Cereal Tier List

Cereal Tier List

God Tier:
Frosted Mini Wheats

Good Tier:
Apple Jacks
Frosted Flakes

Mid Tier:
Capt Crunch
Fruity Pebbles

Low Tier:
Rice Crispies

Trash Tier:
Grape Nuts

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Cereal Tier List

God Tier:
Honey Bunches Of Oats
Frosted Mini Wheats
Rasin Bran
Honey Nut Cheerios

Good Tier:
Apple Jacks
Frosted Flakes
Cookie Crisps
Honey Smacks

Mid Tier:
Capt Crunch
Fruity Pebbles
Lucky Charms

Low Tier:
Rice Crispies
Oreo O's

Trash Tier:
Grape Nuts
Casca Enjoyed It
Fruit Loops
Cocao Puffs
Cinnamon Toast Crunch

nah, fuck that, I'll save the 30 cents and get the store-brand "multigrain squares" instead

Rice crispies are top tier you tasteless faggots

God tier:
Rice with natto on it

Shit tier:
Plebian american breakfast cereal shit

God tier:
Golden Grahams

Good tier:
Grape nuts

Mid tier:
Frosted mini wheats

Trash tier:

Honey Bunches of Oats is the best cereal on the shelf. You can not deny this

I used to be all about this, but it just doesn't sit well in my stomach for some reason. Shame cuz its so kino.

Cereal is a meme food for kids

>Frost Mini Wheats
>God Tier

Do you have brain damage, my dude?

That stuff is garbage, it splatters milk everywhere and melds into a soggy clump within 2 minutes. Pic related is the legimately god tier breakfast grain.

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God Tier:
Oreo O's

>no corn flakes

kek, amerifats

wtf y'all some geriatric motherfuckers. Life is god tier? fuck off


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Deity tier:
Cracklin Oat Bran

Great tier:
Golden Grahams
Corn Crunch
Apple Jacks
Granola cereal

Good tier:
Cap'n Crunch
Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Super Golden Crisp
Honey Smacks
Corn Pops
Apple Cinnamon Cheerios
Lucky Charms
Froot Loops
Frosted Flakes

Okay tier:
Rice Krispies
Oatmeal Squares
Honey Nut Cheerios
Grape Nuts
Boo Berry
Honey Oh's

Average tier:
Frosted Mini Wheats (makes me choke)
Franken Berry
Honey Bunches of Oats

Low tier:
Fruity Pebbles
Corn Flakes

Barf tier:
Cocoa Pebbles
Shredded Wheat
Cocoa Puffs
Count Chocula

>froot loops
>trash tier
end yourself

Hes right fruit loops are for fags
The only cereal you should be eating is french toast crunch

> Corn Crunch
Corn Bran/ Corn Bran Crunch whatever it's called. It's the rarest cereal but one I really like.

god tier: waffle crisps

good tier: oops all berries

mid tier: honey nut oat circles

rubbish tier: puffed rice

What's the difference between Wheaties and All Bran? Most wheat flake cereals taste the same to me.

Special K goes in Okay tier

Weetabix is worst cereal.

>four blocks of pet bedding

Check out the nutritional information on the packet: Apple Jacks have a sugar content of 43%!

I don't know what the figure is for Frosted Mini Wheats because it's a long time since I've bought them, but they taste too sweet (although that problem can be solved by mixing them with the unfrosted Mini Wheats).

Grape Nuts taste quite good if you add a bit of sugar. Unfortunately they don't seem to be available in my part of the world any more.

Do they have Start in your part of the world?

a dark horse emerges

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any cereal that relies on the gimmick of changing the color/flavor of the milk is nasty and low tier. So lucky charms and that chocolate one

Enjoy your wheat-belly, carb eater.

Peanut Butter Captain Crunch or Golden Grahams are my go to if I decide I want to buy cereal.

Start is too damn crunchy for me, i like to let my cereal get the tiniest bit soggy. Same with grape nuts, i can't get into super crunchy teeth crunchers


Unironically the best in existence.
>crunchy bran and granola chunks
>high in fiber to support my otherwise trash diet
>raisins for natural sweetness

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Why not just take a couple of energy bars and throw them in a bowl of milk. Maybe put them in a blender too

>one bowl would cost as much as two boxes of better quality cereal
That's why.

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most cereal is very unhealthy

Cereal is useless doesnt even make you full. Consuming cereal like lucky charms or cheerios is as good as eating air and your nutrional value comes from the milk. That being said both are inferior to oatmeal master race

Oatmeal is great, if I have a heat source.
If I don't, and I don't want to wait for overnight oats a good fiber rich cereal is the best.

>elder god tier
honey bunches of oats
cinnamon toast
honey smacks

>dogshit tier
everything else

Elder god tier:
Cookie crisp

>sugar loaded cardboard
Fuck outta here with that garbage.

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>god tier
grape nuts
raisin bran

>good tier
fruit loops
reeses puffs
chocolate rice krispies

>okay tier
frosted flakes
rice krispies
capn crunch
pic related

>shit tier
fruity pebbles
cocoa puffs
apple jacks
cookie crisp
lucky charms
cinnamon toast crunch

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>raisin bran
Welcome to the fold brother.

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How the hell can Americans eat this garbage? It's nothing but sugar and a bowl is like 500 calories (an actual bowl, not a "serving suggestion" which is 30g in my country)

What do you do for easy, fast, no cooking required breakfast user?

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>not eating oats
Enjoy your candy

Frosted Mini Wheats should be lower.
Honeycomb should be lower. It's neither filling or tastes particularly good.
Wheaties should be higher. It is often overpriced, however.
Trix is not trash tier since they brought the old recipe back.

>shaved pencil shavings

> Part of this balanced breakfast.
You are supposed to eat it with OJ, toast and other shit.