Balding General

>How bad is it?
>What are you doing to cope?

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>no MPB but receding incredibly fast
>have a fringe haircut that hides it and seriously considering minox

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>Norwood II-III
>starting take full HRT
>hair is coming back
>temples are filling back in
just become a girl user

>you tell me
>been balding since 17, i think i slowed it quiet alot with rogain and now about to talk to a dermatologist about what to do
If it stayed the way it is right now i wouldnt even care, but it's gonna get worse, and look aweful. I dont even know how i'd cope if half my head is hairless, fucking nightmare.

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>Not much visual recession but can feel it starting to thin
>Older brother is only 26 and already working towards a hair island with a massive bald spot on the back
How the fuck do I prevent it guys???

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>Nasty widows peak
>getting undercuts and forcing the normies to see my bald temples

How bad is it?
>Really bad.Theres not a day there arent tons of hair on my bedsheets after a night of sleep.
How do you cope?
>I dont cope,I am okay with it and refraimed it into a positive thing.

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Hairline is similar to pic related, I keep it short and grew out my beard.

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>thick as fuck hair but its starting to gray
Dont know if I should be satisfied or not.

22. Very bad: NW3 diffuse on top. I started at 18 and passed 19-21 in living hell (cant stress this enough) because of this shit

Got on fina and now minox. No way Im giving away more of my best years without a fight. My life got way better because I recovered a little bit.

>How bad is it?
It's over.

Its slowly thinning, receding, and looks like I'll have a bald spot in a few years.
I've been trying generic brand minoxidil, and I can see tiny hairs growing in the front, but I don't think it's worth it.

>no one in my family mother side or father side have balded ever
barbers compliment my on how much hair i have and how vibrant the color is
feels fucking good man

good for you user. we're proud of you.

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shallow fucks who wallow in self pity about things like going bald deserve it lol

>not very
>using minoxidil since 24 when it started and finasteride since this year

shave your head then if its not so bad.

i went full vin diesel when i enlisted for my 2 year duty, shaving my head like i shave my beard feels good

>Pretty fucking bad.
>I keep a beard grown out, but I have a jew nose so I end up looking like a Russian pedophile.

>i enlisted for my 2 year duty

only 2 years. jesus christ what a fucking pussy

>Not horrible at the moment but I feel like its speeding up on the top of my head
>Playing video games and ignoring it
I don't know what to to honestly. I don't want to talk to my parents about it because my mom's dad died young and she doesn't even remember what he looked like and my dad has no hair loss at all. Luckily he has always kept it short because he was in the Army but I know I will still feel embarrassed as fuck next time I visit. I can't talk to my wife about it because she says she'll love me no matter how much hair I have. I believe that but I want more help and support and to find a way to get over this problem. I'm a broke ass college kid too so I can't afford much in the way of treatment, but when I am finally old enough and financially stable I'll probably be beyond saving.
I'm not worried about picking up chicks because I already have a wonderful wife, but I have always been able to rely on my hair for self esteem and I don't want that to go away. It's the one thing that I could consistently like about myself and now I'm probably fucked.

i'd have done zero if i could, shits was fucking mandatory and you get paid jack shit while doing it, only thing that came out of it was put guys in incredible shape and made me able to tolerate even the shittiest of foods