No matter what you do, your body will eventually break down and you'll die

>no matter what you do, your body will eventually break down and you'll die
What's the point of getting Jow Forums in the face of impending doom?

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What's the point of living if were all going to die?

>your body will break down and die
Not me. I'm going to live forever. My body is indestructible

Then don't take care of yourself. Fall into a pit of everything sucks and what is the point.

Don't be a cuck m8. Lift because it feels good.

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you're right. What's the point of anything? Why even live any longer? You should just kys OP. Since you'll just die anyway.

What's the point of doing anything in the face of impending doom, just kill yourself you'll die eventually anyway right?

Why do anything? Just shoot yourself.

imagine being boogie and being obese, 40 and divorced. Jesus, at least he has his fans for attention and support. Think about all the miserable people out there who are in the same situation but entirely alone. Sometimes I take for granted how good I have it

If he didn’t have his YouTube channel he probably would’ve been divorced sooner and he would’ve either an hero’d or woken the fuck up before it was too late.

So when the worms eat me they will get a Jow Forumsmeal and I will live on through them

>not just killing yourself like the rest of us on Jow Forums

Why do anything at all? Because that’s literally the definition life.

Create and assign meaning

this is the most concise and good advice I have ever seen on this board

No it won't. I'm 20. Long before age ravages my body, aging will be cured.

Based quantum immortality poster

To worship allah and do good deeds you dumb cunt

It's fun and you have nothing else better to do

That I can be well enough preserved that when aging can be stopped I'll be good where I am

To leave the world a better place than you found it.

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Allah doesn't exist you fucking mongrel, keep worshiping a false god retard.

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If you're not going to kill yourself then you may as well make your experience of life as good as possible.

>if human bodies obey the laws of physics, they're indistinguishable from the external world
>human duality is ridiculous for the same reason, there is no proof of a "soul" other than the presence of consciousness
>positing that there is a soul therefore breaks Okham's razor
>it follows that consciousness has a natural explanation
>therefore there is no reason to believe humans are the only thing with a conscious
>so you don't really die, you just change. You're already part of the same wavefunction as the rest of the universe, so the distinction of life vs death is arbitrary at best
Or so I tell myself. Honestly I hide behind this pie in the sky thinking.

>everything is meaningless if you die
Fuck off and go masturbate.

>not believing in the one true god
We can't all be enlightened I guess

To enjoy your time alive stupid fucking nigger

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>be fat
>Want to do a thing
>Think of how difficult it is and decide not to do it
>Never do anything, die

>Be fit
>Think of a thing you want to do
>Just do it™
>Continue doing things you like to do

Getting old sucks but it's better than dying young

Jesus, it's embarrassing that this guy refers to himself as "fat" when he's actually a morbidly obese pig. Almost as bad as when fat people can't admit that they're fat and so refer to themselves as "heavy" or "big"

>durr i can't do a pullup i;m too much of a heavy guy

>not accepted death as something to give meaning to life
take the stoic pill bros

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We talking about scooby now?

While that day comes I will keep enjoying the DOMS and sick sluts that I fuck

>X will happen, therefore stop doing Y you biggot incel!!!!!1
lmao @ the estronaut

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it's about enjoying the ride

Why jerk off? I'm just going to get horny again.

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What are all those pills even for? Cholesterol? Blood pressure? There's like 12 in each divider. How was he even medically fit for surgery?

>Implying he'd ever be married if it wasn't for YouTube

they were married before he was a youtuber, back when he was just a broke fuck on disability

Thats actually why I'm working out now and not procrastinating.

In the words of Billy Joel, "you can get what you want or you can just get old"

Everyone in my family has simply gotten old. They never achieved anything of value. They never got what they wanted.

I want white revolution. And I'm going to get it.

>having to rely on something to give meaning to your pathetic meaningless live

what a uber-cuck.

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what's the point of being dyel in the face of impending doom? Die beautiful cunt. You lived as a faggot, don't fucking die as a faggot too

>What's the point of getting Jow Forums in the face of impending doom?
Thats the point

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>What's the point of getting Jow Forums in the face of impending doom?

Beating the reaper for as long as you can.

To pass the time until Death comes to punch our ticket.

>worship Allah
>do good deeds

Lick one.