Instead of risking heartbreak & depression, why not have a roster of contacts to non-committed-date, bang, kick it with, co-habitat with, etc. ?
Long-term relationships & a shared vision for a committed family life is a relic of a long-gone culture that's foreign to ours today, as times have practically 100% entirely changed. Settling down & falling in love in modern society is basically role-playing a foreign relic of the yesteryear.
I can almost guarantee you this lifestyle will catch on, across all races, demographics, & politics in the West, in due time. It used to be reserved for celebrities, etc who couldn't logistically live a White Picket Fence lifestyle - now even the commoner can't hold that either.
You could still get that feeling of acceptance, inspiration, appreciation, love, and all the big & small things that you'd do in a regular relationship too, all the while still hanging out with friends & family, pursuing your life, goals, etc...You just wouldn't be risking the high likelihood of having your life crumble in a debilitating heartbreak, as you're in the prime of your life of your life.
Long-term relationships & love is dead because our society doesn't foster them, however the flipside balancer is we also have a set of economic & personal freedoms to figure out a new lifestyle to make up the difference.
Implying my life goal isn't to retire in my mid forties to some 3rd world shithole and impregnate a qt traditional qt
Levi Sanders
I bet you historylets don't even know that shit like this is nothing new; it is in fact usually how cultures of declining empires/nations are, before they finally crash, and something new grows out of it. Then the cycle continues.
>Win over a major cutie that's just my type >First relationship since 2012 (and that was my first and only one which last 1 month) >Find out that being in a relationship isn't helping me fix my problems and is instead making me more lazy and unmotivated >Feel like I want to end things with her, but feel bad because her last LTR ended because he was to focused on himself >She also dated two scumbags after him/before me, so I'd feel bad if she had to date more bad people
What do? I honestly don't think I can function in a relationship.
Dylan Bell
that's my desktop background, and I'm still not naive enough to believe love exists in 2018
Juan Scott
Lol you fuckign WISH that's what it was you fucking incel lmao
Logan Carter
date & bang her, but tell her not to get attached
Jaxon White
>being a bitter incel
Aiden Davis
I'm not bitter fool. Breakups happen 24/7. Don't kid yourself
that being said: House parties, dance & strip clubs, dating sites, AFF, girls my friends' know, etc
I'm good homie. This is modern living. The idea of a loving family is completely dead.
Eli Campbell
yes you filthy cattle! break up the traditional family unit. *hand rubbing intensifies*
Samuel Martinez
Think about it this way: Can you tell yourself that modern society puts family first in out cukture?
That our culture is all about family & seeing it through in relationships?
If the answer is no, then you're wanting to roleplay some family living lifestyle that is alien to 2018
Adrian Green
it’s not when you realize that she’s not worth it. Your brain has tricked you into thinking the mentality and personality of the girl you like is good when it’s really not.
Thomas Flores
it's already long dead.
Isaiah Thompson
>dated two scumbags before she may be damaged goods. Sometimes they legitimately reform but that’s not usually the case.
Just make sure you don’t end up solely as a beta provider. She’ll never truly love you if that’s the case
Cooper Nelson
There’s still decent folk out there user.
Liam King
Good/great girls simply fall out of love with good guys all the time - (and vice versa).
It's a complete gamble & the likelihood of it happenning is statistically climbing higher than ever
Austin Butler
see: and hey, there's nothing inherently wrong with it. Same token, there's nothing you can do to get her back, either.
Aiden Murphy
Its mentally debilitating if you're already mentally ill. Being a mature, well-rounded, healthy, functioning human is being able to get the fuck over it and move on
Noah Wood
>Lose virginity a few weeks ago >Realize that sex is overrated >Would honestly prefer to lift or play vidya over pursuing sex
Anyone else?
Nolan Perez
You've never been in love with an amazing & hot woman before.
Jonathan Perez
ITT: the death of civilisation.
Don't come crying when you become part of the global caliphate. This is the future you chose.
Chase Butler
Just get some female friends, for fuck sake. If you bang some, good, but don't make it the center and meaning of your life.
Mason King
You're right because I dont believe in romantic love. That doesnt mean that there aren't healthy people who approach the concept and its times of failure in mature ways.
Joshua Perez
Because >You only think like this because you are young, and your sexual appeal is at its highest >the benefits of family, dependability and stability are not useful for someone who is young and able to rebound easily >by the time you get old, and the above aspects are required to be happy, you're too old to find the right person to satisfy those criteria and are left in a worse situation than if you had cared sooner Simple psychological fact: nuclear families are happier on average than any other type of family structure. Another simple fact: you can find your opposite who will satisfy you in the short term as a young individual, and in the long term when you go nuclear family.
Its easy to marry young to the wrong person and end up in a broken home. Its easy to never marry and fuck around and enjoy it (while it lasts) only to have ti collapse as you get older. Its never going to be easy to find the right person, and make a good family environment, but those who honestly try often succeed and are happier on average.
Liam Smith
Don't bother m8. The 18 year olds have experienced everything life has to offer and know everything, remember.
Ryan Young
That only works if you're Rich and famous or attractive af
Kayden Richardson
>Everyone breaking up constantly, having their lives ruined, emotions ruined, left of empty husk of what he once was >Just go for it bro!!!
pro tip - men never hit the wall if you have money & are interesting. Simply let this fact serve as inspiration for you to keep kicking ass & looking to innovate
Carter Baker
>nike american
Liam Lee
what a joke dude rich old guys dating 20 year olds is pretty fucking pathetic basically it just shows you were unable to connect with someone when you were in your 20s
Elijah Hill
stay single forever.
Theres no shortage of cute 16-18 yo boys dressing up or taking puberty blockers, in fact, they are growing at an alarming rate.
So, why the fuck are you retarded enough to give up 80% of your income, almost all your free time and your well being for some disgusting roastie who will not fuck tyrone on the side if you're lucky?
I don't expect bitter neckbeards to relate with players
Jonathan Hall
>be me >degree of intimacy and trust with my partner that is greater than what any other guy that I know has achieved >together coming up on 5 years, been through hell and back and getting better daily >said done and felt things that I didn’t know were possible >ITT, OP and fellow bugmen still putting pussy on the pedestal while pretending to master their feelings/needs by being aloof >ITT, too dumb to see one’s own role in a good relationship >ITT, “society broken, not me tho”
I’m genuinely laughing.
Kayden Martinez
I find the whole thing incredibly depressing and it has reactivated my desire to emigrate
Logan Johnson
Brother there are good women everywhere, but it also takes a good man. Not sure where you are looking to go but the EU is just US Lite in terms of culture, plus immigration and the language barrier. Imo turn off all media influences and get a humanities reading list. Read The Art Of Loving. It’s by a Jew (spooky I know) but it’s goddamn good.
Owen Reyes
I have a good woman. My concern is my kids falling for this degeneracy or worse, being brainwashed in a school which literally promotes mental illness
Also i wasn't considering either going back to japan or eastern europe.
Hunter Rodriguez
Was considering*
Jacob Young
>implying MGTOW actually get any ass >”it’s not that I can’t get laid, I choose to not pursue women” >implying people who have a harem of women even know what MGTOW means
Logan Peterson
yeah cause overpopulation isn't a thing
Isaac Turner
It's not unless you're a chink, nigger or poo
Lincoln Garcia
>Days without Jewish tricka: 0
Sage and report
James Gutierrez
We all think this. Having that relationship where you put in so much energy but it's all worth it, because you get something back as well. But when shit hits the fan, the impossible may happen. And then.
You're alone.
All that effort in vein. For someone you thought was different. Someone who completed you and vice-versa. But what do you know, 6 months later she's in a relationship, and you're still bitterly clinging to a glimpse of your old feelings towards her and can't move on to play the same riddle all over again with someone else. Thus you try to find happiness in being 1 instead of 2.
Kevin Gutierrez
The art of loving is an excellent book, seconding this
Brandon Taylor
We get it, you are terrified of commitment and don’t trust your abilities to emotionally overcome loss. That’s why you made this thread telling people they are stupid for pursuing meaningful relationships.
Well, some people aren’t that afraid and had enough life exerpience to deal with loss, so literally just fuck off mate.
Jonathan Garcia
>Instead of risking heartbreak & depression The safest place for a ship is a harbour But it is not what the ship was made for
Looking at the pathetic lifestyle of the westerners and their "Progressive" societies make me feel good about being a muslim and being able to marry a nice muslim chic without being afraid of her whoring around like a western slut.
Nolan Bennett
>he fell for propaganda purposely crafted with the intent that he view having children as bad for "The Environment".
Daniel Howard
> living in germany > fucked 12 muslim girls this year > they all cheat on their husbands, because they are turbomanlets, who act like literal children, if they dont get their way and beat their wives
Have fun with your half german son ahmed!
Evan Reyes
Nice bait. The only men who get cucked are white men since their women are of rather loose character, that is why seeing a couple of a white man and a woman with a black kid is so common. You will never see that with a muslim woman, besides if you actually knew our lifestyle, you would have known that there is literally no opportunity for a muslim woman to cheat, and if she does, honor killings happen. Kek cuck.