Dodge Challanger got repo today

>Dodge Challanger got repo today

Should I just kill myself? I was more than half way of paying it off

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Why? Did you owe someone else money for something?

I defaulted on the payments and the car agency took the car

Should have bought a cheap, shitty car instead of getting a challenger on a payment plan. You f00l.

Did you resist? We're you there?

This. OP has poorfag mentality and will stay poor.

>Dodge Challenger
>Not paying bills
Are you black?

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I'm guessing they came sometime when i was sleeping

You can't even spell Challenger so I'd say kill ya self, my man.

>he voluntarily went into debt to the jews to have a fancy car
This is why people are poor a lot of the time

that's why you keep it covered/in a garage/at friend's house if you're behind on payments. most repo people do their work between 2 and 4 am

Wait so if you pay half of it and they repo it you lose the car and all the money you put in it?

Is repo that sketchy? I remember one time a guy came to get my dads car and they just knocked on the door

>"""Buy""" a car you can't afford
>Surprised when they take it away

Live at or below your means, nigger.

>The system BTFO

Um no, they'll take you to court and eventually garnish any income you get that's on the books.

depends on the state/agency. let's say you have a locked gate around your house, if they can see the car and match the VIN on the dash they can legally cut the locks and tow the car while you sleep. if it's a lease they can even call you to a parking lot behind a walmart or whatever for a "vehicle inspection" for "insurance purposes". Here you'll hand them the keys to check it out and they ride off in "their car" while their passenger drives away their car.

You fucking donut, maybe you should head to /o/ next time. Dont get shit like a challenger unless you can pay it then and there.

>getting behind on payments for my 02 corolla
Duck dynasty

I wouldn't know since I'm an upstanding citizen who pays his bills, but how do you lowlives know if your car has been repo'd and not stolen? Do the repo guys leave a note on your door or something?

Fuck off with your 1percenter bullshit

Yes pretty much.

Original desu

shouldn't have bought a car if you couldn't pay the payments you dipshit

This is why you should NEVER take out loans for things unless it's a realistic mortgage. Buy a cheap older car next time.

They re-sell the car and use the money to pay off any remaining debt and any fees associated with the repo and the re-selling of the car. If there's any money remaining after that, the person gets it.