Where did all the good men go? Why is it so hard to find a guy that isnt a "pussy slaying god" and has been used up by every woman in the city? I just want a pure chaste man. Any other femanons know this feel?
Where did all the good men go...
LOL if you're in a liberal arts college there are actually girls who feel kinda like that. Guys have way too much options there, become super picky with who they date and fuck half the campus.
>iwn be born at the right time to have my choice of college sluts
why live
you're not special. No man is "saving himself", they all need to practice to some degree, if not for the pleasure of slaying pussy, then just to know where they stand in the sexual marketplace.
>TFW kept my virgnity despite multiple sexual advances being made on me
>TFW haven't met anyone I'm willing to mary and loose our virginities together
Oregano oregano oregano
This is original I swear
There are rules to prove this. Unless you follow them, you're bait.
Also good people don't exist.
>lie about being a virgin to a girl
Haha dumb roastoid cunt.
>Lie about never holding hands with a girl
>Make a girl loose her handginity
I mean if you want girls you have to go where girls are
Retarded faggot idiot
Because the culture we live in shames and discourages chastity and romantic ideals of true monogamy. Jealousy is toxic, sexual exploration is good and required to finding yourself and what works for you, divorce and moving on when you don't feel happy is glorified as brave in all current media, and so on. As sweet as it'd be for people to be able to reliably get their lifetime love where both sides believe in it lasting, our culture severely discourages it and encourages what people are currently doing instead. It doesn't mean that people are shit and that they never cared about love and forming meaningful bonds, but it's just very unlikely to find in this current climate. If you don't want to play along, you could either hold out for something good, that's unlikely to find, or love a 2D or something.
I found your picture. You shouldn't let it get out on the internet, recipe for doxxing bro.
No, they don't need to. Sex can always get better with communication in a healthy long-term relationship.
not practicing sex, but practicing courtship. Have you ever tried to talk to a guy who has no experience with dating? it's really cringey
Yes, I did. And I got turned down. I hate getting "courted" and small talk so what's the point?
>guy who has no experience with dating? it's really cringey.
where the fuck are they going to get the experience then?
>hate getting courted
so when a guy is interested in you and is trying to get close to you, you're not into that?
sounds like you're in a pretty hard spot
by being cringey and continuing to try until they learn to do better. same as every guy.
blame the internet for guys getting way too old before starting to figure these things out.
He can just start a normal conversation with me and then find common interests to talk about.
Women are too much of slaves to their sexual urges to look for a decent man
Where have the good men gone? :[[[[[[[[[[[
have you ever just "started a conversation" with someone you've never talked to before?
I don't think anyone does this except for creeps and handsome creeps
Take the blackpill lads
Yes, I did. What's so "creepy" about it?
Now that I think about it maybe that's why I got turned down.
Every time I get to the point of sexual romance with a girl, I cut off completely. This has happened a lot over the course of my life, and I'm 23 now. I know I'm attractive and can lose my virginity at any time, but I can't find anyone to share the experience with. I don't know why I do this to myself. I was abused as a child so maybe that has something to do with it.
It used to be totally normal and friendly behaviour. Despite being globally interconnected people are a lot more closed off and isolated from the people actually around them than they used to be.
yeah, because cold calling isn't a good way to meet someone. It sucks, nobody likes small talk, but you have to do it when you talk to strangers.
It's creepy because you're a stranger and you're acting like you like them but you've never seen them before. They perceive no reason for there to be a conversation between you, so it's weird that you're trying to start one.
i'm 25 and it hasn't been normal or friendly behavior in my life time.
Virginal men can still get women but they can't keep them. Worst thing to happen to me was getting the best head of my life from an amazing woman (I knew it was good even then). Despite the passion between us I couldn't return the favor, I eventually got dumped. There was more to it than just lack of experience, but it certainly didn't help. Now I bang sluts to satisfy the future woman of my dreams.
i guarantee you there are losers they don't even consider
Sure but average dudes there are like Chads everywhere else and uglies can get it too. It's all supply and demand.
Or you could learn actual conversation skills, its incredibly easy to get great reaction from a n attractive girl who was a stranger just moments ago, no I'm not a Chad I'm just confident and lnow what to say