Fembots, what do you think of traps and trannies?

Fembots, what do you think of traps and trannies?

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Fembots ARE traps and trannies

Failed men with grass-is-greener-syndrome that have no idea what it truly means to be a woman.

this desu senpai organism

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Why do I start seeing Johan in threads relating to traps

The only trans person I ever met was in my senior year of school. His name was Jordie but he wanted us to call him Amanda. My school was "progressive" as they say, so they let him be with the girls during gym and let him change with us and use the bathroom with us. Of course half the girls hated this and refused to change in front of him, me included. Especially because Jordie was a pervert and would grope the other girls who were too afraid to call him out on it for fear of repercussion.

I never spoke to Jordie, I just silently observed him. However, one day Jordie came up behind me while I was at my locker and started stroking my hair. He was like "Your hair is so soft, I love it." Jordie underestimated my level of autism. I got chills and started screaming and kicked him in his genitals and ran away.

I got suspended for 3 days after. My opinion is rather low of them.

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I love you user. Good on you for giving that fag what he deserved

What a fucking creep. I hate gay guys that think being gay gives them permission to get touchy-feely because it "isn't sexual" for them.

I think some fembots are going

>>they took are jobs

lol'd hard lmao

>people applauding this transphobia
You're all bad people.

Sounds like a simple story of someone learning to keep their hands to themselves. Most of us learned this in kindergarten

Fags need to be gassed you included

Only fembots who exist are fembots (male) who are in the closet, e.g. Randy Stair.

Cut your throat faggot scum

>traps and trannies?
Should all be executed

>calling her Jordie
>calling her "him"
Is it so hard to just say the proper pronouns?

Gross, wouldn't want to touch such a freak. Atleast men like them.

Eat a bullet you noxious queer

Do you really think this femanon?

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She can call the freak whatever she likes. Go fuck yourself

>haha assaulting people is funny xD
kill yourself bitch

Subhuman faggot detected. You deserve worse

Yeah bro it's totally normal to let some fucking weirdo stroke your hair

Jordie should have kept his hands to himself.

>Failed men with grass-is-greener-syndrome that have no idea what it truly means to be a woman.
Lol, I bet your life revolves around going to your shit job, then posting on Jow Forums

"what it means to be a woman"?? Alright then, tell us, what does it mean?

If queer scum would stay in their place they could be tolerated but they wont so they should be put to death. Faggot filth deserves to suffer.

what school did you attend? it sounds like you're describing someone in the 636 area code.

gas yourself you degenerate filth

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Lmao tranny, fucking kill yourself. If you weren't born female you'll never be a woman.

you should have sued the tranny and the school. That human garbage should be dead and you should be comfortable

Pls be single fag hating girl

You didn't answer me user - what does it really mean to be a woman?

Was that really so bad? Its just hair, you completely overreacted.

Tranny detected. You lot need a purge

What about anime traps, is it gay if a femboy finds them hot? Do they find them hot anyway?

Damn, that's a lot of projection, I can tell I hit a nerve. It's honestly not possible for me to explain to you in a way you'll understand. I can kind of guess how it is to be a man from interacting with my dad/brothers and reading male perspectives but I'd never claim to know what it's really like. You just can't know what it means to feel like and be a woman unless you've been raised and treated as one in our society. You will never be a real woman and that's not my fault, it's biology's

That trans filth shouldnt have been in there in the first place and the creature certainly shouldn't have touched her. I want to kill you faggot.

I can't marry one, but there are some trap boys who i think are so hot.

That said I feel pretty bad for them because i feel they are walking trainwrecks just waiting to happen, and that in a little while they'll be old and likely regret their irreversible choices. Not a judgement just a twinge of sadness.

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To be biologically female, something you will never be.

I will never relinquish my gold star

Would you be my too empathetic wife fembot

I dislike both tbqh

>suspended for defending yourself
The absolute state of American schools.

>but there are some trap boys who i think are so hot.
Kill yourself

This has to be a shill. Europe is full of countries where defending your property will get you charged for assault

Will you be my original Muslim wife?

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When did traps become synonymous with trannies?
Trap: Cute boy that can pass as a woman
Tranny: Freak who wants to cut off his penis.

Tell me more femanobot

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2D traps are cute. 3D trannies/traps however are a mess and most every one I've ever come across is deeply mentally damaged with tons of emotional baggage. It's no wonder the suicide rate is so high.

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Jordie is a mentally ill faggot.

Normal guy that wants a fembot gf here. Pls reply

I met a tranny irl, she was almost pretty but had a voice like Dr. Girlfriend, fucking hysterical creature. I was polite because it was my buddy's friend but genuinely felt disgusted

The biggest turn on to a guy about trans women is they used to be men. Especially if post op.

Theyre all faggot scum like you. Its all the same shit you degenerate sack of shit.

>genuinely felt disgusted
as you fucking should

>2D traps are cute
You're just a fucking poofter.

It's better to have the face of a man but giant breast implants desu.

I wonder why puritans like you come to this website, do you even know where you are?
This website is degenerate to the core and you know it.

I hope he's not your friend any more and that you shamed him for being friends with a tranny.

This is what bothers me about that bathroom shit. Why is the comfort of one man more important than the privacy of all those poor girls?

If wanting to dom a qt3.14 2D trap makes me a poofter, then I guess there's nothing I can do about it.

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I know a trans girl named Amanda and she is exactly how you described. She might literally be the same person.

Not much besides thinking they seem like even bigger attention whores than real women and ten times sluttier on top of being mentally fucked. There's a reason why so many of them commit suicide.

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This isnt the faggot board tranny, if you want queer acceptance you know where to go. Hurry up and get aids.

if i wanted to date something that looked Feminine I'd date another woman I like men for being men not greasy weirdos that think the grass is greener on the other side theres no point dating something with a penis if they don't look like a male if i had attraction to feminine things I'd date other females otherwise there'd be no point
please fuck off OP

Do the world a favor and kill yourself queer.

Desu I'm trying to my gender dysphoric friend to transition. He's taking hormones and getting giant breast implants next. I'll convince him to do SRS so his cock can turn into my new fuckhole vagina. He has a face and hands that looks like a man and that's a turn on.

It isn't the tranny genocide board either.

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Yes it is you fucking nonce

I'm a fembot, retard. Pay attention.

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>I know a trans girl named Amanda
Kill yourself tranny enabler.

Hey are you single you degen freak?

I'm turning my friend into a tranny. I talked him into taking hormones and now he's getting double breast implants. The penis going is my next move.

You're a mentally ill faggot cock sucker. Not a woman.

Because your privacy is based in bigotry. If you weren't bigots then she wouldn't bother you.

no because most trans "lesbians" are just failed beta incel closeted metrosexuals that can't get laid as men so they try and become "cute" as a means of getting away with pervy shit and being all rapey because they have no other chance of getting laid otherwise

I think it's great that they follow their unique individuality despite what normalfags have to say.

Besides that my general sentiment ranges from indifference to finding some select few rather attractive.

Believe whatever you want to believe. I'm just gonna keep posting traps because I enjoy seeing you throw autistic shitfits.

You don't want me, user.

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>Groping and touching the girls

I do actually wonder if this is all said in jest or if people actually mean it when they make stupid posts like these.

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>You don't want me, user
No one wants you creature.

Can confirm. It made it easy to get my friend to transition. He can't get laid and cries about it. I convinced him he was really a woman and he fell for it.

i decided to become a tranny to have sex with queer 20 year olds and it works nicely. protip: all the girls who post here are 4-6/10, smell like vomit and hate men anyway.

Exactly! Originanananal

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You have to take bias into account, though. Those were the girls willing to interact with something like you

Femanon yes I do want you. I want a loser degenerate gf

ideal. they have the sexy body of a woman, and a penis to pleasure me with

Dont ever come back

hm except in this context, those girls would be you?

Burn in hell queer

I meant further contact than a Jow Forums thread you fucking dope. Degenerate AND retarded, nice combo

I do want you pls gib throwaway

Let me tell you due to bad decisions and loneliness i ended up dating a tranny.
Do not do it they are all depressed, self hating mentally unstable retards who will try to drag you down with them and will cling to you long after you've told them to fuck off.
That and every single one of them is a failure and attention whore and most surely a degenerate left wing liberal who tries to politicize everything and likes their position as an "oppressed group" to do whatever degrading shit they want, just look at twitter trannies and see.
They're all insane and unhinged, i used to be okay with them but not anymore.
Kill a fucking tranny today.

I honestly loathe them. they never pass and 100% act like men. i also hate the dumb liberal cunts that enable them to put horrible shit in their body and dress like 6 yo girls instead of manning up and saying they jack off to sissy hypno too much and need to stop it

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I have nothing against them and fap to some but they are useful idiots so there's real reason to hate them. And lookism and ageism is rampant in their community and they will defend it. Why chemically alter a child? So they look better. It's not a great message to be sending out to your community of mentally ill freaks.

If they had womanly faces and voices their appeal would be gone.

Tell me more about you pls anti-tranny

this kind of story is so common in peak trans threads. Like how the fuck can you become so cucked you ignore biology just because some retarded little boy likes dresses.

you did good

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He's a man. hormones dont do anything but fuck up your body; you are literally a man that took estrogen and plays pretend all day

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Manbot here just coming in to say I hate traps and trannies. They are despicable people and I wish they would die slow and painfully.

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