PROOF you can be an ugly fat guy and still get a hot gf if you have a good personality

PROOF you can be an ugly fat guy and still get a hot gf if you have a good personality.

Get rekt, robots.

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Well fat guys are jolly and usually very teddybear-like, so women like that. It's the skinny baby-faced manlets who are left behind.

only if your good personality trait is having loads of cash

Even if he was skinny he would still get girls cause he has a good personality and charisma
She's the one with all the money you retard lmfao

Robots BTFO

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I'd kill to give that bitch a creampie

>hot gf
All I see are plastic hoes. I'm alone, but I would never go that low.
>inb4 jealousy
No, I'm not jealous. I am disgusted.

So he is pretty much a Chad in a fat suit, if you cut that neckbeard you can see it's a Chad

the cope is real in this pathetic virgin lmao
>chad in a fat suit
Is your entire life filled with excuses?

Everyone can be Chad you doofus.

They leaked pics of this guy before he got fat... He has a 90 degree gonial angle and a jawline straight out of a Greek temple. She's with him because she correctly assessed the value of his genetics.

>he would still get girls cause he has a good personality and charisma
you're going to have to cite an example

>PROOF you can be an ugly fat guy and still get a hot gf
That guy wears a watch which costs as much as your upbringing.

It's more than just good personality, it's social status, and money. He worked very hard to get where he is at. Any less and he would be dead lack of social interaction. It's possible for a short guy to get a cute girlfriend, but he would have to devote his entire life to being better than average Chad.

Yea user she is not with him because he is very rich and gives her things for free
Mark my words user she is barely holding her lunch in when they have sex

>making fun of virgins on r9k
Holy shit the normalfaggotry is getting yuge

I pity your capitalistic existence. Always working to satisfy your animalistic greed, but it's never enough is it?

>dude, just be this extremely rare outlier xddd

Go fuck yourself, low iq.

She's the one who's loaded with cash. It was most likely a gift for him.

>anything that goes against my incel cult beliefs is an outlier

>all of this cognitive dissonance in this thread

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Sniperwolf looks like an ayylmao honestly.
Almost just as bad as ice's ex Caroline

>anything that reinforces my "real life is a disney movie" narrative is the norm

What did you expect, incels are all brainlets in denial.

I mean damn, look how ugly this dude is, not chaddish at all, absolutely no chaddery here.

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ok but by incel beliefs she should have left him due to him being fat, no?

and incel beliefs are retarded, by now they've built an emotional connection and their physical appearance to one another is kinda irrelevant. I'd be surprised if he could attract her with how they both look now. of course, incels would just say he's a beta provider who she's cheating on.

He's not that ugly at all. Fucking incels think that the only thing a woman could ever find attractive is that one male model Chad type of look. I've seen plenty of chubby guys with hot gfs, maybe if you got out of your house once in a while you might too.

first, I'm not an incel
secondly, the point of my post was that he was/is pretty attractive, not my fault if you're too retarded to see it.

Yeah, i've known that for a while now.
>an ugly, poor manlet with huge glasses has been in a relationship with one of the cutest Girls from my school for 8 or 9 years now. (he was her first and only bf too)
>one of my friends is nicknamed after a mythological creature from our country folklore, an ugly as fuck, fat midget that fucks/rape young women (an incubus).
>another friend is (in his own words) a fatass drunkard, yet he still gets pussy every other Day.

>He worked very hard to get where he is at.
give me a quick rundown

>It's possible for a short guy to get a cute girlfriend, but he would have to devote his entire life to being better than average Chad.
shit, I never noticed I was doing that.i thought I was just doing what I wanted to do and thought was right.

I do have a good personality, I'm not ugly or fat, yet I still got ghosted by a 4/10 girl

>I do have a good personality
I highly doubt that

Outlier of the century there.

>One guy got lucky so that means every guy can get lucky
Are you retarded?

>Perfect hairIine

he's not ugly. he's making an ugly face and he's unkempt and chubby. he's what you prefer to imagine us all to be so no shit she didn't struggle.

>If you have a good personality
I don't

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Are those trannies? They look kinda like blaire white unironically.

These posts are right. Just imagine this guy hitting the gym, dressing well, getting a proper haircut. Normie advices would actually work on him since he has the genetic heritage

Nah my problem after HS was always money you got to be able to buy them drinks at the bar to get laid and me and my friends never had that kind of money.

That's remarkable. She's one of those millionaire YouFag celebrities. Maybe he should lose some weight and get on her level.
You can be jealous, but remember that he lives with the anxiety of her being completely independent of him. She could probably out-run him, for pete's sake.

not ugly retard

I thought this was a before and after of some trap faggot and I was really impressed.

yeah, the rich girl wanted to be with the fat slob

because that's the way it works.

He's better looking than me and Orient doesn't have a mental illness

bet he has a giant dick