Mental Health General

Fuck the antidepressant Jew pills fellas. I've tried 4 different types, all 4 have made me more depressed, more suicidal, more tired and enjoying absolutely ducking nothing
Waste of fucking money to have some dirty pajeet tell me "let's increase the dose" or "let's try this"

Has anyone actually had these work for them?

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This is now a dicklet general

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have you tried any nonprescription alternatives for an extended amount of time?

I'm already physically healthy, live in Australia so get plenty of sun etc and test was measured at 980ng/dL
But if you mean pills and vitamins, I tried 5-HTP but didn't get much out of it

Have you tried actually changing your life and the things that cause your depression or do you expect pills to fix your life?

The pills are supposed to give you enough energy to start fixing your external factors, not be the cure themselves.

Yes. That's why I resorted to the pills in the first place but all they've done is made me more tired and less motivated to exercise, study, leave the house etc.

yeah this is pretty much the ideal function of any antidepressant, not that I have ever been diagnosed with depression

I was going to recommend you do some research into nootropics and maybe play around with a few of those until you find a combination that you find conducive to your daily efforts

I found phenibut helpful (obviously only occasionally because of the withdrawals) when I was really fucked but now it's illegal here. Noopept didn't seem to do much. Might get back on modafinil on really low energy days

Multivitamins and minerals help me with energy a lot and cutting back on caffeine. Some L-theanine in your coffee in the morning always gives me a boost. Theres honestly so many fucking nootropics I myself have a stack that I have been playing with for maybe 3 years now.

Then get off the pills dumbass

check out DL-Phenylalanine, a bottle isn't too expensive and it can't hurt to try.

Try a KJV, unless it hurts your head to think about concepts you can't see right in front of your face.

Psychedelics might be beneficial for someone in your circumstance, I know that my experiences with mescaline and psilocybin definately lifted me out of depression when ssris could not. :) Good luck OP

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What did you try? SSRI? SNRI? NDRI?

not OP, but in my case before starting with SSRI (been with paroxetine 6 months, and now on escitalopram since April) I tried St. John’s wort. Didn't shit with me. Also l get plenty of sun here on Spain.
My problem is the same as : I can't find the energy and motivation for doing shit. Without the pills my mind is too agitated and restless to do shit, and with them I', lethargic.
I've tried multivitamins, minerals, and coffee, but nothing seems to give me some energy.
I don't what to do or try, anons.

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When I came down from mushrooms I had an intense resolve to kill myself that lasted about a day. It made me hate the isolated way I was living so much I just wanted to end it.

>The pills are supposed to give you enough energy to start fixing your external factors, not be the cure themselves.
Okay, normie. You're basically saying you have no idea what causes depression.
>lol just stop being sad

Yep, antidepressants aren’t working for me either. Even adhd pills that are supposed to work instantly have no effect.

I know everyone hates the guy, but Jordan Peterson videos worked better than 5 years of therapy and ssri's. The Maps of Meaning lectures. Not just youtube clips.

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Tried SSRIs any Tricyclic ones both helped with my mental condition a little but the side effects weren`t worth it. Limp dick, heart racing, more of a nervous freaked out motivation than feeling somehow healthy..etc.

hello tiger

That is what they're supposed to do. If someone has a severe case of depression they won't help.

Can also confirm this anecdotally.

What were your issues initially and what did you do with Maps of Meaning to fix them?

You're making it seem as though depression and what goes on in the brain is some kind of magical process that one can fix through things like "eating clean" or other bullshit. Depression is a physiological process that generally has nothing at all to do with "external factors". Being sad for a while, grieving, etc, is not depression.

Last time I tried antidepressants I eventually ate like 20 of them at the same time in an attempt to kill myself. I've just accepted my fate to struggle. Having goals like finance and fitness help a lot.

It can go either way depending on the environment and mindset a person has. If someone does decide to go this route, I'd suggest hiring one of those gurus/shamans to walk you through it.

what the fuck are you chatting

the guy you're replying to is spot on; if you're only looking to your SSRI/SRNI or whatever to magically make things better you're never gonna make it

MDD is something that requires a combination of different treatments; pharmaceutical, theraputic and lifestyle changes are essential.

You sound like the type of woe-is-me kid who stays up till 4am browsing insta and wonders why the pills don't work.

>All I need to do is eat salads and run on a treadmill and get good sleep to make my depression go away :)
If that works for you, you don't have depression.

SJW and WHM work wonders, along with periodic cardio and waking early

the good sjw - saint johns wort
whm - wim hoffs method

I also recommend phenibut. It helped me get through the worst of times. Liftmode is where I get mine.

It's hard to know where the line is drawn between external and internal. Also, no one said anything about being sad, eating clean, or grieving.

just kys brah there's obvs no hope for you


>Just stop being sad, user. :^)

Mushrooms gave me intense dissociative symptoms and suicidal thoughts for like a good 8 months. I still occasionally have both. Bware of that shit seriously, you have no fucking idea what it’ll do to you before you take it. Psychdelics obviously work for a lot of people but just telling you about my experience and how they did not fucking work for me

>waaa waaaa, no one understands i have incurable depression and it's not my fault that im a waste of space

must be bait
no one is this pitiful

>depression is just caused by thinking sad thoughts all the time and not being able to acquire a gf :^) all you need to do is change your diet and exercise

>criticizing things that no one said
You're really getting your point across, user.
Probably a brainlet

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>saint johns wort
>vitamin D
>eat meat
>stop smoking weed / drinking
>go to bed early. wake up early
don't take the cia nigger pills.

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From what i’ve experienced myself and what i know, depression seems to have a lot more to do with social hierarchies, goal-setting and real world events than what a lot of people let on. I used to think it was just some weird sickness that people got sometimes due to “chemical imbalances” and shit like that. I reckon thats just a great big jewish lie. Depression has a lot to do with one’s standing in society their community, but these days that stuff supposedly has no significance and the way an individual feels can only be determined within. Which is just flat out wrong. When you look at one’s relative position in a society, depression makes a lot of sense.

Yeah I think depression is your body letting you know something is wrong and to do something about it. A problem is that we have so many accessible forms of escapism these days that it's easier and more comfortable to look the other way. Eventually, things get worse over time and you're left with the easiest conclusion to ending it all. Of course, it's probably a lot more complex than that but I always remind myself not to go the fast route.

SSRI's literally saved my life, faget. Sertraline for life.

Also tried venlafaxine, that didn't work so well. And Paxil nearly made me go mad. So it really is hit and miss.

Have you tried avoiding all forms of social media (fb, ig, Twitter ect)?

Take your phone, delete all social media apps, remove all texts and numbers to irrelevant people. (Use phone for music and actual important shit I.e family and work)
Take your computer and store it away

Ask yourself, what the fuck do I want to achieve? Write that shit down and stick it on your wall, your door, everything you look at in your damn house, every time you do something you have to melt it into your mind why your living and what for.
Hit the gym hard
Get a good diet going
Join a team or some kind of sport
Take up a hobby like hiking and appreciate nature.

Take life by the balls and say fuck you to everyone and everything wasting your time of achieving what you want, don’t let yourself be held back
Failure hurts but regret hurts even more user.

This might help you user, god bless.

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absolutely based advice

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Adderall. I myself have tried anti-depressants only to end up wanting to go to bed right away because of how tired they make me. Like whats the point of taking these if all they make me feel is absolutely nothing and I'm at the point of just dragging myself around from how lethargic it makes me? At least with adderall I'm wide awake and able to keep myself busy, not feel like lazy piece of shit only to make me feel more depressed. Also I'm aware its pretty much baby meth and shouldn't be shilling drugs, but this thread was about prescription drugs so I felt it was appropriate.

dude just stop being a sad cunt
just be a sick cunt you sad fuck

> improve immensely in life
> people think I’m all put together because I dress nice, live healthy, am social and mange my wealth
> no one knows it’s all being held together by very poor tape
Doing heavy lifts and writing is the only thing stopping me from mentally snapping in public

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just stop being a fag lol

get on some drugs and eat healthy

iktf user, I stopped lifting for a couple months and ended up destroying all my relationships in a paranoid autistic rage. Now I'm back to lifting and facepalm thinking about it.

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i take escitalopram, it works tremendously well for me. when i'm on it I don't get depressive or panic attacks. Of course, I also exercise regularly, got a gf, got a good job, try not to drink too much; trying to give myself less things to be depressed about

>Vitamin D
Is this a viable substitute for sunlight?

based but not redpilled

cucked and bluepilled

>guys GUYS, we found the boomer

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>Cheating ex is always on my thoughts, she's happily with him and destroyed me with glee

>Need to learn to love myself but don't think I'm worth it. Love helping everyone but me

How do I fix these issues Anons? Have a counselor visit scheduled next week.

>be ottermode 6ft kpop twink faggot
>suicidal, depressed, from previous relationships (got cucked)
>somehow still get girls
>seriously dating one qt asian and a black chick wants to fuck me tonight in her dorm

Should i do it lads? Any advice on dating 2+ girls at once?

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You should get both.
Sun is good for your beyond giving you vitamin D.
And then sun will never give you as much vitamin D as you can use/need, so you also supplement.

>should I be a degenerate losers guys?

Do it, you are obviously fucked in the head anyway, so whatever. Tell you “serious gf” after tho so she can stop wasting time on your “serious relationship”.

Yeah, don't be an autist and also have a big penis

Im >6 inches max which is terrible for my height but to asian standards its alright.

Am i just coping? I got cheated on and now i just wanna fuck every hole when the oppurtunity arises.

do it if ya want an std. black herpes rates are high as shit.

>Am i just coping?
Yes definitely. You are coping, but you can compensate for your lack in size.

Nah man, cheating people are well adjusted and generally respected

REMINDER: Do not listen to mentally ill people giving advice about curing their mental illness. Anyone on this board over a long period of time is mentally ill and should not be giving advice on curing mental illness.

you're not depressed or suicidal you normalfag fuck

>Anyone on this board over a long period of time is mentally ill

I don't even know what I want to achieve fml

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>not shining red light on ur balls to increase test gains +150%

never gonna make it

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very much this

I find myself jumping between hobbies that I pick up and can never find something I consistently stick with. Not necessarily because I don't enjoy the hobby, but I become more interested in something else. Even when it comes to jobs, longest one I've had was a year then I got so bored I quit and moved.

I have this crushing feeling to be successful with another crushing feeling that I'm missing out on opportunities if I settle with just one thing

anyone got advice?

>on jewpills for 2 years
>no fucking improvement
>fuck this shit
>go to therapist and read some self help books
>force myself to lift, to talk to people, start playing guitar, start reading every day
>managed to change my thinking habits
>realize jewpills were totally worthless
>still taking them because afraid of the side effects of leaving them
>2 days ago decided to lower the dose, and in 2 months I should be jewpill free.
fuck the jewpill industry

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Marijuana kept me alive when I was at my most depressed. For me my depression dissipated slowly. I think I had to get myself out of destructive thought patterns. I still deal with it but it’s important to recognize you do have a choice to change those thought patterns. Take care of yourself, mentally spiritually and physically op. Try to live in the present and enjoy life. Change comes from within, not from things.

Any of the books actually help+how'd you change your thinking habits?

The power of habit - Charles Duhigg
The compound Effect - Darren Hardy
The happines Advantage - Shawn Achor
The practicing Mind - Thomas M.
Search for James Clear, he has a blog with different topics and recommended books.

Also Stitches by Shawn Mendes

The only thing I think of is you're gimping your skills long-term. It takes ages to become truly great at something. The first little bit is the noob gains.

There's nothing wrong with shopping around but if you don't commit your fear of missing something will ensure you do.

It's like the gym. The beginning is easy. You'll be way more satisfied long term if you really develop a skill or hobby long term

Thanks, will investigate. Where/how do you suggest learning the WHM?

Thanks again

It could also just be a lack of social hierarchies. We are social animals and evolved to be in them but the left doesn’t like them and is trying hard to dismantle them at their own peril.

I picked up:
'how to win freinds and influence people' ,
'7 habits of highly effective people'
'Power of habit'
'thinking fast thinking slow'

slowly working through the list. Thanks for the recs, a mate rec'd 'you are a badass' but not sure about that one


WARNING - To all those with addictive tendencies, escapism addiction will go on for YEARS and DECADES and MORE YEARS if you do not address it TODAY.

If you don’t have purpose, meaning, connectedness and love in your life, like we evolved to be surrounded in at all times under all conditions you will become sick, ie depressed, especially if you are a sensitive person. If you did not get a healthy dose of character driven conservative values, the values that built everything good and bad in this world, you will be highly susceptible to junk food values and comfort/escapism addiction. The only thing worse than pain is emptiness and you will fill that emptiness with ANYTHING. You will attempt to fill that emptiness with porn, rage, self-loathing, vidya, masturbation, junk food, SJW outrage, self-harm, TV, Jow Forums, Netflix, sleep, overindulging, anorexia, overeating, hour long hot showers, drugs, smoking, coffee, slam pigs, Tinder, gay sex in park bathrooms, OCD, hyper-socializing, anti-socializing/masochism, reading to escape, neurotic behavior, basically and unbalanced anxiety/pain relieving/numbing activity you can think of. Some of these actions will be explicitly damaging, heroin, other implicitly damaging like workaholism or exercising when you should be doing something else.

Escapism addiction will quietly take your whole life. It is more insidious than drug addiction or any other ~behavior~ addiction because it will have no one action to focus on quitting. I don’t know how to solve this yet, it is still killing me year after year.

Thank you user

>Escapism addiction will quietly take your whole life. It is more insidious than drug addiction or any other ~behavior~ addiction because it will have no one action to focus on quitting.
>I don’t know how to solve this yet, it is still killing me year after year.

Fuck, you nailed it but fuck now it's scary to think people don't know how to handle it haha

as much as it's doing the work, there's more to it than that

for a second there i thought things were getting better
guess not

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Absolutely not. Sun exposure also increases testosterone, among many things.

Take it with a grain of salt but its this simple:
External pleasure is immoral.

What i mean by this is do not use anything external to elevate your mood when you feel low. No escapes, nothing you wouldn't ordinarily do.

I just got yelled at by like six people at once because I wanted advice on how to put a dog down without a vet since it's on the verge of death. Why do people immediately start crying like children when subjects about animals come up? Sure I get it that you think animals are cute, and you love your pet, but don't get mad at me because I'm trying to put one out of its misery while avoiding trouble. This isn't really a "mental health" post as it is whining, but they started calling me a sociopath and it pissed me off.

Screencapped, thank you for the advice

Please tell us the story, I'm genuinely curious

>Take your phone, delete all social media apps

Should ask non-farm raised cattle about these things

They're urbanized idiots. You should take your dog to an unpopulated area and shoot him in the head: it's the most painless way and doesn't evolve buying pills that may or may not work. This is, of course, assuming he's actually in pain and not just old.

Thanks. I'm glad that I can at least find validation from strangers on the internet.

>go through identity crisis
>return to old self-hatred patterns
>slowly stop returning to gym
>nowhere to vent my stress
>people around me are walking on eggshells due to my behavior
>I start calling people out on perceived lies(tbf I had decent proof)
>overreacted when they got defensive
>tell them to fuck off, call names, etc
I channeled that rage back into working out and now I see all the childishness.

A Girl I've been desperately trying to detach from my life just attempted suicide and I'm worried it will be impossible to cut her out without feeling massive guilt. Also I highly recommend supplementing garlic in raw form (crush it and let it sit for 15m and eat it) it helps massively with energy.

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>good job
>active sex life
>loving gf
>drink lots of water
>no drugs
>work out 6 days week
>clean house

Feels good man

Oh and most importantly

>3 months sober and receiving treatment after being bipolar alcoholic shut-in for most of my life since early secondary school
not being completely mental feels weird lads

Been five years since my health problems started, but I'm finally turning the corner. I'm finally going to be able to lift again brahs. I'm finally going to be independent