Seeing as the last contest on /b/ got ONE response on /b/ I need a new board to be quizmaster on - So how do you R9K fellas feel about our latest show.....
Our rules are simple, 15 picture questions including two bonus rounds worth double points, one correct point for guessing if they're XX or XY
Give it a go! Prizes include a sense of self satisfaction and maybe a wank.
Try our HARDMODE where you fap first, then get the reveal later.
got all but correct. Thought that one was just a run of the mill 3/10 woman
Benjamin Powell
Is it just "karla" cos I can't find the source with that
Xavier Sullivan
I think it's just one of those screen captures that if you click on goes down a bad rabbit hole - try the old 'teen shemale' google search, I would look for you but I really need to stop fapping