At what point do people stop considering you "young"?

At what point do people stop considering you "young"?

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It's subjective and relative. I'm 30 and have still been referred to as a young man by people in their 50s and 60s. But I'd be considered old by some teenagers.

Trying to look at it objectively, I'd say one stops being "young" in their mid 30s. It's the point at which you are "over the hill" and you will only see physical and mental decline from that point onwards.

30 Id say, at that point you're now middle aged

And considering you need to turn 18 to do anything you want you really only live life for 3 years tops.

On how old you look. I'm 29 and yesterday I was told I look 21. I feel my age.

>MiddIe aged

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>local grandpa cant accept that hes old

i was told i was too old for something at 24, now i feel old and dont really care about much else, not that i cared before anyway. guess i just care even less now.

feels good to just totally let go of your own appearance and stop caring

As soon as you grow some balls you fucking pussy

normies at 30 usually, you are expected to have your shit together at that time, whereas being a partyboy at 28 is still kind of marginally "oh user" but at 31 it's more like "where's your family? where's your business?"

At 24 you are letting go. Jesus lad

Pretty sure people live longer then 60 retard zoomer

When being a pickup artist goes from sad to really sad.

You don't know what middle aged means, son.

You are fucking retarded

t. Middle aged 32 year old

ive been a neet for 6 years now, ive held on for too long. if guns were legal in my country i doubt id even be here now, i dont have any redeeming qualities, just something ive had to come to terms with. im sure i could produce some redeeming qualities if i tried but i really cant be bothered and my circumstance makes it a lot harder than it should be

I am only 28 but I feel old and sickly. My lifestyle has caught up with me.

24 or when you start developing crow's feet. I know a poor bastard, barely 26 and looks like he's late 30's because he eats like shit and never wears sunscreen. Being married probably doesn't help him but it's shocking how old he looks, take care of your skin robots

>all of these salty old farts itt

The realest and most brutal redpill of all is that youthful looks are the holy grail and most sacred thing of human existence.

People have been obsessing over youth for millennia and only in this dumb time people have come up with stupid shit like

>x is more important than looks

When in fact looks (codeword for youthful looks) is the most important thing in human identity and the most admired in human society. It follows that you are young as long as you look young.

>be good looking
>get cancer

good theory there my dude

People also obsessed over fucking kids and spreading lambs blood to stop curses, and other retarded shit
Humanity has been very stupid for a very long time, just because it lasted a long time doesnt make it right


entirely non sequitur to anything he said you illiterate cunt


think a little harder, brainlet

>one year as the chaddest of chads
>100 years as an ugly cunt

I know what I would choose lad. Which one would you?


at least i was always ugly so i dont have to deal with becoming less attractive

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People only call you a kid when they don't want you to do something, and people only call you an adult when they don't want to help you with anything.

Fucking underage get off my board REEEEEEEEE

30. Once you hit your 30's you are expected to have a degree, stable job, house and a gf/wife, and you can spend the next 50 years working like a slave and going on trips during vacations.
Below 30 you are expected to form the foundation of the rest of your life, you still have to time to play around. After 30, your life direction should be settled and you might as well be 50.

>Be 26
>Already feel like I'm getting old
>Feels like a short while ago when I was in my late teens and early 20's

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This is the truth. Not only are you considered young if you look young, you also get I teracted with in a kind joyful way, this helps to preserve youthful character.

That's why I eat antiandrogens, to prolong the bit of youthfulness that I still have.

What do you take and where do you get it?

I would consider 34-55 middle age 55 being when you start to get old
33 is like the last year you have of being young 20 years after you started being a teenager

Unsurprisingly, this is not considered original.

>tfw almost 30 but still look very young
it's an abstract kind of feel

You are only old if you feel old :)

Only if you plan on dying at 60

I've read that 28 is the generally agreed age when you're too old to have young people fun. I'm 30, it's just getting worse.

I'm 21
I feel old

>tfw 21 and got asked if I was over 16 when I was buying an energy drink
I've never considered being babyfaced a bad thing

teenagers think that 25 is old

25y/olds think that 40 is old

40y/olds might think 60 is old - or they might be wise enough to realise that there's only 20 years until they're 60

60y/olds think they're old, but think 80y/olds are older

80y/olds want all these darn kids to get off their lawn

I'm 30, but people still consider me young. Today I bought some alcohol and they asked to see my ID. Legal drinking age here is 18. ^_^

When a kid called me "sir". I was 21.

Fuck everything, I just want to be young again and do things right for once.

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Being a late bloomer, I stopped having young people fun at 34. It was also the same year my hair started going gray, don't know if it means anything.
There's no definitive answer to op's question, it's different for everyone. You're old when people start treating you as an adult. That can happen at any time between 20 and 40. After 40 you're definitely not a kid anymore.

When I was 25 I was carded three times in the bar: once at the door, once by the bartender and another time by security walking around.

That makes me feel pretty young.

>only 21
>friends around me going bald or grey despite the oldest being 25
>bum knees, bad hips, weight gain, etc. all around
>Hairline the same as the day I graduated, no greys yet, best shape of my life
You age entirely depending on how you treat your body. I exercise regularly, eat pretty good (more cheat meals than I should), and keep up good hygiene. If you're young, start taking care of yourself now. Otherwise you're gonna end up being old in your early 20's like most of my friends.