/fat/ - when is it due edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For fat people who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss, but use that thread for general questions.

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)

>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)

>Plan your weight loss week by week

>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

If you ask for help, remember to include your
>screenshot of MyFitnessPal/Cronometer/fatsecret food log
>confirmation you've read the OP and the sticky
last thread

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tfw almost not swollen anymore from the loose skin surgery

interesting, post pics when you're well

how do i stop being hungry until 5pm for omad?

around 1 or 2 in the afternoon is when the hunger starts to set in

So why not eat at 1-2? You can eat that meal whenever. I usually eat it 6-7 hours after I wake up and Im good till tomorrow

Hey guys. Had surgery done recently so does anyone have any ideas about what I should do at the gym for the next couple of weeks? I was planning on jumping on the elliptical for half an hour a day, but not sure if I should also include something else.

the longer im awake, the hungrier i get

taking a nap in the middle of the day is the only thing that helps, so i might have to do that somehow

So today I had family lunch with my parents and they said some mean shit and like true pussy I started eating like a maniac to comfort myself.

Should I go on fast for 2 days to salvage situation or should i stick with my usually calorie deficit?

I'm 20 years old, 6'2 coming down from 290 to 170. Currently 240. Will I get fucked with loose skin? I know it will eventually tighten if i get to a super low bf, but I would kill myself if i looked like adam sandler in click for anything more than 3 months

>Will I get fucked with loose skin?

did your gut or arms sag down when you held them out/stood?

if yes, then yes. if no, then no.


Are you retarded? I was 300 lbs, do you think it stuck to me like muscle?

everyone is different you might have tons or you might have none
youll only know when you get there

then do you think you'll NOT have loose skin? you're the fucking retard here pal. by the way, it DOESN'T eventually tighten. not before you're too old for it to stop and actually make any significant difference.

thanks, I'll just keep going.

confirmed retarded

>153g of fiber
how bad will my shits be?

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A question regarding overeating. I'm 20 years old, 5'11", 229lbs as of this morning. TDEE calculator puts it at about 2550 cals @sedentary.
As you can see in the pic the last week hasn't been the best (went drinking a couple times due to college starting back), but despite that the scales have been dropping between .4 and .7 pounds a day steadily the past few days. I did get a bump up in weight after drinking but that disappeared after a day. On the 3rd I was 236.3, on the 8th i was 232.5, this morning 229.1. I only weigh first thing in the morning after pissing btw.
I do work 4-5 days a week on my feet for 6-8 hours (retail),and I walk about 10 miles a week to and from college total, plus a few hours a week spent walking around the city.
Is that really enough to make up the difference? Any ideas? I'm not complaining since this feels too easy just wondering.

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I wouldn't call yourself sedentary. That's a decent amount of activity. Sedentary is couch riding and a desk job. I'd readjust your thinking/planning based on that

I only have been going solely by sedentary because I had it drilled into me by /fat/ when i first started losing months ago to always go off sedentary, just to be sure. Like, besides giving how many days of training it equates to the whole 'light activity', 'moderate activity', etc. Just seems so vague I'm not confident putting anything above sedentary down.
I'm sort of happy enough to keep pretending my TDEE is 2550 even if it's higher because it's helping the loss anyway.

That makes sense. I've had mine at sedentary as well even though I work out, I just never bothered changing it. If I knew i had a higher TDEE I'd probably try to squeeze more food in like a fat fuck

>eat about 1k of calories
>get home
>eat a chicken breast half
>over shoot my caloric goals by 200 calories.

I think I am getting into eating disorder land. I am kind of happy.

Down to 209 lbs from ~330 in April @ 6'2. xxxl -> L, 44 pants to 34. Currently exercising 3-4 hours per day, mostly cardio but also the gym most days (home gym with power rack, treadmill, stationary bike). Currently pbs at 27 min 5k 62 min 10k, started running in the beginning of august. I want to run a marathon in May next year, aiming for

>user is making it
Keep it up dude.

>Down to 209 lbs from ~330 in April

shit nice gains bro. what were you eating at? jelly of your home gym, would love to be doing that stuff every day (mind you not for 4 fucking hours) but I'm a poorfag.

What app is this?

5'6 190lb to 5'7 145lb I'm done see ya later, and good luck to everyone.

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>tfw went from 229 to 226 in one week just eating under 2000calories

now I actually gotta start exercising...

Yall aint gonna make it

I'm so impatient bros.

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we're all gonna make it

>310 to 251.4 over the year
>tfw wanted to be at least 200 by the end of the year
>Mfw looking like it won't happen
At least I can fully curl 3 sets of 8 reps at 30 lbs

Are you a woman?

Started out doing omad, but it has become more relaxed as time goes on, I usually eat one proper meal per day and then snack on some fruits. Most of the time I'm fasted until the evening. In the beginning my intake was around 500-800 cals per day, now it's 1200-1500 most of the time, as the time exercising has increased. Also took up swimming recently as I competed as a child, doing that 3 times per week, swimming ~3k each time.

Stick with normal, you're alright. This is just a day or three's delay in your progress which is the tiniest hiccup in the long run. In a couple months it'll be as if it never happened. I mean, does November 16 feel that much earlier than November 18 right now? That difference is the difference your big meal made.

If you are trying to lose weight, don't go to /ck/. I went yesterday and there was a thread about ice cream truck food. I bought a pack of neopolitan klondike bars today.

I'm 6ft and went from 315lbs and I'm currently 195lbs. I have a little bit of extra skin at my thighs and gut but it's not melted candle-tier.

my body looks so fucking weird. i need to fix my pelvic tilt at some point

I resisted binging tonight. one of the hardest nights I've ever had. hold me /fat/

Went from 338.8 to 292.8 in 15 weeks. Luckily I'm 6'4" so it could look a lot worse, but it's already pretty obvious I'm going to have ridiculous loose skin. Being healthy is what matters r-right?

one time i lost like 20% of my body weight in a few months over the summer. All i did was 1-2 hours of brisk walking almost every day. Pretty enjoyable with weed + music :)

/Fat/her I must confess. I ate 5 sweet and salty granola bars today. Luckily those demons are now all gone.

evens and i throw my binge up, 20pc nug and L fry after nailing 900cal a day for 2 weeks

See you on the other side, boys

Tell me about it brother, I need to lose another 20 KGs before I feel normal again.
So far have lost 12 KGs in 12 weeks but I'm starting to have fat mentality again

So tired of cooking, what are easy cheap nutritious foods I can just buy prep and eat simply

do meal prep 1x a week idiot

i just throw a cup of nigger bens 90 sec micorwave rice, a can of tuna, and a cup of cherry tomatoes into containers x5. something like 400 calories. Probably not fit for someone not trying to cut

>go from 285lb to 164lbs
>body has become this fascinating monstrosity where I'm thin in places (arms and hands, chest) and fat in others (stomach and thighs)

I basically only used to jog but have been doing some basic other shit like push ups, sits up and squats lately. Not enough to have an impact but will be increasing how much of those with time.

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Do you guys watch any Youtube channels related to fitness?

>fat mentality
I dont have the fat mentality probably because i've gained weight throughout uni.

Enough already. From now on I will sober up. No more weed or beer for the foreseeable future. And I am back on the OMAD grind.

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>no more beer
what a pathetic life

Will losing 8kg help me with foot pain? I walk about 3 miles per day. I'm 6ft 87kg.

im not blaming muh genetics but do you think theres genes which make you want to keep eating?
like ive been putting on weight while being concious of it, trying to cut down, never binge eating or going hard on anything too bad and still spend a decent amount of time hungry
my dads got the same problems and he's 120kg

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>*think there're genes

Also yes. Some people with have a genetically predetermined higher appetite. A lot of people like to pretend that isn't the case, because people like for things to be simple, and they want for other people's failure to just be their fault, but some people do have higher appetites.

That's not to say, though, that the same calories in calories out rule doesn't apply, it applied to everyone and everything.

oh yeah its just something i have to deal with, doing what naturally feels right will make me a fat fuck like how some people are stuck as skeles

But also keep in mind, that if you have healthy eating habits and keep them long term then you will eventually, probably start to feel less hungry. Good luck.

Yesterday I made one of the biggest steps in my life. I actually threw away food into the trash. I wouldn't have thought I had the strength, but I did it. Shame about the money wasted but it serves as a permanent lesson. I already lost 40 kg, it would be a shame to lose myself right now and prove every meme that says fatties who lost weight always get it back.
Right now I'm 24 hours into what I hope to be a 48, maybe 72 hours fast topped with a 24+ hours dry fast and gym rest day.
I have a free week and no appointments/obligations to do so I'm free to go to the extreme right now.
Wish me luck.

Yeah this going to be the hardest thing for me. I know danm well that my alcoholism is what had me up to 515 at one point in my life. When you step back and look at 3k+ calories in a 24 pack then eating a hole pizza when almost blackout drunk , you kind of see the huge impact it has on you. Cutting back on the food is not hard, it is stopping the drinking that leads to overeating ontop of it.

How the fuck do I cut sugar entirely? I have a proper sugar addiction, not shit like ice cream and chocolate and candies, fuck that. My poison is iced gingerbread. I eat that shit in kilograms a day with milk and all. I was afraid to count but Saturday I must have consumed a minimum of 4000 kcal in one go.
Fuck me man. I can't even go nearby that shit, I just lose control and buy a whole bag to munch.

throw it out, seriously just don't let yourself be near it at all

Now that you've realized what's making you fat make that food dead to you. You never eat it again. Never.


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Breached the 230lbs mark yesterday lads. In 12 months I've lost 37lbs and increased my strength considerably. I might actually make it lads.

>BF%25-30 (best guess)

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> Split up over two months ago with my gf due to problems
> Hadn't seen her in about 6 weeks
> Saw her yesterday
> Didn't mention my weight loss

If you've lost over 8lbs since she last saw you, she'll have noticed.

Everyone here constantly talks about how the calculations for calories calories burned with exercise are wrong, but I've never seen anyone talk about how wrong they are.
Anyone got a percentage or something?

depends on machine and how detailed the input info is but IIRC it's usually around a 40-50% overestimation

Plateaued at 280 for the past two weeks after losing 20 pounds since August 16. Still cutting back on calories and eating at a deficit, have I hit that part where I need to work out to lose the rest?

You don't have to exercise at all to lose weight. You just have to eat less. Exercise does keep you healthy though so start doing that too.

280 is pretty heavy. You should be shedding those pounds fast if you're committing to a diet properly. Being that heavy you don't even need to exercise, just eating less will take care of thing by itself
Detailed stats? average daily intake? do you weight everything properly? are you a fatty looking for sympathy because muh thyroids?

Been eating about 1000Cal less than my TDEE. Haven't seen any changes in weight but my waist is down two inches.

You did remember to recalculate your TDEE after losing 20 pounds, right?

No health issues or excuses. On average I eat 2,300 calories a day. Everything is weighed and portioned correctly. I started at 300 a month ago but I can't seem to break 278 to 280. My bf% is 31. And with my job my TDEE is 3,500.

Of course.

Your TDEE is not 3500. Recalculate at sedentary and rework your deficit.

You never take your physical activity into account when losing weight. You always put sedentary even if you work in a coal mine, so there's your problem. TDEE isn't science accurate, even more so if you take physical activity in your account. 2.3k is probably your maintenance, assuming you aren't bullshitting and cheating
2.3k is a pretty heavy diet. Are you still eating junk food, fast food and soft drinks? you could easily fill up with much less if you ate proper stuff like veggies, lean meat, chicken and tuna. It sucks but it helps a lot to cut down weight.

Will do, thanks guys. But no, I haven't had any junk food or soft drinks. Just water and tea. Thanks for the advice. I'll recalculate everything and start fresh.

The guys over at /fast/ told me it isn't fasting unless you do 7 days fasting with no water and drink snake oil recipes from a youtube guy, so I'll try here
Is IF even good for me? I could do something like 19:5 if it's worth it, otherwise I'll just keep eating my meals 8-9 hours apart. I only eat 2 meals per day

Fast has their heads up their own asses, and this is as a regular over there.
I fast 2.5 days a week and IF the others, technically OMAD. It’s been working for me but the required willpower is a touch of a leap. It really depends on what you’re most comfortable with. For instance I eat mon, tues and wed mornings, then fast from around 10am wed to fri 7-8pm. I eat again on Saturday morning around 10am and then fast again until the Monday repeat.

It’s been working for me, but I’ve stumbled a few times. Again, if the 2 meals are working for you just stick to that.

Thing are looking up for me, /fat/! Getting good grades, losing weight, making friends, my hair is coming back and I've stopped balding. The road to 200lb is almost complete! Just about 15lb more to go!

>my hair is coming back and I've stopped balding
is this possible?

I have a history of baldness in my family so I have been keeping an eye on it on a weekly basis. I noticed over the summer that I was thinning out and I started seeing my scalp so I was on it like a bitch and started minoxidil and now my hair is back after a two months of using it. You have to keep using it though or else it will start falling out again.

i'm 4 weeks in lads and already 16lb down. when will the noob gains end?

How am I supposed to do keto if I have a hard time digesting some meat, I'm allergic to avacado, I'm allergic to nuts, and too much fatty acid irritates my GERD?

sounds like you pretty much can't friendo
it's a shitty meme anyway

> losing weight
> gains
I don't think you understand how this works..

So I'm trying to lose weigght (no shit) and still lift. I'm curious as to what I should do as since i'm cutting aggressively it's hard to keep up with increasing weight all the time (doing 5x5) and I feel like I am really struggling. I'm also attempting to regularly do an hour on the elliptical several times a week to keep up the burn. At my weight it's projected to be about 800/hr calorically speaking since I jack up resistance and steepness. I just really need to lose 15 pounds by November to maintain some level of dignity.

noob gains is an established phrase, and while i'm literally losing weight, it's a gain to me. i think you're the one who doesn't understand.

Need some help determining calorie content guys..
It's 'top round beef', not 100% if that's correct as I'm not a native speaker.
Some places I find It over 200kcals per 100g, others say just above 100kcal per 100g.
Is the 200+ kcal for cooked meat?
I have the raw meat weight.

what took you so long this time?
you're usually the third or fourth post

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Probably right about now. Typically if you are consistent with your caloric deficit then you will lose 15 to 20lb in the first month and then continuously lose 10lb a month until you stop the deficit.

Exercise while fasted. Eat on exercise days after exercising, fast on rest days

here in bongland it sounds like this is equivalent to our topside cut, so it's probably one of the leanest cuts. so personally i'd measure it as equivalent to 5% fat beef mince, or about 120kcal per 100g uncooked.

When in doubt just use the FDA values for bongland. Should be roughly the same for every part of the world.
In Mexico it's called pulpa negra.
Also, a lot of places use the cooked value. I was eating less of this shit because I took the MFP values but they were cooked for some reason. You have to search for top round raw or pulpa negra.

>a lot of places use the cooked value
what's the deal with this? i noticed the pasta and rice i buy recently changed to listing cooked weight on the nutritional info rather than uncooked. what happens if i like my pasta al dente? why the fuck would i want to put hot and wet pasta on my food scales before serving it?

Who knows. The worst part is that pastas and certain grains like rice depend heavily on the cooking method because of all the water they absorb, so values would vary wildly between one cooking and another.
It's fucking dumb but for some reason it's a thing

BRUHS! The cravings are hitting he super hard right now. GIVE ME STRENGTH!

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Take a big gulp of water


I think I made it for the day since I am yuropoor. It's already evening here.