Jow Forums why are you a low training volume pussy?
Jow Forums why are you a low training volume pussy?
I would rather keep upping the weight until I injure myself than do high volume squats
Well I'm not a weak faggot so I have no reason to cope by doing high volume.
hit me up brah [email protected]
I train for performance, not stupid gay shit.
>I train for performance
>not doing high frequency training a natural
t. either fat powerlifter, manlet martial arts general faggot, or nigger with horrible form that lifts in a university gym while wearing receiver's gloves
Fuck these low reps incels
>all that leg day failure
Is Jow Forums allergic to isolation tricep work?
>upright rows
Unless youre pinning anything over 5 sets cuts into recovery
>if I can't handle it nobody can
are you retarded
>use steroids
>able to handle ABABABx
>A: Chest, Tri, Delts
>B: Back, Biceps, Traps
>x: rest day (home gym, do squats if I feel like it even though rest day)
I DL heavy three times a week. My DL and bench go up 2.5kg each time I train
lmaoing @ natties 2bh
Better question is, why do your frequency and exercise choice suck so much cock
post body
>tall people don't train for fighting and warfare
>Why are you a pussy?
>Fails a 135lbs squat at 11 reps
must be kg brainlet
>why isn't everyone doing what I'm doing
These threads are really obnoxious and stink thickly of insecurity.
Confirming kgs, have the same problem progressing in 2.5 kiloincrements. Increasing OHP sucks ass.
>upright rows