WTF? Is it really that easy to get test?

WTF? Is it really that easy to get test?

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natural test in low doses... yes, it's called trt.

Dude if boogie didn't get TRT he would be dead already. He probably has 0 natural test production

Theres a difference between physiological and supra physiological doses of testosterone. His is for HRT, not bodybuilding. The dose of test he's receiving is equivalent to test present in a man his age.

>He probably has 0 natural test production

Because he’s fat as fuck

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Fat literally aromatizes most of it away.

Aromatase in fat tissue turns natural test into estrogen.

Yes. Test replacement therapy. They are fucking everywhere. Insurance even covers it. Are you dumb or poor?

Why not give him an AI instead of more test? Does his doctor want him to become a trap?

FYI Boogie used to be a woman. I think it's very brave to take the final ftm step and I support him 100%

I remember when he tweeted about his vagina.

where does test comes from? how is he getting his dose?

When I switched from being an obese fuck that ate garbage to working out every day and eating right my voice started cracking like I was going through puberty. It lasted off and on for 2 months. This was literally a sign my test was going up?

probably straight from cow's blood
injections into bloodstream

This motivates me to cut

can i do that for myself? to raise my test levels?

boogie doing test, gonna get swole as fuck

>roiding for this

>Can I take test myself to raise my levels

This is literally one of the core steroids people do to get big. Almost certainly the most used along with stuff to balance out sides

Anyone who had natural low test? I suspect it might be the case for me because...reasons.

There's no such thing as naturally low testosterone. It's caused by something.

In my case, losing weight doubled my test

By giving him test...?

yeah natural was a bad term, but in my case it's probably jews in the water or something

Define low. I had mine measured and it was on the low end of normal, around 300 dl/ml if I'm remembering right. If that doesn't sound right then I can check

Like, impacts your life low
and isn't 300 pretty fucking low for a young man?

so much fat it would just aromatize or however its spelled

I was at 304 ng/dl (27 years old) and two doctors refused to give me TRT.

Bought some UGL and not I give myself 100 mg per week of test e. Best decision I ever made.

What differences did you notice? Is 100 mg/week a lot, what would your values be like now (assuming you haven't checked due to legal concerns)?

I was 26 when I got it measured but I didn't go back to my doctor to try to get any TRT. I'm trying to get more fit and shed some fat before I get it measured again to see if it changes at all.

Well, if you're legitimately fat that is.

Someone at 14-18% bf probably has more natural test than someone at 8% bf, it goes both ways.

Hahahaha the fucking state of the world

>feels like I’m wearing nothing at all!

>am 230 lbs 6'0 fatty
>don't lift or have muscles at all
>even during a fast still fucking breaking out
>girlfriend tells me my voice cracks a lot
Am I high test Jow Forums?

>What differences did you notice?

Quite a lot of differences, but here are the most noticeable ones:

- With low test it's almost impossible to lose belly fat and gain anything more than 1/4 to 1/2 a pound of muscle per month (even as a beginner). TRT corrects this rather quickly.
- Hair will probably start to thin slightly but nothing too crazy
- Enhanced endurance when doing cardio (you lose this once you start taking bodybuilder test doses)
- Your face will lean out quite a bit
- Energy levels will go through the roof (with low test it feels like you have rust in your joints. On TRT it feels as though your joints have been freshly oiled)
- Libido will increase a lot. Morning erections will slowly come back.
- Your aggressiveness will increase but usually not TOO much (I went from about a 3 to a 5)
- If you're depressed you might see a small amount of alleviation once you get your test levels up
- Your testicles WILL shrink, even with HCG

Overall TRT has very few side effects compared to running crazy cycles with stuff like tren, halotestin, GH, etc. Get on ASAP if you're suffering from low test (don't self diagnose, get a blood test). However you should always try to do it naturally first. Get lots of sleep, eat a clean diet, limit alcohol, train hard, and lose fat.

I was at 226 lbs with a test level of 179 ng/dl when I was 25. Lost 43 lbs and got it up to 263 ng/dl but was unable to lose any weight despite a large calorie deficit and clean diet. With TRT I sit comfortably in the 500 to 750 range for most of the week. Keep in mind that TRT will NOT let you look like zyzz no matter how clean your diet is, but you will still look far better than at least 75% of other guys walking around.

I'm 37 and have been thinking of getting those BioTest implanted sustained release pellets. There's 20 clinics in a 30 mile radius. I think I'll make an appointment.
I wonder if they'll also prescribe Anavar...

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Thanks for the response. Regarding hair, if I have low T I think I might get on minoxidil, because neither my father nor maternal grandpa are very hairy and I am receding a little, feels lik minox and trutt shouldn't interfere with each other too much, right? Anyway, I should be calling the hospital tomorrow, really hope there's something wrong with me.

Make sure you get enough vitamin D, it's essential to test production (plus it's great to keep you overall healthy vs sickness)

>Boogie finally lost his natty card
Brehs, he's actually going to become the next Zyzz. FUARKKK

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>Your aggressiveness will increase but usually not TOO much

So if I feel like a fucking god when lifting, mirin myself, getting hyped and attacking those weights with serious intent while thinking about terror and bloodshed trying to squeeze ancient battle hysteria latent in my genes for another 1-2 reps on the set, I probably don't have low test?

Sometimes when I walk behind people on the street, I think about how easily I could've killed that person, especially if they're a frail male or a female. Hard to explain, but sometimes I my mind wanders into predator mode even though I haven't physically hurt someone since high school and I am in my mid 20's now.

I am just wondering, I have no idea about my test levels, but is aggressiveness linked with it?
I'm generally a very calm and nice guy to everyone, but competitive and assertive.

>Sometimes when I walk behind people on the street, I think about how easily I could've killed that person, especially if they're a frail male or a female. Hard to explain, but sometimes I my mind wanders into predator mode even though I haven't physically hurt someone since high school and I am in my mid 20's now.
Same man, I think it's a natural thing among humans to do. I go through some what weird "what-if" scenarios from time-to-time but I have the self-control to never act on them.
Or maybe it's just a mild autist thing.

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Get out of here, NPC. We were discussing a player's choice option-tree in the game's current meta in the 21st century first world build.

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