Imagine a magical button that can solve all the world's troubles, make all its inhabitants happy and content...

Imagine a magical button that can solve all the world's troubles, make all its inhabitants happy and content, everyone would press it without deliberation. Although such a button doesn't exist, honest compassion will always be an intrinsic part of the human condition, for every person.

You are now aware of this fact.

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imagine a button you could press to instantly and painlessly end your life.
imagine the improvement such a button would have on the world.

simple solution to that

castrate all non blondes

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The only reason I have for not being a nihilist, is the unknown potential.

Maybe there is a way to maintain infinite existence of matter and life.
Maybe it is possible to create the classic vision of heaven, which would be far superior to death (like the never-ending fulfilling happy experience without any form of suffering or desensitization).

Like what the hell do we know? AI could help us to unravel and show us every potential.

Maybe in the distant future all mysteries of conscioussness and existence are solved and you'll have an beautiful never-ending afterlife because of that fact.

But for that to happen, we should not kill ourselves now, but participate in the construction. Working together on solutions for a flawless AI. With every contribution to building an flawless AI, the light of the potential afterlife seems brighter.

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An undue end is always tragic no matter how it is spun. Finding the courage to better one's circumstances or the environment for others, no matter how insignificant or futile that might be, is infinitely more commendable. I hope you would come around and see that for yourself some day, user.

Indeed, my fellow user. Death is a certainty for everyone, but the potential prior to death is always worth exploring. If we are all stuck on-board Mr Bone's Wild Ride, then I wish to ride it out for the whole duration personally; with a smile.

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I hope you will realize there's more sheep than there are sheep food and sheep housing. It's not going to change, it will only get worse. It has been getting progressivly worse. I hope you will realize giving someone the option of a humane end is the only thing you can do for people.

Such beautiful souls

I would not press it, suffering to some extent is necessary for humans to appreciate what we have, and not spiral out of control.
You don't have to look far to see the crazy shit people are doing these days, because they have nothing to worry about and nothing to stop them.

Either way, I wouldn't bother to press it, I don't really care for all the suffering in the world.

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Should your scenario be true, which is debatable and subject to change as time moves on, I would rather face it head on in my own way, on my own terms. Try to think and act a little more positive. Soon or later, you will feel a little more positive too.

Those who find it in their hearts to praise others during trying times are beautiful themselves. Have a nice day, user.

Precisely. Even though the boards have been going down the drains, with pages full of recycled threads, it is the sea of junk which makes you appreciate the occasional gems more.

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I'm gonna slit your throat and rape your corpse you fucking faggot NIGGER TIME TO DIE

I would press that button because it would kill all Jews.

You clearly live in a bubble. The world is going to shit and the people responsible for defending the world from going to shit are making it worse.

I wouldnt press it. Im happy without anything like that and i give zero shits about any other people on the planet. Born an orphan, raised by strict christians while being aesexual, christian people died I didnt care, got given tons of cash from there will since the only reason they adopted me was to have someone to leave everything to, sold all there stuff bought house now live there while relaxing with money. If i was the last person alive not a lot of difference would be made to me.

If I would press the button I could immediatly sniff the beautiful feet of water-chan

I am very much aware of the world's ills, but sometimes it only takes a minor effort to make the environment better. Lend an ear to your colleagues, lend a hand to your parents, lend a shoulder to your friends. Everyone will be thankful for it.

Then live for yourself, user. Be kind to yourself and hopefully one day you will be kind enough to spare some attention for others.

Water-chan is for positive motivations and encouragements. No lewds.

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I just struggle to understand why people care about anyone else i dont get it I WANT TO UNDERSTAND IT WHY CAN I NOT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING THAT OTHERS DO

I don't think you're very aware of the world's ills at all you fucking moron.

While completely selfless compassion is possible, none of us here are saints, so I will be realistic in my explanation. Sometimes people care for one another because of mutual benefits. Imagine you are playing a game where a co-op dungeon yields better loots than a single player dungeon, it makes sense to help level your party members quickly, so you can all attempt the dungeon together for the loot. This board has been kind to me when I was down, so it makes sense to return the favour, don't you think?

That's alright, user. If you think I am a moron, then I probably am. Should you feel the need to vent, that's good too so I will be here at the thread. Hope you feel better afterwards.

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But ive never felt down. I always do everything alone i dont even play multiplayer vidya cause i hate that. Whats wrong with me why is it like this? Im happy but so confused

You know some wypipo thought the same thing, went to the middle east and were killed? You should try the same.

Pressing the button would rid the world of testosterone. :3

Wait wait why does that sound like a good idea

If you are happy user, then you should continue doing what makes you happy, as long as it wasn't done at the cost of someone else. There is nothing wrong with being happy, just be honest with yourself and live life with your chin up.

I am not as selfless as those who do charity work, but if I gave you that false impression then I will take it as a compliment. Have a pleasant day user, I mean it.

I think ditching the constant vibe of negativity on this board would be a good place to start, but you are free to draw your own conclusions.

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true compassion would be if the button made the world better for everyone but yourself

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They wouldn't press the button to make others happy, retard. They would press it to make themselves happy.

>everyone would press it without deliberation
If only I could be so grossly naive.

You are perfectly correct, user. Honestly, selfless sacrifices are quite beyond me at the moment. But if a mutually beneficial scenario be possible, I would press the button for us. After all, we are making meaningful exchanges in the threads and enjoying each other's company on the board, are we not?

I am not as wise as most Anons on this board and I will continue to be amazed by their insights. On the other hand, I have better patience and motivation than most. I am merely trying to spread some positive vibes around.

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Put your vibes in the trash where you and they belong.

spending the time to reply is pretty commendable op
usually these positive threads either die or turn sour 10 minutes in

I have fallen on difficult times before, for all intents and purposes I still am. But after reading up some threads on this board, I have found the motivation to move on and crawl myself out. You are correct in the assumption that I belong with the trash, but I sincerely hope other Anons here can do better.

You are welcome, user. In between all the race bait, trap bait, fembot bait, rage bait, recycled threads, I feel there is some room for a positive loaf of bread. Fighting fire with fire isn't going to help or make this board better, but posting actual exchanges and original content in a positive vibe will slide the junk threads off towards page 10.

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yeah, people will do a great thing if it takes them no effort, that thought experiment doesn't tell us anything because nothing takes no effort.

You are correct, there is a flaw in the thought experiment. Look at it this way then, I am exerting a minor effort to make other Anons happy in this thread, with very little return for my endeavour. And I am writing this specific reply, to make you slightly more content with your day. This is a sincere attempt from one user for another user, I hope you can think of it from this angle.

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thanks user but my day is pretty fine already, but i'm glad you want to be a force of positivity here. Knowing you're here pushing positivity is a comfy feel. Keep up the good work!

It's easy when it's presented in such a way. If they're told that I have a crush on a young cartoon character, though, or are presented with an example of me doing something they consider annoying, wouldn't many people prefer that I suffer? I don't believe they'd stop and consider me deeply past the things they dislike that they see, because everyone I get close to online decides that I don't deserve empathy.

Thank you so much for your reply too, it encourages me to carry on instead of abandoning the thread. If more posters are motivated to post positively and create original content, we can slowly reclaim this board from the bait threads.

People will always be judgemental to others, while being lenient towards themselves. But most Anons here understands your difficulty, which is why we should motivate each other to be more optimistic in our outlooks. Be kind to yourself, then be kind to others, people will notice and return the sentiment.

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