Does anyone actually find vaginas attractive...

Does anyone actually find vaginas attractive? I'm not gay but they just look and seem disgusting dessuu; just generally unaesthetic. I'd much rather cuddle a girl with a soft tummy and nice titties than fuck her.

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Youre either gay or a virgin

Or hes asexual

even virgins would think vaginas are attractive, that being said cuddling gives a different kind of pleasure, sort of like being comforted

Sounds like you caught the gays OP

Vaginas look gross 2 me too

vaginas are gross but anime ones are good.

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>perfect anime pussy
you know that this rarity does exist irl

yeah but its still attached to a 3DPD ugly pig

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They're not disgusting but they do look weird. You're supposed to stick your weiner in it and not just look at it, anyway.

I have seen a vagina in an intimate situation and had no desire to go near it.
but dicks and assholes are worse
dubs agree so i'm right
i know but i feel like unless i'm really into the girl and turned on i wouldn't even want to fug one

I've never been turned on by a vagina but I wouldn't want to put my dick anywhere else

girl in pic related looks good tho?

I agree with you, vaginas are absolutely gross, though I could try doing sex with a girl if she wanted to and I loved her
tongue is the ultimate male sexual organ and feet are the ultimate female genitalia

Many women's vaginas look bad from many different angles/positions. However, the right vagina in the right circumstance can make me hard pretty quick. Pic related, are you faggots telling me that's not appealing?

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she looks good because you have not rewired your brain to only like anime girls.
2D pill desu

>rewiring your brain to only like anime girls
that's honestly pretty sad

Look like an axe wound

i'm bi but definitely prefer the look of a vagina. far more aesthetic. really is a well designed piece of 'engineering'

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bi male or bi female

It's a hole in the body. Of course it's going to look like a hole you gay motherfucker.

there are no females on the internet fren

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The duality of man. Truly odd.

yes, there's nothing sexier than a coin-slot vag with a little bit of pubic hair above it.

it looks like she got stabbed in the taint

I think its sad fapping to 3DPD
it is weird, you are cuking yourself.
also anime girls are pure.

have fun fapping to your whores