How do soldiers in the U.S. military still look so muscular after doing so much cardio while being sleep deprived and starved half to death?
US Soldiers
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That guys on steroids
Was in the army, literally the only thing that matters is cardio. The army doesn't test for steroids, so a fair number of soldiers take them (in retarded fashion.)
Big muscles don't help anything tho. You have to be quick, and able to get your breathing under control quickly to shoot straight.
That is not a typical soldier physique
same can be said about prisoners who are fed garbage and somehow still end up looking big and buff
thats tim kennedy, ex UFC fighter. not representative of actual soldiers
>Sleep deprived
>Starved half to death
Imagine watching the bootcamp scene in Full Metal Jacket and thinking that's what life in the military is like. Once you pass out of bootcamp things get a lot easier in most military jobs and in fact tonnes of soldiers grow fat because they're not getting enough exercise. The ones that do exercise in their own time are smart enough to lift weights.
>implying Tim Kennedy wasn't an actual soldier
Wat about the chubby ones
He was the kang of soldiers like brian stann rest of em suck at mma
Nice mac you fucking fag
Nope, if you knew anything about Tim Kennedy you’d doubt this strongly
Is also special forces, idk about US but where im from operators get 2 hours of one on one personal training everyday and rumour has it some get prescribed steroids by military doctors
hes on roids
Israeli here
all of our combat duty soldiers are somewhat muscular for their ages. kind of the middleweight-lightweight boxer look , I didn't do combat duty so I don't know why exactly
but you do loose a lot of muscle in basic training, only to regain it later.
the fit people in the military are probably mostly marines. A lot fat minorities and skinny fat dorky white guys in all the rest.
>Israeli here
You and your people will pay for what you did to me and mine.
corbyn is that you
Tim kennedy is an insufferable shill.
Depending on what and where you are, you got jack shit to do all day. Good friend of mine spent three hours twice a day doing strongman shit with improvised tools because there was nothing to keep us entertained when not out and about, eating, or sleeping.
Also roids. Like, pants on head retarded amounts of roids.
He's not saying he wasn't a soldier, he's saying he isn't representative of all soldiers.
You know, just how you aren't representative of all physiques in your line of work.
This guy right here died for your country mate. Show some respect.
They don't, generally. But a lot of them are roiding.
Fun fact; with nothing else to do, the people that will lift, lift, and then hit the chow hall after. And then drink and bang thots. Then stumble in for morning PT. Rinse/repeat.
A lot of guys I hung out with competed in amateur bb contests, and command looked the other way while copious amount of juicing happened... except the guy that failed to place and got chaptered out for drug use. lol.
>being in the US military
absolutely WalMart-tier. Shlomo's security guards, should be paid by the hour
Tim Kennedy is in the TX National Guard now. He's not a full-time operator anymore so he has plenty of time to lift. His routines are kinda gay and crosfitty though, at least from what he posts on insta
I think the answer is probably based on what kinds of people go into the military. Fatties and basedboys don't go into the military. It's mostly high-test people who already visit the temple of iron and who already got at least reasonably fit on their own time. Hell, you need to be pretty fit to survive boot camp. If they were already fit going in, they're still going to be fit. It's not that they get fit while they're there, it's that only fit people go.
Ex mil fag here. Depends on the branch and your Job. General Jow Forums tier is like:
[spoiler]Ch[/spoiler]Air Force.
Marines and Army do BMI at MEPS Navy and AF don't.
>Hell, you need to be pretty fit to survive boot camp.
As stated above it depends on the Branch. The fucking PFT for the Air force is literally the same as your High School's fitness test.
It's sad because being a warrior is a sacred calling with immense dignity. But what the US military actually does today is pathetic
Check it, sure the military is all about cardio and shit, but only if you’re going to be SF or some shit.
If you’re going in to be a regular infantryfag, it’s easy af to get ripped.
Have to be stateside for 3 years?
That’s 3 fucking years you’re gonna spend just working out in a gym.
Get deployed?
You will never guess how much shit there isn’t to do while you’re overseas. Unless you’re literally tier fucking 1 operator, all you’re gonna do is sit on a camp, take some Russian steroids that get smuggled in by the locals and get fucking jacked.
t. Been there done that
I supposed if you're not counting the hoards of obese black women in the army
This is the reason why the military is losing strength.
Recruitment rates are plummeting, and funding outside of America is practically non-existant, as outside of the Israeli Border Defence job of the USM, the functions of the military are much smaller.
Example: the U.S. military could send troops to South America to help combat drug cartels/extremist groups, or could be sent to the Filipines to help combat (((ISIS))), but instead we're fucking around in the Middle East protecting Israeli interests.
Fucking shame.
When are we going to get rid of our """Greatest Ally"""?
Didn't america create israel ? How the fuck are you supposed to get rid of it if you created it in first place ?
Kek. SF has been in South America and the Philippines for decades.
America & Britain gave Israel so much funding & support that they practically did.
The billions of dollars in funding, along with the thousands of Gentiles who lost their lives fighting in wars that only benefit Israel (Millions if you count WW2 as for the benefit of the Jewish people) has led many people to believing that Israel's existance is far too reliant on external support & is only harmful to Israel's "allies"
This is why you see so much anti-Semitism online; people are sick of: having soldiers die in Zionist-funded wars & having their tax-dollars go to Israel, while receiving nothing in return.
It's been a terrible deal for everybody that isn't Israel since 1948, and people are getting sick of it.
And do you wonder why they've been there for decades? Because they're only there to serve a half-assed political levying cause for the politicians to be able to say "We sent troops out there!"
If we actually cared about getting rid of the problems that negatively impact civilian lives, we'd divert more resources into REAL issues, & not these Israeli Zionist scams.
lol no no...
Most of the infantry guys are the most normal looking people you'll meet on account of the massive amounts of cardio. It's typically the pencil pushers who have nothing better to do than lift who get that physique. Also, iirc, military drug tests do not screen for steroids.
This. I was in the CAF and at times we would be enemy force for the higher level SF guys. They were not big guys, but they were in insanely good physical condition. Even as regular infantry in training we did 1-2 hours of dedicated PT along with our ruck marches and field work. Then a friend of mine who is in the AF, does maybe 2 hours PT a week
you're retarded user
this is what some fags actually believe? fucking hell dudes. talk about the slave mentality
Average actual US “soldiers”
Most don't.
See: Kylo Ren.
They give them food without all the added estrogen. Not kidding.
T buttmad iranian
The Army does test for steroids now. Not 100% every test, it's a rotation of what drugs are tested now.
Within our lifetime user, 10-15 years before the straw breaks the horses back.
Then we'll deal with the rest
> Probably mostly Marines
Have you literally ever been enlisted
My best friend is on an ODA team and has slotted faggots all over the globe, not just the ME. I have been all over Africa and the ME myself.
> Literally not even American
Maybe obese people aren't allowed in but you're a fool if you think fatties don't join the military. Them and lanklets make up a majority of the people who go in. Lifters and people who regularly exercise make up a sizeable minority.
And basic is two months of working out and learning about how your branch works. People come out of it a helluva lot more fit than they were going in. Unless you're my buddy who actually left basic fatter than he was going in because he doubled up on PB&J's for dinner.
>TL;DR you are mistaken due to years of propaganda
>ywn be this level of Chad
Proof? Because my unit only piss tests randomly
Tim Kennedy is not representative of your average soldier in the US military. I'm a med student, and I'm jacked, but that doesn't mean all med students are jacked. Quite the opposite.
They don't.
Our military is full of over compensating manlet complex nerds with glasses.
With the occasional roider or decently chill guy (less then 5% of the total force)
They don't. They're skinny and they're good at running long distances. Marines that are big got that way after boot camp. Soldiers and marines have to shave their heads which strip them of their identity like slave classes did in ancient cultures. They also have to get multiple vaccines that weaken their immune and they eat shit diets. Anytime you criticize Bush's war in Iraq they chimp out, challenge you to a fight, and
>muh I fought for your right to say that
Even though the majority of them never saw combat. Sure if you give them rifle, they can beat most guys in a gun fight. But that's what they're trained to do, kill. Not fight. There are a lot of guys that fought in mma that bragged about being a marine and got knocked out.
They're killers not fighters.
He wasn't a very good one and is not well-respected within the SOF community. I can assure you of that firsthand.
how come american military don't feed their soldiers drugs so they can perform better in combat?
>majority are fat or lanklets
How do they pass the sandbag test? To get in the CAF you have to drag a 160lb sandbag for 20 metres, that's more than a lot of recruits' body weight.
They... don't. That's not really a thing.
If you're a big billy badass and you get into Ranger school or some shit, maybe then you'll be tested on your strength along with other important skills, but enlisted basically just works on pushups, situps, and running for 2 months. Some "fun" is inserted here or there, but that's mostly what it is. Fatties lose fat and lanklets might see some upper body muscle gains.
bro you're fucking clueless. compared to marines, okay, sure no branch pt compares...but army? the PFT is essentially the same
it's compulsory dude
Not a soldier
Maybe for you leafs, but in the only country that matters, we don't do that silly shit.
Yes we do, faggot. You literally have to do a body drag on the pt test.
What branch? I'm kicking it in a rolly-chair over here.
Army does, dunno about other branches
no you can't
>can't even beat 1 (one) Cuban senior citizen
So this is the power of the armed forces...LMAO!
That really doesnt sound that bad.
Maybe im underestimating what 20 meters is
Anything beyond cardio really doesn't matter in a modern army. If you can do 70-80 proper push ups in two minutes and 90 situps in two minutes there is no reason to go farther.
They need to make Soldiers able to walk 20 mile distances in full uniform, body armor, weapon, helmet and gear for 20 miles in (70+ pounds) 110 degree whether. Big arms aren't going to do anything for you unless you get into very specific situations.
Be stationed in desert
Gain 30+ pure muscle because all I do is shoot and lift
Come back state side after tour and now have more training
Have to run all the time
Lose 40 pounds from all the bullshit ca
Getting shot at is easier than this bullshit
Free food.
I actually can. I in fact just did.
He cheated so...
That is Tim Ken, he is a UFC fighter and a Army Special Forces soldier, and he is legitimately on steroids. Like he got popped by USADA for steroids, and has admitted their use.
Almost every special forces guy is or was on steroids, and that not a bad thing because their job is ridiculously demanding.
But if they aren't special forces or infantry you're gonna see most military guys are between built with some fat to skinny fat Air Force pencil pushers, to clinically obese female Army base-hogs
>LARPing this hard
You have to do a body drag, hanging leg tuck, deadlift, 2 mile run, throw a medicine ball behind your head, there's a lot... Faggot, don't pretend like you know about about the army until you've gone hoarse screaming at some crying nigger who thought he could swagger his scraggly bearded ass over to the chow hall
Tim Kennedy is a National Guardsman. Green Beret/Ranger whatever he still only does that shot once a month when he’s not at a school or on orders.
He’s also on a fuck ton of juice like other exMMA guys.
Army piss tests do not randomly screen for steriods. We can collect a sample to use to test for roids, but we have to have 'reasonable suspicion' to get the go ahead from jag to collect. It's a seperate test from the regular drug screens, and is very expensive and comes from the unit's budget. If you get tested for roids by the army, you've already been caught.
t. Army UPL
kek, my brother was tested because he's apparently too shredded and big for anybody to believe to be natty, turns out he's just been lifting his arse off for the better half of the last 25 years and has admirable genetics. you could hear the sad trombone playing in the background when the test came back clean as freshly fallen snow. but I agree, aside from this case I never saw someone tested for mones that wasn't screaming HALF A GRAM TWICE A WEEK fom 30 feet distance anyway
Yoel didn't cheat, cutman just fucked up and the ref didn't have romero stand while they fixed the issue
1/3 of soldiers use gear
We have to expel US Jews, niggas think there's an easier way but there ain't. Goddamn. What America could be if it were self-consciously White...
Kali Muscle prison diet desu
Adequate and regular sleep is the prison secret
Steroid use is pretty common in the Marine Corps. Especially on deployments. Forcing someone to get bloodwork is almost unheard of, because do you really want to be the jelly fag that calls someone out for being jacked?
I guess you missed the part where Tim cheated in the previous round by grabbing the inside of Yoel's glove in order to land a bunch of uppercuts.
And Timmeh had the audacity to complain about Yoel taking extra time on the stool. Fuck outta here.
Tim also got beat by this pudgy Mexican who's about to fight for the title. Mma is weird
That faggot shit hasn’t been implemented yet you larping queer
Only Marines Air Force and Navy are a fucking joke
Fuck off we've been testing that shit in almost every TRADOC environment for a few months now, do you even army?
negative ghost rider
hes definitely not.
why wasnt he respected