Clapham Junction edition
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Don't reply to trips
First for realising that young boys are actually more beautiful and feminine than women these days.
Tilde supporter is a yank
Some tranny from /mtfg/ no doubt, like this kattrip
Just had some lobster at the beach, pretty nice day so far.
One of the main reasons i only drink bottled water hese days
*minces into ur thread*
Deliver freight
Back home to England tomorrow lads can't wait. We don't know how good we have it over here
Plenty of places in the UK say mom. I am a tranny but I'm no yank
don't make me tell mom on you
Even this guy is more convincing than you
Convincing of what?
No they do not mate. Nowhere spells mum with an o. Jesus Christ.
Sorry m8, I only take Xi's advice once
Where the fuck were you lad? Sub saharan africa? Can't think of anywhere else that's much worse than England.
Convincing of being legitimately British
Going on hoilday on friday, Skegness
Evil Dead remake is better than the original
Lads, that M&S best ever prawn sandwich is amazing. Had three this week.
Lots of places in the midlands do
What would convince you lad?
In Italian countryside visiting family. No internet, weird ass food, mosquitos everywhere. Chapel town is more comfy than this rural shit
You should have just have gone to a good part of Italy. Much better than England.
Picutre of the queen next to naked bussy with britfeel timestamp on your arse cheek
>From the midlands
>Fond of tilde
Alright saku
who cares how brummies talk they all sound retarded anyways
didn't tilde organise a shitposting campaign against saku because ebin had a crush on him
[GCHQ surveillance intensifies]
Nope, just another brummie cunt. Not even fond of tilde as such, just friendly to everyone here
Just take me as a yank in that case
Nah it was against Len because Ebin was in love with Len for a while and even begged Len to be with him.
i'll tell the family to move to rome so i can go there next time
ooo i love a bit of cringe lore. Ebin sounds like a massive faggot, did he really beg?
absolute state of everyone involved
he was just banging on about how degen and disgusting gays and trannies are the other day aswell, KEK
He phoned up Len when he was out for a walk and it was raining, and he just sat there in the rain getting soaking wet crying and desperately begging him to be his boyfriend. But by that time he'd met Saku and they were getting together.
wtaf have I just found lads
8/10 for creative effort but bollocks nonetheless
>Clapham Junction
Word on the Winstanley is that DM is a noncer
Forgot to add Ebin had lent Len 150 quid to fix his boiler, but really he spent it on a lavish three course meal with Saku in Leamington Spa.
They're getting married there next month actually.
People like to pretend that Ebin is prison gay but he's genuinely gay. He likes women a tiny tiny bit but for the most part he's actually gay.
He's definitely bi in denial at the least
Probably concerned his sexuality will damage his reputation here
>Len/saku marriage in Leamington spa
You brought this up yesterday. I reckon the wedding day is what BritNormie is leading up to
>Clapham Junction
What happened there?
I don't think he cares, he already said he doesn't care for labels
That's right. It was an Italian restaurant called Valles, but I think you've got the details wrong. It was actually 150 to fix his boiler and then another 50 that was supposed to be for a pair of shoes. They didn't spend all 200 at Valles, but they had a good meal and a posh bottle of wine and then frittered away the rest on sweets, chocolate and magazines from WH Smiths.
afternoon lods how we lookin?
>Probably concerned his sexuality will damage his reputation here
But everyone knows he's a bumder, sounds like contrarianism to me.
>Pretending to borrow 200 for an emergency and just wasting it on a meal and random crap from WH Smiths.
Fucking liberty man. No wonder he hates them.
Yeah they literally spent about 80 quid just on absolute crap from WH Smiths, just random things like those expensive little notebooks and a parker pen and a load of computer magazines and huge bars of dairy milk. Multiple bags of haribo, and four bottles of fizzy drinks including some of that expensive Fentiman's cola.
>man who frequently spazzed out over comments made on a Jow Forums thread doesn't care
He cares far too much about this thread and the way people here perceive him. He will deny it, of course. But his strong reactions in the past certainly show how much this thread can affect him
There was a rumor going round that DM is a nonce case
Nah I'm not him, I'll ask for permission to post a pic of the RSVP email once they log in to Discord.
>sperged out introducing Tilde to his parents trying to convince them she's not gay
>they didn't ask
Definite issues with sexuality desu
Kek, I've done a delivery there in April 2015.
This sounds like the purple mango one, I'm enjoying this
>Cohen is literally spilling everything to Mueller right now about Trump's treasonous crimes
>Jow Forums and T_D trying desperately to suppress the story
Loving every laugh
It's not even that expensive a place but Saku's gutbuster meal took a huge chunk out of poor Eggo's money.
It's hilarious. I'm just watching it all unfold, not got to the point of shitposting yet. Going to wait for them to reach fever pitch before I start poking them for easy (you)'s and mass triggering
>4D c-chess
What's all this about? Not the same shit with that pornstar is it
Lads last night in the pub this crazy lithuanian guy was talking about how amazing he was at maths. Said he was the best in his small village. His high school level was better than our university courses.
I asked him to find f'(x) of the function f(x) = 14x^2 +28x +17
He couldn't do it. But in my hubris I said f'(x) = 28x + 28 +C
+C?!?!?!?! I got mixed up with integrals and differentials because it's been years since studying maths. I meant to prove him wrong. But I showed myself up. However, nobody else knew the answer... and they were like ahah you showed him.
But I knew.... I knew I was an idiot. :(
who the fuck discusses maths in a pub
Don't wear your canon inkjet out, it already had to print off a us visa earlier this week
>I asked him to find f'(x) of the function f(x) = 14x^2 +28x +17
>He couldn't do it. But in my hubris I said f'(x) = 28x + 28 +C
>thinking anything will happen to trump
>caring either way about it
Two of Trumps officials are now felons, one of which is looking to go down for as long as 80 years
The other took a plea bargain and will likely get a slap on the wrist comparatively. He directly implicated Trump as the one who told him to commit this crime, knowing full well it was a crime
what we're likely to see now is more and more people coming out of the woodwork to shame Trump, as they've seen that the investigation could lead to life long jail terms for those that don't
>He directly implicated Trump as the one who told him to commit this crime, knowing full well it was a crime
I'm out of the loop, what crime did he commit and why did Trump tell him to?
i don't understand what the letters mean and do your homework yourself
>muh guy in pub gave me this question pls solve it
8 counts for one, 5 for the other iirc. A range of things from fraud to attempting to hide criminal activity
F.A.Bulous suggestion lad
I wouldn't usually, because most people generally don't want to. But I wouldn't mind doing so. I only asked this question because this guy was bragging about being so smart and that the uk education system is shit.
Very silly ain't I.
>doesn't understand the question at all
>doesn't realise the answer is given
>tells somebody else to stop asking for homework help
Think you replied to the wrong post lad.
Just ate some yummy hash browns and egg lads
you are such a fuckin nerd
You absolute sausage
Just saw a guy in sainsbury's with an entire trolley full of their own brand lager. Must have had about 60 cans. What did he mean by this?
You do know when ever there's "bad news" Jow Forums gets flooded with muh drumpf threads which actual shills spam and it's normally full of shitposters and retards ALL CAPPING AT EACH OTHER
>Very silly ain't I.
H-heh, yeah lad. Lost your marbles you have
Why the fuck are they getting married, this is such an obvious pisstake, but I think this could be better than SS and Marko so I'm still looking forward to it
Got a comfy cat on my lap lads haha
Did you make the hashbrowns yourself?
*dabs into the thread* yeyeyee
Currently mincing around sandbach services on the M6
I just remembered this one time when me and my 2 friends were playing lord of the rings on PS2, and my sister's friend who was a mega stacy came in and spent like 20 minutes taking the piss out of us, and all we did was look at the floor and feel bad about ourselves
harv price the video game
Because they love each other?
This isn't fake either, honestly I'll post the invite email later if they're ok with it. I'm thinking of taking someone from britfeel as my plus one.
ah-hah you got me there matey! Well done.
Sausage minus the roll.
Mans never gonna get sold
Back of the rack grow old
eventually turn to dust and mould
What lead to sakis weight gain
I'm still confused, what has Clapham Junction got to do with the Daily Mail?
How long until Trump is thrown into Supermax?
I didn't mention the Daily Mail
Serves your right for being a fucking smug fedora.
I'm only 20 minutes down the road from Leamington spa and would love to be your plus 1
Thats probably going to be me next year, think I'll have to do another maths module and lots of it I've just not bothered to retain a bunch of information
Maths is fun but stressful desu
Waheeeyy I pass there on the way to uni, it's the one with that hideously depressing red overpass right?
That's the one, just rejoined the M6
what the fricking heck is this animal
dont u guys ever get angry or passionate or do you just call each other lads and long for autumn all day hugging waifu pillows
i mean shit nigga u guys talking about some tripfags weddings and shit like fuck me boys you guys are gimps
Alex, Liam?
You're a complete brainlet if you think the Lithuanian guy didn't also know you fucked it up and he was just being polite because only a highly insecure person would challenge someone to a math problem in a pub.
got fully diagnosed with autism (ASD) Friday last week, took fucking months since I had to have a screening and go through 3 different stages
I'm on ESA for depression right now, in the WRAG, but what I'm wondering is what should I do with the diagnosis? I'm not exactly struggling on ESA right now but if there's a way to get more perks and money I'm all for it
If you think user is insecure, you should see the pallets on the back of this truck!
I have to be honest I was hoping to ask another poster here first but I might have to do it on his blog as I keep missing him, I will let you know though.
He munches whole loaves of bread when he's on the computer, just dipping the slices in butter as if it's nacho chips and dip.