Why do less intelligent (low iq) people tend to be more violent?
Inability to think logically probably
Can't comprehend the idea of consequences
they're worse at problem solving
Inability to rationalize and understand their feelings, lack of communication skills, low prefrontal cortex activity, poor planning skills, inability to recognize or think critically about the consequences of their actions.
>implying your iq is higher than 50's
>he made hundreds of millions selling water
>you're afraid to walk from your basement to outside
Less of an understanding between action and consequence.
>be 50 cent
>Sell vitamin water
>Get rich, or die tryin
>Invest into BitCoin
>Accidentally makes $8 billion in profit
>only sold bitcoins because he was told the market will crash soon
>Took advice from nerd friends
>Lost $150 mill from selling water company
>Still has 7.4 Billion
>Filed bankruptcy after corporate deal
>Hid all his assets in foreign bank to look poor
>Made money off retarded capitalistic system
>2018: Some incel on 4chins calls him low IQ
>50 spends his retirement blasting roasties on Social media
This man is a fucking genious hiding behind stereotype to piss off people like OP. OP has lower IQ and feels insecure about it, so he attacks a smarter person.
>some inarticulate nigger hit a freak storm of luckiness all of his life and this somehow makes him intelligent
I guess logan paul is a fucking genius too.
Ah so you're too low iq to know the difference in intelligence and book smarts
Cool enjoy your suicide fren if only you could've been lucky once I'm sure his "freak storm of luck" just somehow magically happened by accident
Oh and his number one tv show on cable will be on Sunday
?? He literally played capitalism for fools. He did this while fooling people into thinking he's bankrupt. You're ass blasted for not being able to do the same. If corporations such as Apple and Google can hide assets in India and China, why is it bad if this guy does it, on his own with without government backing? He literally did the exact same thing multi billion dollar companies did with a complete poker face. You will never be able to fuck with capitalism like this dude. Fuck off incel.
>50 cent isn't intelligent?
He's made billions and now just does whatever the fuck he wants with no consequences, just look at his instagram and tell me you don't want to be like him, rich, famous and not giving a fuck.
You will never be as based as 50 cent. He single handedly fucked capitalist with water and memecoin. He literally blasts roasties all day for the fuck of it. This man is a goddamn legend.
Brain damage from fighting
One of the best rappers in the game, literally shot 9 times and that couldn't stop him. get rich or die trying is fantastic.
Right! He ended so many careers just by roasting people, and made a movie about it. Ultimate troll.
that may be, but chances are still high that his IQ is lower than OPs
Nah. Anyone on Jow Forums memes IQ to feel less insecure about how stupid they truly are. The average IQ can be seen here easily by looking at the content they consume their brains with. Do you honestly think a smart person cares about social issues? They have an entire life to do great things, especially If they have any viable intellect. Jow Forums is literally a low IQ adult online daycare. It sucks stupid people in and memorizes them in the same fashion as reddit, instagram, and any social media platform. The only difference is that people here think they are anonymous. This place is retard heaven. 50 cent definitely is stupid, but he's far, far brighter than anyone on this shitty website.
*mesmerize not memorize, damn I gotta start proof reading.
Because people with low IQ's can't project the consequences of their actions.
When they are angry and want to attack someone they do not think hey I could go to prison for attacking this person, it doesn't even pop into their mind.
Because they are niggers. Also lack Neanderthal dna
Maybe the same thing causing them to be more voilent is the same thing causing them to have a lower IQ. Like up bringing or culture.
>be me
>black bot
>can't handle being under pressure or when things don't go my way
>get scared and feel cornered
>instincts kick in and black out
>equating success with intelligence
The real reason is because less intelligent people have less chances of success, so they tend to fight the competition at the bottom to climb the hierarchy. Successful people have no reason to fight because they have everything they need.
There was a video where Jordan Peterson explains the strong statistical correlation between IQ and employment, but I can't find it right now.
Those things go hand in hand yes
High IQ people tend to find other people with quality genes who are doing well in life. Thus traits like proclivity for impulsive violence are bred out of high IQ family lines.
High IQ people don't have high IQs because they are wealthy; they're wealthy because they have high IQs, and pass their high IQ genes down to their children.
Logan Paul was a gifted highschool student, there is an old video where he talks about his exceptional GPA
He has Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry so this isn't surprising.
Poor problem solving skills, and incapable of putting aside feelings to think of a good solution to their problems.
>le black people dumb and violent and white people didn't do nuthin
Niggers are responsible for more than half the crime in the US, despite only being a small percent of the population. Niggers are violent animals.
Because they're too busy thinking about "ooga booga" and "just have fun lol" instead of worrying about prison time.
>implying fiddy isn't a man of high intellect with the way he trolls Mayweather
Neck yourself user
It's very difficult to tie genes to behaviors because genes are simple and behavior is extremely complex. But it's fairly firmly established among researchers that the 2-repeat variant of the MAO-A 3 gene is correlated with violent behavior. There are racial disparities in how often this variant occurs. It occurs in black males at a rate 55 times higher than it does in white males. So that's one gene/allele associated with, not just violence, but serious violence, shooting and stabbing behaviors and joining gangs, that is at least 55 times more common in the black American population. And that figure is likely an understatement as the author of the study it was derived from stated he'd intentionally massively oversampled middle class black males.
>he fell for the crime statistics meme
It seems you have as much animosity and aggression as the people you claim to hate. I bet you been harmed by more white people in your life than black.
>Everything I don't like is a meme!
>t. limousine libshit who's never lived amongst darkies
Possibly because the blacks are too busy killing eachother.
the paul bros are fairly intelligent, and i fucking hate them. in fact, most successful youtubers like pewdiepie who are """culturally relevant""" have fairly above average IQs (115+). cope harder midwit r9k nigger.
>as much animosity and aggression as the people you claim to hate
I seriously doubt that user goes around assaulting and killing people because of the color of their skin, as opposed to goddamned niggers.
user has a collective iq of 7
Still smarter than the average nog ;)