Why do normies like to "go out" so much?

Why do normies like to "go out" so much?
They go out to watch movies, they go out to eat, they go out to buy clothes, buy objects. They basically go out to waste their money on things that can be easily delivered/done at home for a fraction of the cost

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Because it's fun for them. Why do you care?

Most people dont want to stay inside all day

They're not depressed and you are. Get outside.

they wouldnt wage cuck if they didnt get tricked to think that wasting ALL their time was worth the few objects they liked

But why?
Maybe if I could understand their motivations I could find the motivation to go out of my comfort zone or do something different that might make my life less awful.

hang out with friends, no one does these activities alone lmao

I go outside with my friends to have some adventures like urban exploration for example.

They have been brainwashed by capitalism and materialism

Because theyre not virgin losers

A lot of people, me aswell, are desperate for social contact. I will kill myself if I don't speak to a human being for more than one week.

Often, Teamspeak's enough for social contact, but sometimes we get ideas or want to do something which can't be done if we're seperated through a screen. Well, of course we could both deliver a pizza to our home and eat it together while speaking on teamspeak, but I enjoy it way more if I can see them while speaking. Or if we want to craft something together like a gokart (we did this once). It was extremely fun buying all the parts and welding everything together, playing mechanic and getting everything working. It was a two-seater.

Find a good friend who you can do stupid shit with, it's fun.

>inb4 normie
yeah, i guess i'm somewhat a normie

Dont kill your mother, user

>mom tells me I need to deliver some fresh pickles and some other stuff to my aunt across the town
>tell mom she can deliver them because she can drive
>"no user you have to go"
>start worrying about having to go a couple of days, before the day I have to go
>the kind of worry that you have in the back of your mind which does not let you enjoy anything
>finally the day comes
>I get ready, take a bath, wear clean clothes, get ready 2 hours before I have to leave
>put mom's dumbphone in my backpack so that I don't get it stolen
>store money for bus in multiple places including my socks, wallet and pocket so that I can still get by if someone steals my wallet
>board bus very carefully, worry I might have boarded the wrong bus until I actually reach
>be very polite to the ticket guy and other passengers so that they don't hate me
>everyone looks like they're fucking thieves who want to steal my money and phone
>heart racing from nervousness all the time
>get off at destination bus stop, the ride took 1 hour
>say thank you to driver and ticket guy
>walk to aunts house
>everyone around look like they want to mug me
>almost in tears from fear
>finally reach
>take a bath at aunt's house
>sob while taking a bath because of how stressful the whole ordeal was
>call mom to pick me up
>mom comes
>scream at mom about how she always puts me in bad situations like this
>she says some shit like "its to conquer your PEOPLE PHOBIA" or some shit like that while saying I did a good job

This has happened like 7 times now

Holy fucking shit my man
You have some serious autism

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Im the same way friend, any journey feels like a mission to Mordor
Need to plan the routes and all the other stuff days in advance

it's a bonding thing for normies, since were social outcasts it doesn't appeal to us

That's true
I often forget I am not the norm, but the exception

>>start worrying about having to go a couple of days, before the day I have to go
I do this with everything.

Whenever possible I always go out shopping because I want the things instantly and not have to wait for them in the mail. Also want to see the product in real life not on a screen. Watching a movie in theater feels different compared to doing it home because you cant get the same sound and so on.

Because that is what everyone is told to do. I mean I like to do it too. I love hanging out with my good friends. I couldnt care less about wasting money because I enjoy spending time with them and that is priceless to me. Cant say the same for others. Not a lot of people have friends as good as mine. Dont call me a normie.

Experiencing the world is fun when you have people to do it with. I hated the money spending aspect because i don't work, but having a gf for a month and doing things with her was the most fun i've ever had in my life. Even when looking back on the games i used to play like runescape or battlefield 3 with nostalgia goggles on, they just don't compare at all.

Kill yourself normalfag cock sucker

because theyre stupid idiots

Not him but you don't know what it's like to have severe social anxiety and agrophobia user, it's fucking awful.

Because they should also get the fuck out of my board.

Because there is nothing to do for them at home.
Or they wanna socialise.

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>everyone looks like they're fucking thieves who want to steal my money and phone
>everyone around look like they want to mug me
user, you should never ever relax around blacks. If they sense weakness and think they can get away with it, they will try and mug you. Its just common sense.

I also dont fucking understand why they got to go to places like malls and then spend hundreds on random shit