Define 'making it'.
Define 'making it'
Achieving the body and mind you set as a goal from day 1.
Be born as Henry Cavill in your next life
global domination
Expanding on this.
Not getting body dysmorphia along the way and getting the goal body you had in mind on day one.
>Tfw not too far from zyzz and never had to touch the juice.
Getting the girl that rejected me 2 years ago, which caused me to start this long journey of self improvement and faggotry.
I got a date with her this Wednesday. Wish me luck anons.
Did I make it Jow Forums?
>dropped body fat from 30 to 15%
>finished first year of college with good grades
>stopped dressing like a slob
>reduced my videogame playing time and stopped watching TV
>got my first girlfriend since age 12, she dumped me
>3 months later meet cutie, go out with her, start dating, we say we're the two sides of the same coin
>5 months in and she tells me she loves me more than anything in this world, that I can't even fathom how much
>met her parents, she met mine, we get along great
>got a job in retail sales to help with college and to teach me financial responsibility
>finished top salesman of the section last month and got a fat bonus
From 18 to 19 I completely unfucked myself up, unJUSTed my life and feel happier than ever. Have I made it?
>not too far from zyzz
Whenever someone says this, they're asked to post a picture and whenever they actually do post the picture, it's revealed that they're nowhere close to Zyzz, just as everyone knew all along. It's all so tiresome.
Good job user
Thanks, man. It's humble bragging, but I just like to share this because I'm 5'5. According to Jow Forums I'm a hopeless manlet who would end up killing himself before finding a girl or making it, yet here I am with a cutie in my arms saying she loves me terribly and already saving up to go to Italy with me next year.
We're all gonna make it.
How did you do it? Any tips? I'm 18 and in the process of unfucking my life right. Started lifting 2 months ago and just started my job in sales a week ago. I even quit smoking ciggaretes 3 months ago.
Just ghost her
If you were to listen to this place's advice you'd never get anywhere.
Just do it every single day, user. My problem was living with my mom and grandparents meant bad dieting, lazy habits and antisocial behavior. From ages 12 to 18 I would go to home from school and not socialize outside classes. When I went to college last year to another city and found myself living alone, I couldn't exactly afford McDonald's or fast food every day. And I didn't have my mom or grandparents around to stuff my face and do every chore for me. I love them to death, but they were part of the problem. So I joined a gym, did a suicide cut without even lifting and lost the weight I needed to make my gut disappear, my jawline look more defined and my confidence to skyrocket. No more oversized sweatshirts to cover my moobs. Now I dress like a normal person with clothes that fit. Oh and I started lifting 7 months ago to make up for the muscle and strength loss I got from cutting. I didn't exactly "do" anything at first, I just went about my existence normally except the better habits I cultivated made me realize I was onto something big. That's when I started to browse Jow Forums more seriously and read the sticky and what-not.
So yeah my advice to you is to get proper dieting, get rid of your lazy habits, lift heavy and dress well. The rest will come.
I am jealous desu, I met a really wonderful girl, we could really just be who we were. She said to me one night that she didn't need to worry when she was with me, and I felt the same. It was so heartwarming to not having to worry about being always good, or feeling like I had to put on some kind of game around girls. It ended last week and it still feels like shit. I can put on some nonchalant image and get thots, but I just want that connection with someone, not some dumb thot to stick my dick in
To become Chad, or at least have an equivalent level of success and happiness in all facets of your life
1 wife, 2 kids, 3 bedroom house, 4 close friends
I remember after 1 month of sorting myself out I had a girl at a party clamoring all over me and wanting my attention. It's easier than people make it out to be.
I feel you, man. I got the same feeling with the girl who dumped me previously. But I thank the good Lord she did so, because the one I have now cannot possibly be compared to the previous one. Much sweeter, kinder, smarter, etc. I'm sure you'll find a new cutie in no time.
Conquering space travel and setting foot on another habitable planet, anything other than that is not making it.
This dude. /made it/ in most senses of the word.
Don't know don't care
This, but with all niggers back in africa and jews put on an island and sterilized.
Puts a smile on my face. How bad off were you before changing?
Strong and healthy body @10-15% bf
Woman on your arm who isn't a thot
Fulfilling career
Detached house
Once you get the boomer mindset and you're golden
Drinking coke every day, eating pizza and hamburgers every other day, not exercising, always moody, scalp had flakes, skin was dry and rough. No jawline or chin to speak of. I was complete shit.
Now I feel confident and full of energy. I stopped eating fast food almost entirely (still have it every other week). Skin is golden instead of sickly pale (tan gains from going to the beach and not being self conscious about taking my shirt off), dry scalp is now gone, social circle increased, made new friends. I'm a new man.
looking good naked
You stop coming to Jow Forums altogether.
Good job user. I'm one step away from something like this.
She texted me like ten minutes ago. She wants to talk she says. We cut it off because she found out my "far right" leanings. Does she want to understand my view of the world or why does she want to talk now? When we last saw eachother she was devastated and thought I was some kind of racist who just hates minorities, you know, the standard gut reaction normies have
If she truly loves you she will give you a chance to explain your reasoning to her and she will not be bothered by it. Funny you mention that. My girlfriend is mixed race (half Mozambican, half European) and her reaction to my political leanings were interesting. We were watching TV one day and the socialist leader from our country was speaking and I started complaining, we ended up talking about politics, I told her I was pretty right wing, far right actually. A few days later we were teasing each other and I said "Ah babe you're almost perfect, too bad you're a socialist" and she was like "Oh don't give me that crap, you're a fascist yourself" and just smirked and hugged me. She knows I like Trump and all, and is fine with it.
So yeah if your girl loves you, she won't give a shit. Explain to her your reasoning, tell her you don't want to kill the minorities and give her some articles or books that explain your reasoning in a non-edgy way.
Giving your trap gf an orgasm via asslicking alone.
Being at peace with yourself whatever that may be.
When you finally stick yours in.
>not put in masturbation machines, pedal powered head bashing machines, holocausters that lead into ovens and then made into lampshades and soap
shiggy diggy famalam
How did you meet her?
Getting a message where she says she wishes you were on top of her again
>Woman on your arm who isn't a thot
Should we tell him?
Fuck her man not in the good way. Stand her up and ghost her. Or better yet fuck her then ghost her.
Lol whiteys are worthless without the smart jews
This shows face>everything.
Fortunate that you have a good face user.
Simultaneous physical, financial, social/women success.
What's wrong with his traps?
This nigga really called a girl handsome
>doesn't understand making it.
Never gonna make it brah
Holy shit
women find you attractive
>tfw 0/0/0/4
Kill me
>He needs a definition in order to know when he's making it
Never gonna make it
Feeling the happieness you havent felt in years
King of your own castle with sons who look up to you.
I don’t know i never want to stop
Ghost faggot
Get a girl younger than you
>Fuck her well and give her comfort and love
Get really good at those two
Be happy check her cellphone periodically
Never let her boss you around, never lose face
Only do what you wanna do, never be a pussy
Keeping a woman happy is easy
Expect to be lied to and cheated on
Hope she is dumb enough to get caught before you breed
What are you even supposed to be larping as?
>date her
>initiate sex
>stop halfway through sex
>sigh frustratedly and pull out
>"Sorry, you aren't really doing much for me. Please leave."
>completely blow off anything she says after this
>rinse dick off in the shower
>swipe around on tinder in a towel as she awkwardly gets dressed
>tfw 4/3/2/1
being happy with yourself and healthy
Having my shit sorted out, being in shape, and having better social skills with girls. Though of course everyone knows you get a gf along the way to making it, because you are the source of your own happiness.
>being wealthy enough that you don't have any problem walking out of your current job
>killing it at work anyway
>being confident enough that you don't need to work out to feel physically attractive
>work out and break PRs anyway
>being social enough that you could find a lay within 24 hours if you wanted
>being with one girl who you actually appreciate anyway
These aren't what you HAVE to accomplish; self acctualization and true independence from life's chains are what you should consider "making it." Kicking ass at something because you want to do it, not because you have to do it, is what will make you happy.
It's a start
>did i make it?
Only you can tell us that, user.
What I can say is that what you've accomplished is admirable.
Pretty good post. I am almost there.
>literally "y-you too"
When the self loathing goes away
Youre legitmately happy with your results
Nor lying to yourself
>if youre posting here you still havent made it
When you don't care anymore because there is love/fulfillment in your life
you seem to have a kind of reverse body dysmorphia
ItS tHe JoUrNeY nOt ThE dEsTiNaTiOn
> 2 kids
I have one kid, and someone would actually have to hand me a check for $100k to have another.
I'm prob getting a vasectomy soon.
1 kid is hard. I can't imagine having another.
Best description so far.
Becoming a loli trap
Honestly this dude, don't be an orbiter
1 wife, 2 close friends, 3br house, as many kids as i can pump out.
Having a great, ripped, healthy body that is strong
Having a great group of friends who are cool and healthy in all senses
Having a hot, intelligent, caring, and devoted wife who you can also laugh with
Having a great family life
Being financially independent to the point where you don't have to work if you dont want to and pursue work and things that YOU want to.
That life is so close yet so far away bros. I can almost taste it with my tongue.
the process of making or producing something.
used to refer to a thing previously mentioned or easily identified.
"a room with two beds in it"
referring to an animal or child of unspecified sex.
"she was holding the baby, cradling it and smiling into its face"
referring to a fact or situation previously mentioned, known, or happening.
"stop it, you're hurting me"
used to identify a person.
"it's me"
used in the normal subject position in statements about time, distance, or weather.
"it's half past five"
used in the normal subject or object position when a more specific subject or object is given later in the sentence.
"it is impossible to assess the problem"
used to emphasize a following part of a sentence.
"it is the child who is the victim"
the situation or circumstances; things in general.
"no one can stay here—it's too dangerous now"
exactly what is needed or desired.
"they thought they were it"
sex appeal.
"he's still got “it.”"
ghost her
leaving this board
anything else is bananas
ghost her for fucks sake, you went thru all the trouble for some girl that wouldn't give you the time of day before?
Will I ever make it? I just wanna be 6’0” this is hell. The other day I bumped my head on a low doorway. I only exceeded it by 2 inches.
Quads of destiny
seriously, to do anything else is retarded and this isn’t making it. Let me put it to you this way. You have a sandwich, it’s the best sandwich ever. Before you eat it, or even taste it, it falls in an Aidsy ant pile. Would you work your ass off to be able to eat that sandwich still, or simply go get a new one since there’s infinite number of them?
Jesus christ, imagine being a woman and having this happen to you. They'd be suicidal
fuck her then ghost her
you can do better
Back again, slightly buzzed, thought I'd expand.
Those were just examples; what defines making it is defined by yourself, and the examples may have nothing to do with your personal struggles. But in general:
>if you have debt, pay it off as soon as you have emergency funds situated
>if you're out of shape, form the habits to be in a constant state of objectively good shape
>if you're bored at work, start looking for ETET (education/training/experience/technical expertise) to push yourself upwards
>if you're lonely, join social clubs to shit you want to be part of (I am in a cooking club and local chambers of commerce)
The entire idea of making it should be tied to personal freedom from obligation, and you should place yourself in a position where you are doing things BECAUSE you want to do them. If you have an obligation or debt, figure out how to eliminate it, and quantify how you did that so you can use that experience as an articulable reason for why you are worth a shit. Some people call it affirmations, others call it resume acumen. Hell, I tell girls I used to cry when I talked to women because I got so nervous; they fucking love it at this point.
Maybe I'm just high on getting my dream job this week in investment banking from a shit track through law school, but I might as well vomit some worthwhile shit in this board because I love this place.
Do not listen to these jaded incels.
She didn't want a fat fuck who is out of shape, that was perfectly normal. You don't want a female equivalent of that either.
Give her a chance, if she is a decent person then go for it. Knowing that you went through a hardship only to get something you truly desired is so much more rewarding than going down the thot wormhole.
>You don't want a female equivalent of that either.
low test
>saving up to go to Italy with me next year
Patricians choice. Hopefully by next year Salvini will have worked his magic and cleaned the place up a bit for you.
are you white? if so you're a weak faggot.
Getting through the day without hating yourself.
Coming to terms with the fact that I may live through the remainder of my life without experiencing love and sleeping next to a woman again, owning it and making myself if not content then at least not lamenting shit 24/7.
Ironically the lower your standards are the harder it gets to meet them.
Being fit, make a good salary, own a home, have a loving family
I just realized I made it
>made it
Not quite
>set yourself up to make it in the future
More accurate