what's up with the obsession of gymbros with eating chicken breast?
your diet can't be this restrictive, right?
what's up with the obsession of gymbros with eating chicken breast?
your diet can't be this restrictive, right?
>full of proteins
that is it.
It's easy to make.
Is that like 200 calories? Lmao
I eat a lot of different stuff, the only reason I go back to chicken breast so often is because its easy/simple to cook, inexpensive and the macros are pretty decent.
It's hard to constantly come up with extra stuff to cook user. That's why I've made the decision to look for a qt stay at home latina gf who will spend all day cooking me homemade ethnic dishes with recipes passed down from her grandmother and then let me pound those enormous buttcheeks afterwards for cardio.
I got a friend who keeps telling me "dude, you're mentally ill, how can you eat the same thing everyday? Have some freedom" but he's a gay-ass faggot who only plays tennis
i dont understand these big muscular meat heads who say they only eat chicken breast rice and broccoli like nigga, that's like 500calories and you eat that every meal?
many of those meals a day I asume
Diets aren't restrictive, only the individuals' lack of culinary skills
Almost all my meals have chicken as the protein, but I incorporate the legs and thighs as well as the tiddies. I also usually get skin on chicken meat. I have a few staple marinades and spice combos that I use for everything, and just pair that with rice and/or whatever veggies I have on hand.
> white meat, rice, broccoli
> zero fat
testlet diet
I've always loved this pic
Weak willed brainlet
Our ancestors lived all their lives eating the exact same shit everyday.
Why does every DYEL/lardass think that clean eating means exclusively chicken/broccoli/rice?
>Chicken breasts
>Turkey spam
Any other cheap lowcal meats I'm forgetting? Obviously pork and beef, but that's a bit more costly both money wise and calorie wise (and frankly time wise, I don't want to buy steak for weekly meal prep).
>consuming the caloric jew
>boogie will never los......
redpill me on the deenz meme. How expensive are they per pound, btw?
What is wrong with this?
Why do fat people need to tell the world they're eating like a normal being?
Bitch where?
they are easy to prepare and taste pretty good.
he just needs to actually season it. throw some hot sauce or sriracha on that shit.
Bread it with breadcrumbs. Adds like 100 calories but 10000x the taste.
>implying I don't eat a shitload of eggs and peanuts everyday
I wish I could buy steak, but with 1 kg of steak I can buy 3 kg of chicken breasts, can't afford it.
fuck off gains goblin
Lots of other shit is easy to prepare too. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, any other kind of vegetable besides broccoli, any other meat besides chicken, and so on. There's nothing particular wrong with a single chicken/rice/broccoli meal in general, but it's become the bodybuilding/weightloss meme food that people will eat over and over and over again. Have some fucking variety. Eat a porkchop, some roasted brussel sprouts or spinach, potatoes, whatever.
>Eat a porkchop, some roasted brussel sprouts or spinach,
agree with everything but potatoes. I guess once you've made it or almost made it and need to bulk, but otherwise I think rice leaves you feeling a lot better overall.
Definitely should be mixing up the protein source, chicken chicken chicken is stupid, throw in whatever is on sale now and then yknow? lotsa yummy animals out there.
>less mercury than tuna, allowing you to eat more of it
>great omega-3s
>edible bones for micronutrients
>24g protein per 100g
>very versatile for adding to other foods
>pre-cooked, sometimes pre-seasoned
If you get them in olive oil (avoid onions oil), it's extra good fats for you. I get them in brine and they typically cost me anywhere between $2-4 per lb (cans range from 3 to 7 oz)
Interesting, I'll take a look out for them next time I shop. How do you eat them? Just straight?
Imagine being proud of being 372 lbs
I'm 6'4" and hit 240 and said fuck that and went back down to 195 in half a year.
If I want a quick snack, I'll pour some lemon juice and pepper on them and mash them up (the bones mash up so you don't notice them when eating). I'll sometimes put them on a spinach salad for a to-go lunch. You can also make fisherman's eggs for test-boosting, high protein breakfast
lmao why eat chicken when you can have tasty protein powder fucken lol
eggs and sardines sounds oddly appetizing.
brahs, learn to carve birds properly. if you buy and entire chicken the chicken breast becomes relatively cheaper, because you cut out "the middleman", the machine that cuts your bird. I know this sounds autistic as fuck but it's actually pretty cool. you also get two chicken wings, two legs which you can cook later. and all the carcass bits can be used for a delicious stew or chicken stock. the only downside is that it takes a while to prepare all the parts properly for cooking. but once you have experience, you'll be fast as fuck and you can tell your friends cool stories like "sorry mate I gotta cut this chicken into pieces senpai"
Pork chops are cheaper than chicken breasts and has similar macros to chicken (it has a bit more fat). Why is it not as popular as chicken amongst gym bros?
I'm not the user you're replying too, but I still eat chicken+broccoli+rice more consistently than anything else. Don't get me wrong, I do eat all the stuff you listed, but:
> pork
Can't eat red meat consistently
> potatoes
Good, but nowhere as much vitamin C, vitamin, K, and fiber as broccoli. You really should eat green veggies everyday.
> brussel sprouts
I eat these a lot, but not as much as broccoli because they taste like shit unless you roast them
> spinach
I also eat spinach a lot but it tastes like shit unless you buy it fresh. Frozen broccoli is still delicious to me.
Here's some more:
> beef, lamb
Same red meat problems
> kale
Tastes like shit no matter what
> lettuce
basically no nutrients
> not as many micronutrients as meat
> not as filling as meat
> probably flavored whey, so enjoy your artificial sweetener cancer
It's really tasty and filling. It's great with toast, but if you're cutting/doing keto it's still awesome on its own
Hot sauces saved my capacity to eat chicken every day. I got to a point where I was just continuously chewing one bite of chicken, my body was refusing to let me eat it. Now with hot sauces, it's easy to eat chicken breasts all the time.
I pay about $12 for 6 breasts of amish chicken. Its like $2.70 per pound. I think I'm gettin' ripped off to be honest. But yeah, buy two of those. 12 chicken breasts for a week. Add rice, green onions, etc comes out to less than $50 per week in food.
>artificial sweetener cancer
i'd like to see your sources for aspartame or sucralose being carcinogenic :)
the potatoes would be in lieu of the rice. So a theoretical meal might be chicken/potato/spinach or pork/sweet potato/cauliflower.
I fucking love porkchops. Especially grilled and bone-in
Buying whole birds is god-tier. I'll buy a whole chicken, use my fingers to separate the skin from the meat so it crisps up better, cover the entire thing with salt and pepper, and put garlic and some lemon wedges in the cavity. Then I'll put sliced potatoes/carrots/onions on the bottom of the roasting pan and place the chicken on top. That way when it cooks the fat cooks the vegetables really fucking good and the entire thing tastes like heaven.
>make food cheap
>make healthcare prohibitively expensive
(((they))) are clever...
>eating broccoli after gastric bypass.
Boggie not listening to his doctor confirmed
Shouldn't he not be eating rice too?
>Buying whole birds is god-tier.
it really fucking is. every bird tastes completely different too. duck breast is expensive as fuck, but if you buy an entire duck the breast is like twice as cheap. there's a bizarre disbalance here that people NEVER buy entire birds, so they're disproportionately cheaper per kg. ALSO
my mom knows local farmers who grow ducks, geese, and chicken so I can get fresh natural meat easily. the only downside is that they sell birds that are big as FUCK, so I can't really finish them in one go lol.
chicken is a meme meat
fish and red meat is the goods
broccoli tastes like shit for a reason user coz it is shit
The average burger won't spend more than 20min TOPS preparing & cooking food, so they see that as the only option
Probably an obvious question, but can you grill a whole bird on an electric grill? I can't roast shit until my oven can be fixed in a couple weeks, but want to into whole birds now that I'm comfortable with deboning cuts of chicken separately
butterfly it and yes
The curved shape doesn't affect doneness? It's one of those pressing grills, so I didn't know if the intact bones would cause uneven cooking
well I've never done it personally but I've seen it done plenty of times on various cooking shows. butterfly it out and then press it down hard to make it as flat as it'll get. bones will probably snap. dry off the inside and outside and cook as you want to. just make sure the deepest part of the breast is cooked and you're goodzo (because the heat is coming from the bottom and top it should cook well)
Pork isn't red meat you retard
If it's a mammal, its meat is red meat.
Are pigs mammals brainlet?
Probably closer to 600
>not bulking
O I'm laffin
Holy fuck you stupid nigger. The other white meat shit was a meme. Goddam you're fucking dumb
I wouldn't grill a whole bird. If you're going to grill, at least quarter it, which works really well on the grill was referring to roasting in the oven.
jelly af about your source. I fucking love duck, and yeah, it's surprisingly cheap to get. I always follow the recipe from Good Eats (quarter, brine, steam, sear). Fucking delicious.
Grain is fine after 8 weeks but in small amounts, less than what is on his plate. The broccoli is a problem because of the high fiber it can worsen recovery like carbonated drinks.
guys he had the surgery fucking MONTHS ago. the restriction on broccoli is like 2 months tops
brendan schaub is that you?
What are your current stats, and what do you want to achieve?
I used to weigh 174 at 5'8, but I dropped all the way down to 145 after getting sick and could hardly eat for a couple months. I found out I have a hiatal hernia and gerd, which forced me to change my diet. A lot of my diet now is based around controlling my gerd. When I started eating healthier (less processed foods, junk food, had to cut out some fat because fatty foods irritate gerd) I ended up dropping down to 136. I've been lifting weights pretty hard now for the past month and a half and have gone back up to around 142. I would like to gain muscle mass, but I can't eat huge portions and a huge calorie surplus because of the hernia, so I feel kind of stuck. I don't think keto would work for me because fatty foods tend to irritate my gerd and too much meat is hard on my digestive system. I feel like I have a lot of energy in the gym and I'm gaining strength back, but I'm also eating a pretty decent amount of carbs. Hoping the high carbs won't be bad for me in the long run.
why would you do no carbs if you dont have to lose fat
Is it alright for me to just eat oats+egg white for lunch? Maybe throw in a chicken/beef after
Because a bunch of people on the internet are telling me that carbs will kill me and make me unhealthy.
>not carving and filling shrooms with leek
>not seasoning everything with garlic butter
srsly shrooms are god tier in terms of taste and micros. They can even serve as a meat-like texture if you're a v*gan
t. sandnigger
There's absolutely no reason to eat rice over sweet potato.
There's no reasonable reason to limit yourself to eating only one of them.
Rice is literal trash food and I don’t know why so many people think eating rice is healthy.
That’s are a million better alternatives for way more valuable carbs with none of the arsen.
Try farting hours later after eating that with ur face under the covers and let us know how it smells.
tiny pile of rice + brocolli and a small chicken breast without skin is like ~400 if there isn't butter or oil on the rice and chicken
because literal retards are still reading "mens fitness" magazines and end up looking like skinnyfat soi chuggers and end up being virgins till the late 20s.
Find me any competitive bodybuilder who just eats that garbage outside their 8 weeks of prep(like once a year)
Because it is.
>Find me any competitive bodybuilder
why would I want to pattern my diet after a bodybuilder
Wtf happened to the mushrooms for that juicy decline in estrogen?
What a fucking noob.
>not carbs
True. Ever since i stopped eating rice, i feel alot less hungry when cutting. Still eat my brocolli from time to time. Meat-wise i just buy what's cheap, and at least cooked salmon filet once a week.
I eat a lot of sardines and salmon.
Get those omega-3's my dude.
Sometimes I buy parts of chicken out of convenience if I know what I'm going to do, but more often I just take 2-3 whole birds, cut them myself, make stock from the carcass, freeze all the parts and use them as I need it.
dubs and boogie lives
How do I cook chicken, Bros?
Grilling it dries the shit out of it in my experience. Is frying it in olive oil healthy?
Just brown (sear) them in a pan with olive oil and throw them in the oven
>Tfw 4.50 for 1.5 kilo
Thanks local butcher
I make my own foods, I wouldn't say restrictive at all, I made turkey sausage with sauerkraut, green peppers, onions and washed it down with water.
try paprika dry rub on chicken thighs. its freaking amazing.
Wrap in foil with some seasoning and maybe a small knob of butter, oven for 20 mins and you'll have some moist and soft chicken breast
I hate sardines. they're really salty
Any advice for dishes with the following meats
I've tried to cut carbs and sugars completely to fix my face ( rosacea or mild acne ) and thus I only try to eat meat and some veggies
Cheapest meat my local markets have is minced meat and chicken strips, what can I make with these?
learn to make easy shredded chicken.
set pan to medium high
add some oil to pan, add chicken breast
after 5 minutes, add 1/2 cup chicken broth, turn to low, wait 10 minutes, remove, shred with fork.
now you can add taco seasoning or buffalo sauce and have some options.
>minced meat
do you mean like beef for stew meat..? usually you can get your hands on that for pretty cheap and make healthy and nutritious stew.
what's duck taste like?
Why does chicken breast get disgusting once its refrigerated then reheated?