How does this happen?

How does this happen?

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Muscles aren't genetic you brainlet

Driven and hungry eugenics experiment vs sated and has it all old bloodline fatso

Hard times create strong men
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create hard times

Raised by a woman

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>*becomes your fathers favorite son*

Heh nothing personnel

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offspring of pure eugenized austrian blood and "american royalty"

its called rebelling against dad you twat

>getting bloatmogged this hard by your own son

and this is called trying to win dads approval

>The virgin legitimate son
>The Chad bastard

Even the way they walk.

he's just bulking. when he cuts he's gonna make his dad look like a twink

this the only correct answer. It answers just about everything to do with the rollercoaster that is human history.

>I'll have you know I'm 56% pure Austrian genetics
>whiter than you achmed

shitty white boy genetics vs the master race MUTT

Having your life handed to you on a silver platter vs undergoing struggle, having goals, and experiencing the necessity to make something of yourself.

he will never make daddy arnie happy as long he has the natty card

Gay and cringey.

That's an proverb from ancient Greece you fucking


Arnie is not 19 there lmao

Arnold grew up in the 3rd reich. They taught him to be proud and successful. His son grew up in a semitic dystopia. White men are told everyday they should stop existing.

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>Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger (/ˈʃvɑːrtsnɛɡər/;[1][a] German: [ˈaɐ̯nɔlt ˈʃvaɐ̯tsn̩ˌʔɛɡɐ]; born July 30, 1947)

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Well his father was a member of the Nazi party. In the 1950s people were still proud to be German/Austrian.

Yes all Nazi's really stopped believing in their ideology when the allies marched in Berlin!

>Barbara Baker, his first serious girlfriend, recalled that he informed her of his father's death without emotion and that he never spoke of his brother.[22] Over time, he has given at least three versions of why he was absent from his father's funeral.
probably why based arnold didn't like him

He is actually preparing for his first show. He's training with the 100% natty Mike O'Hearn

Such a waste, you can tell he has a really good build

That’s Arnold in his 30s lol here’s 19 year old oak

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Oh shit, he even kept the natty card. Impressive, Ernesto. Very impressive.

was about to ask that.
still incredibly impressive

Karma for all the young impressionable males Arnold and weider duped

The bastard is the dad's favourite son. Well done Jon Snow

based basterd

>africans lmao in the distance

maybe some type of complex and pressure from people thinking he should be like his old daddy that made him be a fat fuck

beta politician genes instead of strong mexican labourer genes.

*a proverb you fucking illiterate seppo

>tfw you get so triggered you hit reply and solve the captcha even though your post is incomplete

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single mother, gluttony, lazy personality, spoiled..

>literally shaking

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the Kennedy's have inbred regressive irish genes while the goblin maid was perfect for an Austrian-Latino blend.

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this, his calves are gonna be monstrous



>Hard early life
>Pampered childhood
Gee I wonder

for what purpose?

same reason jackie chan doesn't give jack shit to his kids.

>you fucking
Did you get snuffed by Candlejack or somethi

Those 2 creatures are the same species


well meme'd

he has bad genetics stop making fun of him

Holy shit, that's Arnie at 19? 'Mirin hard no homo.

based spic

I dotn get it


>t. weak man born in weak times
But by all means, do preach.


The amount of muscle you can gain, how easily you can gain it, and your muscle insertions are very genetic.

that baby is getting mogged so hard. It's over for that kid

Ah, this explains why I'm muscular despite doing jack shit.
Father, a fat boomer at the age of 44, went to the gym for only a couple of months, already looked more muscular than guys who have been going for years.

Thanks dad.

Arnold looks like a natty guy with really good arm genetics in that pic.

i'm 12 and this is deep

This is what happens when you forego the harsh, Prussian military lifestyle.

its called living your own life regardless of what your famous father has done, hes prolly happy the way he is

Arnie must be so fucking disgusted about that fat piece of shit.


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>superior son coming through

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Look at those fucking calves

old mem