having sex with a black woman feels kinda like you're having sex with a relative, which makes it hotter. I guess that's why we call each other brothers and sisters.
As a black man
Holy shit its that bitch from cyberspace. Wonder what shes up to nowadays?
I just saw her in a Popeyes commercial the other day. Apparently she's still been acting but she also does some weird therapy shit. I used to think she was so hot back in the Cyber Space days and she still looks the exact same now.
>goes from a top tier show to popeyes commercials
prove you are black or this is larp just like every other thread created by "blackbots"
Fuck off, who were you supposed to be?
We drop hard consonants at the end of words.
"Grab a switch"
Sliced bread for hamburger buns
Re use trying grease.
"I brought you in this world can take you out"
Hot fries, hot sausages, fruities, huggies
thanks for confirming your larp faggots.
I just gave you bona fide esoteric examples of black mid-atlantic culture and you can't even see that. You must be white so why bother for proof? Child.
not really. i dont get when people say this. shes just another girl.
and I dont call other black people brother and sister because im not a faggit
Why is it so hard for me to attract black guys?
Fellow black here, I used to feel the same way (except for the hotter part) and I turned out to be a tranny so get yourself checked. I think I saw myself in the women I was fucking.
Not enough information for me to be able to help you. What do you look like? How old are you? etc.
t. passing octaroon
>regular brownskin
>thin lips for a black person
>otherwise regular black facial features i think
>long afro-curly hair that hangs down
>look young for my age
>average or slightly above in attractiveness, no makeup
Im 20 and pretty shy
or ur getting ur throat slit
idk how you have trouble attracting one, they are easier for me to talk to and get along with than white dudes.
>have all white facial features
>confuse the hell out of all white people
feels good man
Blacks love thicc. I suggest you start doing squats and eat at a calorie surplus.
>regular brownskin
The worse skin color to have. Too light to have that rich ebony sheen, too dark to trigger an interracial feel. Tan more or bleach.
>thin lips for a black person
Tell me more about your facial aesthetics. Even blacks love the white girl face and vastly prefer it
>long afro-curly hair that hangs down
Niggas don't like afro-centric hair for the most part. Invest in a flattening iron
>look young for my age
Irrelevant atm
>average looks
So a basic bitch
Why do niggas have crazy standards?
Definitely not a tranny. I enjoy having a penis and I can't fathom having a woman's body, it seems so alien. You're right, I do kinda see myself in black women but it's more of a "we were meant to fuck" kind of thing I not an "I was meant to be that" thing.
I think what turns me on is the fact that we have similar experiences and our ancestors went through very similar things and here we are, still fucking.
Peer pressure. Young black men are always competing with eachother to bag the hottest bitch in their hood. I remember going out when I was younger and we'd have contests as to how many bitches we could "book" in one afternoon.
>listening to larpers/self hating blacks
never gonna make it
Why do american nogs call themselves black when they're clearly mixed?
>Tell me more about your facial aesthetics. Even blacks love the white girl face and vastly prefer it
Lmao blacks aren't attracted to thin lips retard haha that shit is gross, we think they look like open wounds
Because they are still majority black dumbass
We were called niggers when we were enslaved. Then it was changed to negro. Then blacks took the word negro and translated it to English, so we came up with black. It really doesn't make sense to call ourselves black because a lot of us are nearly fucking white (Sinbad, Mariah Carey, Lisa Bonet) but it's just something we do.
the same faggots to spew: "black people aren't a monolith!!!!"
You are probably too ugly to bag a mixed girls/redbone. Smdh
Whats to LIKE about being black my guy?
A mutt is a mutt. Call yourselves amerimutts because you will never ever be black to a real black person
Lmfao most american blacks dont look like mariah carey
Sure seems awfully incestuous around here...
One drop rule. White exclusivity.
The real reason in modern times is that mixed blacks are THE ONLY ones who achieve anything and blacks claim them out of desperation.
Think about it. Every meaningful black in American history was mulatto.
>You are probably too ugly to bag a mixed girls/redbone. Smdh
Mixed girls and redbones don't have thin white people lips retard.
>t. male redbone
Don't pure blacks run the US music industry and some of your largest cities? (Atlanta etc)
Did I imply we did? I said a lot of us don't even look black (citing 3 famous examples) but we still call ourselves black.
Most mixed girls I know dont have white ppl lips
I'm guessing we'd have to iron out what "thin" means to you and I. Moot to continue desu.
Fuck no? What? lol Blacks don't run ANY of the music industry.
I've seen lips that thick on Icelanders and Danish peoples. So, again, it depends on what you mean by thin.
This is what I mean by thin. White people have monkey lips. No black people are attracted to women with lips like this.
I don't really feel that way, but I do find fucking women that are as dark as or darker than me rather satisfying for reasons I can't wrap my head around.
They're more successful in general, but I do attribute their higher visibility in political activism - particularly of the left-wing / revolutionary kind - to hybrid neuroticism. Dark blacks seem to be more conservative and stoic.
Many whites don't have lips that thin. I'd wager most actually.
All the top American musicians are black. It's literally always been that way.
Why is an octoroon even posting in this thread
I'd say it has more to do with a life-long identity crisis. Anecdotally, I know many a mixed girl who have a chip on their shoulder and try to defend the black race at every turn.
Those are the lips they're known for. Many white people have them. If they're bigger, it's not by a lot. They're the only race on the planet with those lips. The women cover it up with lipstick or injections but they have tiny lips. This is why they thought Angelina Jolie was so hot, because she had thicker lips and it was rare for a white person to have those.
Again, don't confuse black with mulatto.
Top musicians have always been very black user lol what do you mean
Like I said. Not all white people look like that disgusting greek hybrid.
This guy was from the 50s and he's black as fuck.
>tfw my lips are this size and have been made fun of because of them
Taylor Swift has pretty much perfect lips and she's white
It's not rare for a white person
Both have thin lips that aren't attractive to black people. Why are you trying so hard to prove to me that black people find thin white lips attractive?
That's not even close to true. Are you going to sit here and tell me that if a mixed girl with a face identical to Taylor Swift walked down a black neighborhood she wouldn't be hounded hard? Don't lie for the sake of argument it's fucking tedious.
Just because a girl will receive attention does not make her ideal
Highly fucking doubt it. Not all black men are thirsty for whiteness, it's usually just a novelty thing. This isn't a movie. Taylor Swift isn't attractive to most black people.
Why do whites claim to hate interracial but then sperg our when blacks say they're not that cute?
They absolutely are thirsty for whiteness. Get a fucking grip nigger. Why lie about this? You're talking to a guy who's lived in the blackest city in America for over 20 years.
dude youre fucking delusional and I'm black.
People think in generalizations. You're doing it now, too
Mulattoes may be able to lay claim to Duke Ellington, but as for much of the rest of the black American music pantheon, indisputably black.
I dont know any black men who would choose swift over a random mixed video vixen whore
You actually sound like a qt, I hope you find someone
I'd take a beautiful, talented, and accomplished musician over a glorified stripper filled with silicone anyday.
Anything else niggers have contributed to Western Civilization outside of borrowing from established white institutions?
>Taylor Swift
>talented musician
I know you worship whiteness but please neck yourself for being so stupid
Ignore and just be yourself.
Put yourself out there, and remember: only date black men that hold STEM degrees or own/run stable non-entertainment businesses.
Not an argument spergbro.
What homeboy won't tell you is that those black men holding STEM degrees or own their own business will absolutely be chasing white women/quadroons/octaroons and won't be bothered with your black ass.
Lie and say I'm not right, I dare you.
>he doesn't enjoy country music
Thank you
Not all decent black men are chasing white women though. Am I supposed to die alone then?
I am a STEM degree holding business-owning black man, and I'm dating a black woman darker than I am.
Run along now.
If I ever did jump the fence it would only be for Ashkenazi women.
Ashkenazi Jews are the ones pushing thug gangster nigger music and making black neighbourhoods more violent than they already are
You're talking to an actual black guy who has been black for over 20 years so I win
The other guy said all famous black musicians are mulatto. We are disagreeing. Get your head out of your ass.
Damn I never thought about it that way. Blacks are lucky.
>implying Taylor Swift has made a country song in the past 5 years
Do you know where you are? Not fooling anyone.
Nigger, blacks don't even know the difference between a Jew, a Latin, and a Germanic. I've seen blacks call Bernie Sanders (that goofy white boy.) Fruitless endeavor.
I'm a passing octaroon who has a massive black family and see more blacks in an hour than you probably do in a week.
Does your family know how much you hate them?
Who gives a shit how well you can play the instrument if your people didn't invent music theory/written music, learned to refine the raw materials to make the instruments, or engineered the instruments in the first fucking place.
That's my point.
There is a reason why I'm so white dude. I'm probably the most loved grand-child in my entire family. My blacker cousins don't get nearly as much affection/money/attention and they are sick over it.
Let me give you a pro-tip my dude. Black people are the most racist people on the planet against black people. If you were black you'd know that.
>Do you know where you are? Not fooling anyone.
Take it from a first-generation robot: We all (or many of us, anyway) grow up and take responsibility for our lives sooner or later.
Experience from autistic projects in school created the foundations to a reasonably successful career, and being a reject for years instilled a very independent ethos.
Past failures eliminated fear of failure, and where success depends on not having much of a life, I'm no stranger to not having much of a life.
Cyber Chase we're movin' we're beating hacker at his game.
Your point has nothing to do with the argument.
>I'm a passing octaroon who has a massive black family and see more blacks in an hour than you probably do in a week.
I also have a big black family and live in a black area. You're not special bro. You're just a fucking black guy.
Are you stupid? I interjected into the convo to elucidate you niggers on the absurdity of what your are arguing over. Those blacks you tout are merely borrowing from white culture/technology/genius. So fuck off.
>muh niggers haven't invented the industrial process to manufacture the instruments
It's in your best interest to invent a writing system not derived from proto-semitic before you shitpost like that.
You're fucking dumb. You interjected with something off topic. The argument was whether the most famous black musicians were mulatto or black. It has nothing to do with whatever you're saying, you dope.
Wait til you actually fuck your cousin.
>t those black men holding STEM degrees or own their own business will absolutely be chasing white women
What if I tell them, that sane, good, healthy(physically and mentally) white women want to have a romance/wedding/marriage/kids with white men only? Pure biology.
>pure biology
If it were unnatural for the races to mix, we would have sterile offspring or they'd be born retarded. Mating within your race increases the odds of incest.
You are a cac and only a delusional cac is into incest
Your problem is you'd come to fucking 4ch of all places to ask racist Cacs about black people. This cognitive dissonance manifests in your day to day life as incredibly weird and off putting and black ppl assume you hate yourself/black ppl. Which is likely the case, you need to ask yourself why of all the black spaces online that you could've went for this you went to Jow Forums lmao
>this kike propaganda again
fuck off, nigger, NO HEALTHY WHITE WOMEN wants you
Look at Europe - they are diverse, they are white and they are beautiful. White Americans have been(and will be) mixing only with white Americans for many centuries, and they are still healthy and beautiful.
There you go bitch ass white boy
Yeah look at all these disgusting inbred icelanders. They need some diversity right?
Forgot original picture and fuck filter
You took this picture from the thread days ago why are you Cacs so fuckin weird
This is really rare though
I'm white and my lips are ok-full
the thing is rarely will you see a white person with thin lips, 99% of the time a black person WILL have fat lips. And it looks egregious
keep coping by posting pictures of a politician who's been more successful than you, actually so successful he didn't have to cope for the size of his lips lmfao.
I think that's part of the reason i don't like black guys. Having sex with people who look like me is gross.
Jesus look at the lips on this dood. I thought the nig lips thing was a meme