Why is it expected of me to be a normally functioning man in society...

Why is it expected of me to be a normally functioning man in society, when I've been completely denied affection from the opposite sex, which is a basic need?

Attached: 1523533640666.jpg (899x888, 160K)

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You are ugly probably

Because most other people manage just fine, you're just weak

Exactly! You don't have to take this, I say fuck them and commit sudoku. That will show them

this, the vast majority of the population have managed it, nut up faggot.



Too long, didn't watch. What's your point?

Express yourself with words fagget

Easy. On top women were forced into that role, as they couldn't survive without a man. At the bottom they made their free choice to be sluts. So yes, they are liberated.

This pic is pure autism. No wonder you Neo-Nazi punks will die as unloved virgins.

social and sexual isolation is not imposed on you by society, it is a result of your failure as a man.

The jews killed love. All that is left is degeneracy.

so, disproportionate amounts of men have not managed it and even then a lot of those guys only get lucky sometimes, which is the subtle truth that makes this funny.

Attached: 1508645065057.jpg (960x960, 117K)

It's not.
Inflict pain on others. No amount of words or arguments can feel a need or stop you.

>no more gender roles, women can behave like men if they want!
>you're not getting laid? You must be a feminine beta boy. Man up!

The complaints about gender roles were always one sided bullshit. Realistically men like feminine women and women like masculine men because social gender roles are just abstractions of biological roles. I really wish more men didn't become total retards when pussy becomes involved, we wouldn't be here now. The people behind women's liberation didn't give a single fuck about women's well being. The most insidious of intents are hidden behind the noblest crusades.

Wowee op! Those women on the top look like they are having fun! Not like the bottom women, who are totally not having a good time in the slightest.

Men are expected to go after women, not the other way around. If you expected a girl to tell you she likes you when you were young, so that you could get to know each other etc you failed. That's a feminine way of thinkinking. Boys tell girls they like them. If you're effeminate enough to be shy or quiet and hope women will show you interest and not the other way round, you're a FAILURE as a man. It's this way in most of nature from birds to dogs as well. That's why you're a loser, alone.
Also see You literally cannot disprove this.

Having fun is no justification for anything.
"Man I'm sorry I stole your shit but I liked it! In fact it should become lawful to do so"

Having fun is a pretty good argument for being liberated

Not it's not, I just gave an example.

This is when you do everything in your power to ruin life for everyone else, even if its just a little bit.

Who is their liberation hurting?
>inb4 I can't get a date
That doesn't count as hurting you; you're not entitled to sex or affection.

>who is their liberation hurting
Themselves, you complete moron. I bet you want to legalize pot too.

Isn't depression at an all time high?

Go for a trans woman instead. They look better and have massive sex drives. I'm convincing my friend to go trans so I can fuck him.

Don't forget your mutilated dick cause that's totally normal in nature.

I want to legalize heroin.

yeah the funniest part of this is how everyone's broken and miserable and little miss tough love's over here pointing at the lone ambulatory cripple in the entire ward like SEE? SEE? HE HASN'T LET A MASSIVE HEADWOUND SLOW HIM DOWN

Themselves is a poor way to put it, especially considering you're probably talking to a roastie. A better way to put it would have been commenting on how it is damaging the well-being of society as a result of men no longer having an investment to participate. They don't understand it hurts them until they hit the wall with no prospects and a thoroughly deteriorated ability to pair bond.

>you're probably talking to a roast
Do you really genuinelly believe a roasty browses this board

Chad doesn't need to chase women, because they come to him. Ugly and average guys either face countless rejections, become insecure and give up OR get called "desperate" and "creeps" for persevering OR become betabuxes to Chad's sloppy seconds. Prior to women's sexual liberation, the juice may have been worth the squeeze, but not anymore.


lol stay mad fag

Humans are nothing but fucking animals. They want all the pleasure but none of the work or consequences of their self destructive actions. Thots the the ultimate form of this hypocrisy.

With that being said, do you style your hair with product? Do you exercise? Or are you overweight? Do you dress nicely and do your clothes fit you well? Do yoy wash your goddamn face?

Thots are bullshit and only fuck douchechads but you can land SOME if you play your cards right.

Funny how lefties and roasties will always say this regarding men who can't sex but will never say the same about lazy niggers who can't get jobs.

Women are narcissistic and entitled by nature. They think they deserve to have sex with the best guys while also exploiting the lesser guys' work without giving them anything back. They literally think men should be happy for funding their degeneracy and for being exploited. Estrogen is fucking poison.

Ykw. You are right. Meet me in /soc/ so we can continue this conversation. If you give me a link I will add you to my kick. I'm a very busy girl, so I probably won't get to it btw. Reading all of these made me realize how smart you are.

Kik. I meant to say kik.

>women whoring more than ever
>OP still can't get laid

Too late bruh, there is even a roastie thread up where they talk about fucking their bf and shit

>not knowing how female sexuality and hypergamy works

>basic need
>70% of all men never got to procreate
not so fucking basic is it, you just want it, you don't need it you whiny bitch, why don't you git gud at life and get some?