Ever noticed how the ones that are pro refugee are mostly white women? Imagine if instead of millions of middle eastern and african men flooding europe it would be millions of young east asian women. Do you think white european women would still be so supportive of the whole refugee thing?
I remember talking with a female classmate about marrying a foreigner. When I mentioned that many white men in the west nowadays for some reason go for asian women she got visibly upset and began her tirade about how these white men are losers who cant get white women
Ever noticed how the ones that are pro refugee are mostly white women...
>the ones that are pro refugee are mostly white women?
Delusional unless you're a eurofag. Asian women vote democrat and support refugees much more than white women.
im eurofag, minority votes here are not that significant as even countries like germany are still like ~90% white, im talking more about men vs women
Got my wife from Asia. She is gonna be the perfect tiger mom and she speaks near perfect english with an adorable accent. White women who were interested in me were passive as shit: always signaling interest and then chickening out when I start to reciprocate or I spill spaghetti one time. My wife knew exactly what she wanted and didn't play games with me.
Western women will flip their shit once they realize that western men are tired of their shit. "Lets vote to bring millions of violent 3rd worlders into our neighborhoods. No, John, you are a pathetic looser for marrying a foreign girl and immigrating her to your home nation."
You mean Asian women in California vote democrat. I know several Asian women in the heart land who are faithful GOP voters. Asian women follow the group: in blue states they vote blue and red states they vote mixed. If they understood just how much of their husband's cash is going to the state they would vote red every time.
Who cares? You're not going to live long enough to worry about the outcomes of these things. Just enjoy your life while you're alive and stop giving a fuck about what women think.
>faithful GOP voters
You mean downies?
why respond to a thread at all if you dont want to participate in a discussion?
He wants to be a fat aspie contrarian retard sperging out whenever he can
>I kno outliers therefore statistics are wrong
>not liking my sentiment is indicative of me not participating
Am I wrong though? No.
>fat aspie contrarian retard sperging
>enter /mu/ thread
>"why do you guys discuss music, we're all gonna die anyway"
>"Am I wrong though? No."
this is you
Its easy: befriend the outliers and ignore the vast majority so you have a healthy view on race in your community. Sure, I'm technically wrong, but its easier for yourself if you love the outliers and avoid the rabid white haters.
last night I tried my best to fall asleep but I just couldnt do it. My pillow was soaked in tears.
I thought about all the north korean girls that are suffering because of an evil dictator that purposefully destroys their lifes while we do nothing and watch.
As a German I know what it feels like to be guilty of genocide.
If we dont want to be guilty of another genocide, we need to import at least 1 million north korean girl refugees to Germany to make up for our wrongdoing.
It is our moral obligation to save these poor, innocent girls from starvation and terror.
I literally started crying again. Right now Im crying.
How can we be so cruel to them? They didnt deserve this. If we want to be a democracy we have to LET THEM IN.
The picture that is attached to my post shows a north korean girl that got raped and beaten up by the evil north korean soldiers. Her name is Dahyun. All that she has now is this blanket to protect her tiny nude body and her thongs that keep her feet unscathed.
She looks at the north korean border. She looks at the sky where she sees all her dreams flying by. She is looking out for a german airplane to rescue her. But instead we do nothing and therefore we are responsible for genocide. Once again. Asians are underrepresented in our german multicultural society, we need to add their perspective.
>You're not going to live long enough to worry about the outcomes of these things. Just enjoy your life while you're alive
Imagine caring this little about the only world you will likely ever know and never striving to change it for the better. This is the most roastie statement anyone can possibly make.
Had a hearty laugh, thanks for the kek.
Igniting racial reality isnt having a healthy view on race
Okay, after I shared my Korean Refugee copypasta, now a more serious note:
Its fascinating to see how white women shame white men who are going for asian girls with "He cant get white girls."
It shows how self obsessed and arrogant white women really are. They think they are worth more than asian women.
When someone says "He cant get a Ferrari, thats why he drives a VW" he implies: A Ferrari is worth more than a VW.
When someone says "He cant finance a house thats why he lives in a shared apartment" he implies: A house is worth more than a shared apartment.
When a white woman says "He cant get a white girl, thats why he goes for asian girls." she implies: A white girl is worth more than an asian girl. Its a deeply racist statement. Its in fact a statement of white supremacy.
Although its cringy how white women are trying to blame white men for being pedophiles when they go for asian girls.
"If you are attracted to asian girls it means you are actually interested in little children." is what some roastie literally said to me once when we discussed racial preferences.
These statements really show how disgusting and insecure white women really are.
Also: Notice that Sweden and Germany took in the most migrants because they are the most feminist countries. What else are these two countries leading in? Thai waifus. Not joking. See pic related
Except NATO is somewhat responsible for the existence of North Korea. It started out as a Soviet vassal state to counter US influence in the Pacific.
If the North Koreans wanted to immigrate to the US/Europe they'd deserve to be let in IMO.
The toxic femininity in those countries forces men to look elsewhere for wives. Its actually a little sad for the toxic women.
>that pic
HAHAHAHAHAHA white female "liberals" show their true colors
This is not true you brainlet retard.
Kill yourself you fucking delusional low IQ civnat stupid faggot. Your anecdotes mean jack fuckall.
Because almost everyone in Europe is white? The pro-rapefugees are always the leftist vegan sjw tumblrina types.
Roastoid is mad. Fucking niggers, but voting for Trump does not make you based.
Roastoids will forever be assblasted
And no sane man will take them. They are the same as the niggers they fuck: trash.
>a little sad for the toxic women
No it's not.
White women are vicious loyal dogs of the jews.
i dont even think its the jews pushing this, just insecure white women
Touched a nerve, did I?