking it's probably going to stay that way when I die

Cannot explain the psychology of it, all I know is I was starved for any male attention because I had none as a child. I guess, a guy that had no mother would want attention from a woman, no matter the type.

All I ever wanted was someone that loves me, protects me and helps me up when I make mistakes. I see a guy and assume incorrectly because he's male he will give me this but he is just as incapable as the father that abandoned my mother.

Surprise surprise, the tripfag normie who meets up with people irl and fucks around with ewhores is an ewhore himself, who fucking cares?

The object for your affection is chatting to other mentally ill women from the same board you met him on.

Who were those two?

This guy gets bitches?

He can respectably do whatever he wants, he earned it.

I don't think you actually want those things though. I think you like the idea of them but really what it comes down to is attaching yourself to the prettiest face among the men who you chat with. Realistically which men here are going to protect and help you when they're mostly internet addicted, unemployed and incapable of interacting with people in the real world. This is why women like you like e relationships. It provides a simulation of a real relationship where you're able to project all of those things into the object of your affection because he's hundreds if not thousands of miles away.

>he earned it.

If you met him here I doubt he's ever earned anything. You're just falling for a halfway decent face and feel flattered and in his debt as a result.

Not the user you're responding to.

I don't do virtual relationships but admit several years ago I did have a robust social presence and the non stop adoration felt really good but it in the end isn't real.

I do take issue with what I dream about in a man I didn't have as a child. My college roommate had a father, she could trust him to be there for anything, like it was normal and it was so foreign to me.

I find guys usually only want a superficial relationship not a loving and trusting one so I get hurt over and over

That's a goofy meme picture, he looks better in other ones I think.

anyway, he never really "got bitches" as far as guys like Oscar did. Vyro mostly attracted a couple very dedicated very crazy women and not much else. Apparently he got along well with most of the crazy ones, but when he talked to any "normal" girl, they got sick of him pretty quick and vice versa. Go figure.

I'm not falling for anything, I'm simply choosing an outlet for the feelings that naturally build up in me.

Maybe you're different but most girls here, I've found, don't actually want serious relationships. They want to piss around online with men they'll probably never meet for years because it acts together as a therapeutic drug for them. All of the immediate gratification of being told they're loved, sexually desired (a lot of young girls like the idea of men desiring their nudes for this reason) and other forms of ersatz romantic affirmation with none of the responsibility or day to day difficulties of a real relationship. Many people waste years doing this. But none of it is real. It's all one big simulacrum. Even if you meet them, and I've met a few girls from/r9k/, it rarely goes any further than sex.

So we're both coming from similar situations here. I see your being hurt over and over and raise you being played around by girls who like the idea of commitment, but not the real thing.

Your "robot boyfriend" is just some random, passably good looking guy who happened to be in the right place at the right time. I should know, I was that guy

so controlling honestly..

This. Fembots were the girls at high school who fucked the tragic stoner guy who played in a """band""".

You're either really slow or just being cryptic on purpose.

>Do you think the girls on this website are shallow?
no, they are just being girls, if there is something all those guys you mentioned have in common is that they are above average looking, probs funny, mentally ill, and a bit a sociopaths, perfect ingredients for a boyfriend material for any of the girls here, the only difference is that as opposed to IRL, online they let more of their personality flow, literally being themselves while they can do so IRL, which I'm pretty sure would attract IRL women to them as well.

if anything we robots are more shallow than them.

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Not new but I've only seen one of them

The funny thing is I know one who is exactly like this. Right down to fucking stoners in bands.

>which I'm pretty sure would attract IRL women to them as well.

Nice try Jusky. Guys who get pussy irl don't waste years of their lives in discord servers predating on BPD sluts.

>tfw no robot gf (male)

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>Implying women in general arent shallow

Jusky is a fucking faggot, I don't think his looks are what gets him anywhere since he's barely above average, the girls I've seen approach/orbit him have all been really interested in the fact he killed animals as a kid though and a bunch of other "I'm going to be a serial killer in a couple of years" tier shit.

Also he never showers pic related.

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not Jusky, but you might be right, and to be honest I know literally nothing about these faggots nor do I want to, I guess I was just projecting a bit.

>Who were those two

1. American girl who looked like a pixie and had substance abuse problems
2. Finnish girl in her 30s who fucked Oscar (I think)

Can't say I was a fembot girl and was kinda popular with the guys but that was because I did let them do things before I learned not to. Then for a brief period I did all those stupid things some of you complain of from someone you know but view and go back for more from girls you don't. I stopped all that when it was apparent no guy loves me. Not one. I had to learn on my own not to have sex first then try to get them to love me. Men aren't made that way.

God what is it about edgy faggots and this board? At least Ian wasn't actually pretending and had a genuinely traumatic and fucked up childhood.

Based hate posta. Dubs of selective truth.

I thought you said you didn't date men from here. Or do internet dating. Anyway. That sort of past activity is a red flag to most men who have their lives together. And yes, I used to do the same thing. Once bitten, twice shy. Some girls here are downright sociopathic.

Jusky hates getting posted about on Jow Forums since it exposes him and he is in hardcore denial about his stunts and who he really is.

juskys mom was a prostitute and beat him on almost a daily basis the killing animals stuff is edgy as fuck and his justifications for it (if you can get past him lying about doing it) all sound pretty stereotypical of a fucked up kid, really? I feel sorry for him. he obviously doesn't have the ability to form genuine connections with anyone and just kind of drifts around, jumping at the opportunity for something that could make him feel something that isn't nothing. The problem is I have no idea how to get through to a person like that, he reminds me of my brother who had a lot of similar issues and even looks a little like him (but uglier lol). Jusky if you're out there and want another shot at trying to actually like someone, drop a message in that server you were complaining about these issues in, everyone else might cut you out and ghost you or you might instinctively do it to them but I understand you more than you could imagine and think we could be great friends.

Say hello to our new queen Jow Forums
she might even post in this board

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Where is my skank whore? Add me

I never dated anyone from here or who I met on line but I did share pics and things. I dated a lot in hs, a lot.

>feeling sorry for a LITERAL psychopath

Huh really? I have his dox but I'd never thought he cared about having his details leaked.

all these guys are ugly autistic faggots where is MY gf???

How old are you now, and how much is "a lot"? What sort of guys did you used to go to, just because I find it helps you understand a lot about a person.

I dislike him because he's one of those people who thinks having a few orbiters makes him better than the average robot. He lets those things go to his head. Even when I was fucking girls I met on Jow Forums I never had that same arrogant attitude.

I imagine you're a girl, have never interacted with Jusky or both, he has absolutely no personality and most of his outward mannerisms are faked for some reason or another that is usually because he wants something, I cannot fucking believe this guy isn't on the discord red flags list because I have seen him turn people against each other, act severely autistic and embarrass himself and generally fuck over his friends for no discernable reason whatsoever. If you talk to him 1 on 1 he comes across as cold empty and boring, he has nothing to say but still manages to talk constantly he's dull, empty, weird, ugly as sin and will fuck you over completely at random, avoid this wannabe camwhore.

Post it please.

Jesus dude, you are one of the biggest naive whiteknights I've seen in my life.

>I have his dox
I call bullshit. He's apparently really secretive.

I'm cute wheres my fembot orbiters

I've never seen Jusky once let that shit get to his head, despite everything everyone here is saying about him he is one of the most humble people I've ever met when he's not putting on a character for what I thought was a joke but after 's post I am now thinking because he's some sort of multi-personality schizo just kidding

This. I've been here for years. Lots of fembots have. But we don't post pictures of ourselves/stream/tripfag/join normie chats.

reminder that """fembots""" are boring individuals with no real personalities beyond a select few.

they'll converse with you, sure, but they're so utterly bland as human beings that conversation dies near instantly because you have nothing in common because there's nothing there. At that point, you can either go on and on about typical r9k shit to get a reaction, or just let conversation peter out. Either way, there are one of two results:

1. They'll backstab you and call you a mouthbreathing autist if you just act like an r9k loser

2. They'll backstab you and call you boring because you have nothing to say to them

either way ends in tragedy, don't fall for the meme you idiots.

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He's admitted to putting on different personalities depending on the server and who he talks to.