How many of these things could you fight?

How many of these things could you fight?

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unarmed? maybe 7 or 8 at one time.

Probably all of them

probably a dozen before I got too tired.

Well apparently I can fight about 15 5 year olds so maybe 8?

Unarmed in a cage, I'm guessing anything more than 12 would be overwhelming

i cant imagine this thing throwing a punch which would make it easy to fight a bunch of them

The true question is how many of those creatures need to unite to dare trying to give me a fight.

They go down with one hit even of you don't knock them out. They lack the grip strength to hold on to you when you move. They have no solid striking power. I could take 20, maybe 30 coming at me if I got my back to a corner.

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probably 12

Why would i fight him you edgy fagots

I want the following
>state of consciousness: hive mind or single mind
>aggression: they were forced to attack me or bloodlusted
>how many at a time

Are we even sure that thing is a guy?

Well, it depends. If they're like usual, then I could probably fight quite a few. A crazy amount if they go one by one.

If they're actually berserk, like some zombie movies, then one, maybe two.

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Two grab onto to each of your legs while you snapped the first one’s neck, three to four on your torso and two in each arm. They bite and try to bring you to the ground. More come for your neck and genitals with murder in their eyes

"He" is an FtM
You wouldnt hit a woman now would you Jow Forums

Real Jow Forums question
How many of these things could you lift?

If she want's to be a man then I will beat her like one.


As a skinnyfat dyel probably 3 at the same time

[spoiler]I think you need to return to reddit[spoiler]

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sounds really scary. in that case i'd go with 2-3

I genuinely get mad seeing these things not finding their true capability and potential as a fucking man.

I don't fucking care how much of a onions boy they are, there is a warrior in every man's heart that is waiting to be set free.


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>fair trade vegetarian diet leaves him without the strength to maintain his grip
>the reminder of the exploited labor of natives in undeveloped third world countries causes him to begin to openly weep
Then just finish the job

Its a chick with a dick brah

They are grabbing on with arms and legs wrapped around you, their collective weight dragging you down. You try to kick them away to break their grip but you got 80kg on each leg, there’s two on it and there’s more coming. You manage to lift your leg but you lose your balance. You have 7 on you constantly biting with their sharp little teeth as you fall down. They keep coming and one goes for your dick. You lift your head and try to protect your groin with your hands but you cannot reach: you are pinned down. You can see demonic bloodlust in their eyes as you scream, your body covered in blood from your lesions: you are being eaten alive

At some point, they'd be able to run away and hide before it was their respective turn.

how many? as many as it takes until i get bored.... heh.

Can't you just spin around on the spot with your arms out

how does developing a body like that even works. his head is bigger than his ribcage and clavicles combined wtf
did he go into a life-long comma and the first thing he does after waking up is buying avocados?

I reckon 10 comfortably but 20 with enough effort.

>More come for your neck and genitals with homo lust in their eyes

Hey I recognise this faggot from other threads. Stop posting.

i too think the same things, especially state of mind

if for example they are their regular selves, they would probably not even fight, but try to talk it out

if theyve been trasnformed into the absolute most ferocious they can be, even a handful have a chance of bringing down a good guy, especially if they work together

if they come at me 1 by 1 and are upgraded in aggressiveness but not knocked up to 100%, i could take i am guessing about 8-10, at minimal aggression i wouldnt even fight, and at peak aggression just one of them grabbing my neck from behind and strangling me in the walnut cracker position could be a gamechanger

Doubt it, fucker.

>get recognised
>reee like the spastic you are

this is what I was thinking. So long as I can throw a punch or rush them-it's about me having the stamina to take them out because the can't damage me enough to do anything

What do you think I've been posting. I'm curious now.

Wrong question. Question should be....

>How many of us can he put in the hospital with a bike lock, bashing conservatives in the head, and the (((judge))) releases him because he's a precious antifa activist??

And the answer is all of us. Overconfidence and delusion is a real thing.

this is probably the cringiest thread on Jow Forums right now
no real man would ever boast about how many unarmed weak people he could injure, only fatherless niggers and basement "martial artists" would have such little self respect

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All of them. Let's go to war.

If I got room to run around, like a tennis court sized area, then I could demolish a good 15 or 20. Id bevrunning up front push kick to the chests and wild swings and be dropping those limp noodle weak 90lb critters left and right. They wouldn't have the balls to work together and attack on a group with force after seeing what just one punch or kick from me does to one of them. They'd be scared shitless as I ran around striking them one at a time.

They would know to charge me as a group still meant the ones up front would get hurt bad and that would be too scary for them to handle. They wouldn't have the drive to self sacrifice 3 or 4 of themselves just to swarm me.

The average leftist would probably break their brittle vegan fingers if they threw a punch so someone strong and tough could probably take out an entire bus load of them.

I doubt they would even fight. I would just tell them that they are ugly as sin and they should stop living in delusion and kill themselves. Probably would kill 5 that way with our even fighting them.

If we assume that each weights around 50kg, then maybe like 4 in total.

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>beat five down
>they're like hyenas, too afraid to even attack

I'm pretty sure I would only be limited by my own cardiovascular health, not their numbers.

So I could continue to take them for as long as I could continue to punch.

An indefinite amount

I wonder how much this guy can bench
Could he even bench that fucking avocado hes holding?

Id think so to. I dont see anything this thing could do that would put me down or hinder me in any way

they want some equality after all

nah it's a guy with a clit

At once? Tens of them.

Only so many of them could engage you at once, and I reckon I could break one of these goblineros with a single teep. You wouldn’t even need to watch your guard because there’s no way for them to hurt you.

Probably around 20 I’m not even kidding.

How would this even happen? Like 20 lefty dyels suddenly appear in a tennis court with their goal to attack you?


How many of these do you think you could take on at once?

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one soft clap on his back and he will cry in fetal position for a few hours so i would say i could fight all of them at once

How many for these could you fight at once? We’ll say there is a big area with plenty of space so you could run away from the chubby boom booms.

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Those things are vegan, they won’t bite.

Seriously, I think if I removed my shirt and started growling I would scare them to shit and would remove their will to fight.

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mano a mano probably a dozen or so.

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Depend on the circumstances. Unarmed, completely surrounded, I'd say about ten. Armed, in a narrow corridor I'd say a hundred.

bahaha lol look at that fucking loser

If everyone's unarmed, I could take on 10 of these things.
If they have a knife then fuck that shit I'm out of there

Probably 6-8 depending on the circumstances.

You guys over estimate how strong women are. Sometimes playing around with my fiance I knee her, SO lightly, and she still gets hurt.

This little gremlin would fold with an ounce of power. I bet you

It's not like you can legally hit a man...

Your arms would sail a full two feet over their heads.
Maybe if you squat while you do it.

At once or in a row?

at least 4 assuming they fight dirty and rush you like zombies

Hyenas are vicious m8, those things will tear you apart

Every rest day you take...the basedboys are training

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Highly relevant -

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Effectively unlimited because only 5 can be in arms reach at any given time. As long as you can stay on your feet I don't see any limit.

>tfw skinny but my cholesterol is 200
>LDL is 158
I'm turning into one of these fucking creatures!

3-4 is actually a fucking lot if these fuckers are really out to hurt you. Imagine them on pcp out to kill you like you raped their mamas. Biting and scratching and kicking.

Last 3 digits

What is this creature?

it's God's chosen race

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I could take like 50 of you, you limpdick.
I'm not checking your digits, either, buzzkill.

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This is the future of the white race

>implying I don't know that

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>implying this thing would bite an animal

Never . Good thing its a dude

That pic is fucking disgusting. Did Mr. Oogie Boogie use that concrete post as a dildo or something?


It is rabid. Its synapses fire red with violent insanity, blood raging with hatred courses through its veins. It will scratch, it will bite, it will gouge eyes.

Brosplit vs SS + GOMAD

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why does his face look that fat while his body apparently is just skin and bones?

I think the best way to think of this is how many waves you could survive.

Wave 1 = 1
wave 2 = 2
wave 3 = 3

10 min break in between

Arena is WWE cage match.