Tfw just got Boomer'd

>tfw just got Boomer'd
>was up late bing bing wahoo!ing
>some jackass decides to operate loud machinery at 6 in the morning
Fuck boomers

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>not taking advantage of the fact that this helps restore your sleep schedule to something more normal
I would unironically love there to be some uncontrollable noise waking me up at 6am every morning. Alarms don't do it for me because I can turn them off in a second.

literally half my neighbors are retired boomers doing lawncare all day, I want to go back to the city

>stay up late
why do people do this? There's the same number of hours in the day whether you sleep early and wake up early or stay up late, but it's literally better for your health to go to bed at 10-11pm

I've actually shifted to going to bed around that time daily. It feels actually pretty good and I don't wake up wanting to die anymore.

fuck that shit daytime sucks I wanna be nocturnal, give me cyberpunk dystopia big city at night in the rain comfy.

bet it's getting easier to get to sleep too.

My bedtime is midnight, and my room is literally empty except for my bed so I just go in there to crash and it never takes me 5 minutes to go to sleep.

even in a cyberpunk dystopia, the sun is out half the time, and humans aren't nocturnal, you're hurting yourself trying to force it.

Nahh I just have to block my windows and turn my sleep schedule around. and in cyberpunk dystopia the world has either stopped rotating or the sun has been blocked out with industrial smoke.

I don't think that's cyberpunk dystopia

I imagine there's lots of clean energy and the environment is pretty good, there's just no work and no room, everything is crowded and people get paid a stipend to consume and not revolt against the power structure that has automated everything. Surveillance is constant, and alienation is ever-present, but the earth still turns and the sun still comes up at 6pm

Have you not seen the matrix? the sun is literally blocked out purposefully, and thats why the robots use humans as batteries.

that never made sense to me, the sun is such a big energy source, why would they block it out intentionally?

humans blocked out the sun to break the solar powered robots. It's like you've never seen the animatrix.

Using humans as batteries is more of a vengence thing, humans are not that great of a power source compared to other things. The machines dug pretty deep into earth, they could have used geothermal energy instead

>robots gain sentience
>humans don't like it
>robots get their own country
>humans hate it
>humans try to nuke robots
>doesn't work
>humans purposefully block out sun
>robots make humans into batteries to stop humans attacking robots and also to save human life from the now uninhabitable planet
That's literally the canon plot of the matrix.

i've never seen the animatrix

probably because i go to bed early and do stuff outside during the day.

This, I feel depressed when I go on the sleep schedule a lot of robots use. I go to bed between 10-12 and wake up 6-8, depending on what day of the week it is. If you see sunlight the whole time you're awake your body will produce more serotonin and make you less depressed.

Not everyone works morning/noon shifts. I work graveyard shifts so I have to be asleep in the day time.

Get a phone with a faulty touchscreen. Always works for me.

So, robots and the matrix were the good guys?

One day, a bunch of 6 figure salary don drapers met and brainstormed on how to advertise monster energy drink. They probably spend over 10 million dollars anually just in advertising. They did okay, but little did they know that some fat unemployed neckbeard in his mom's basement would use ms paint and post pictures of baby boomers sipping on an image board. And now i drink it unironically. What the hell kind of world is this.

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>tfw running engine stand at 8:30 in morning
>tfw some zoomers are getting awoke by 8.2L of no header american freedom
Feels good man.

What, you hate having money or something?

yes humans suck in the matrix. They suck in most media where robots become sapient. I hate how much of the focus in this kind of media is "it inevitably leads to war" thats the kind of fearmongering shit that actually would lead to skynet.

Exactly this, boomers don't fucking drink energy drinks. Their hearts are too weak to constantly drink it.

keep phone on other side of room, that way you have to get up. unfortunately I can sleep through them but this works for some people

Nigga you really don't get the joke do you.

Hint: The 30 year old boomer meme is not refering to baby boomers.