Guys Is the whole "girls like funny guys" just a meme after all?

Guys Is the whole "girls like funny guys" just a meme after all?

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Definitely not,if you're fun you're more attractive instantly. So if you're not an ogre you can get a ton of girls. If you are then it's over anyway.


No. I had a ton of female friends at work and college a few years ago because I have a very dry sense of humor that makes people laugh. I never got a girlfriend, mostly because I have no confidence and I'm not really that attractive, but all the girls were taken anyways.

Well, ok i'll phrase it better. What ELSE is needed

We all want zamasu comrade

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they think that anything a guy they're attracted to says is funny, so yes

only time i ever had a girlfriend was the 4th grade. my best friend wanted me to ask his crush who she liked and when i did it turned out she liked me (she broke it to me later on club penguin) and when i asked her why she said all the girls liked me because i'm funny. today i'm an ugly incel though. synopsis, idk op.

So its because the guy is already attractive and not because he is funny that he is attractive

I'm not a pedo yet so 4th grader chad version of you in no help

being funny =/= being fun

Wait what, so how to be fun if being funny isn't that relevant

Look at most comedians they are betas but funny

Ok, so step 1 is don't be a beta?

It's not a meme, fun guy > good looking guy any day. You hit the jackpot if you're both

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Aw, that's so cute. I'd date you, user..

Not even a little, the more time they spend laughing the more their eyes are closed man

Nah, real comedians are alpha as fuck. Sam Kinison for example. The LEGEND.

Pretty sure a girl would rather be with a funny guy than an unfunny one, but just being funny doesn't automatically mean you're gonna get laid

Yes and no. Yes, girls do like guys who make them laugh, but it's less 'girls like funny guys' and more 'girls will laugh at whatever someone they find attractive says'.

You need to have compatible personalities (which practically manifests in a natural capacity for understanding and talking to each other), and interests and opinions in common.

Being funny is actually more subjective than it appears, unless you are talking about actual comedy, so you shouldn't worry much about it.

if you look like this and say the lamest jokes in the world girls will always laugh.

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It's not just that. I've once had a lesbian friend that laughed at all my jokes, and a girl who thought I was attractive, but did not find me funny at all. Different people have different senses of humour.

it's not cute, it's blackpilling. you saying you'd date me just because you think i might be chad is blackpilling.

>you'd date me just because you think i might be chad
Don't be mean to gaynon! He never said that.

that poster being a guy or girl(male) doesn't change anything, i didn't even say anything funny and cucking my best friend isn't cute lol.

It was the 4th grade, ffs. It doesn't count as cucking.

i would've been hurt, it's probably why he stopped talking to me.

Then why did you do it, originally speaking?

it was just sort of a pseudo relationship more than anything. i don't really remember much but he would've had to deal with watching a lot of note passing and when the teachers back was turned we'd hold up big notes we wrote on our notebooks up to each other from across the room, a lot of laughing together. he said his mom said we couldn't be friends because i swear too much but later i saw his mom and she was friendly and asked when i was coming over next. and i was really upset and beat him up over it later in the year. tl;dr i deserve to be where i am that's why

What other user said and confidence