So vegans claim that the human body isn't meant to process meat, and I've heard the argument that not all of it gets out of your gut and it bloates you over time. Is this true?
How can we know what we are meant to eat? I mean, aren't we omnivores who basically eat anything to survive? Surely this can't just be as simple as eat only vegetables, or just meat or noninflammatory food or whatever. Doesn't the body adapt over time and you have to experiment on yourself and see what works, and not just go with easy prescribed dietary practices?
So vegans claim that the human body isn't meant to process meat...
Of course it's not true dumbass animal protein > faggot vegetable protein
Do you wanna be a leaf or a bull ?!
>Just be yourself do your own thing XD XD
Sure retard nigger ignore 6,000 years of human history showing us how to eat you're just a special little snowflake who can run off powder puffs and farts.
Pic related you are scared of this
every food you eat gives 10% of calories to negative processes in your body ( fat storage , agitation, autoimmune attacks etc)
so all food is kind of fucked.
meats are suspect because they tend to come from unhealthy animals raised as fast as possible.
>every food you eat gives 10% of calories to negative processes in your body ( fat storage , agitation, autoimmune attacks etc)
Source on that number?
It's called ecological tithe law
plants are suspect too because of all the nasty pesticides. Either way, the answer isn't to cut out meat or plants categorically, but to be smart about the things you're getting, trying to get food locally from people you trust, and so on.
> I've heard the argument that not all of it gets out of your gut and it bloates you over time. Is this true?
Yes it's called being a fat lazy fuck
>meats are suspect because they tend to come from unhealthy animals raised as fast as possible.
Unlike fruits and vegetables that are grown as fast as possible and drenched in pesticides?
This is why one of my life goals is to have a sizeable garden and a chicken coup. Eating those fresh eggs and vegetables that I know haven't been fucked with. And all the trees in the back yard be fig trees.
Make sure to have the soil tested first :^)
redpill me on this, goy
Nobody was meant to eat anything because nature has no intentions.
That said, you see how bovine creatures can get muscular on a diet of pure grass or pure wheat? You see how elephants can become massive without proteins? How gorillas can get jacked on leafy greens?
We cannot. Because we have been eating meat for so long that we have come to depend on complete proteins and animal fats for muscular strength, hormone regulation, and numerous other things.
Vegans are slave to ideologies built on righteous indignation on imaginary concepts like souls. It's all play pretend.
And the seeds from Monsanto
But what do bulls eat user
seeCows have four stomachs to extract protein from grass. We do not.
We still have two, and our vegetables are much higher in protein than grass
I'm just saying the soil is probably polluted even if you don't use any chemicals yourself. But yeah it's probably going to be cleaner than store bought unless you live next to a factory in China.
"Souls" are real you fucking retard have you never even read Aquinas ?
Shut your fucking mouth before you speak in the future
>don't speak before you speak
You tell him user
That's cute, kiddo. Now read something that doesn't feed you whatever philosophical assumptions you already wanted to happen. There is no cartesian self. There is no soul. When you can point to it and measure it, i'll stop eating meat.
>Buying into the dark-aged rehashings of aristotle.
You chose the single most delusional person in the western who applied the least critical thought to his writings. Congratulations.
I don't give a fuck what a bunch of fruitloops say is good or not good for me.
*Western canon
I wasn't making an argument against meat you dumb nigger
>Believing in the dark age myth
fucking lol
Of course the human body can process meat and I don't think its the least healthy thing you can eat but if you kill something that has personal experience you're an asshole.
the only "personal experience" it has is being delicious
Short explanation? What are souls according to Aquinas. Is it something metaphysical or logically explained?
triggered me hard gonna go cry and drink onions milk in bed
>I wasn't.
But you were making an argument against critical thought in favor of some retard feeding you philosophical assumptions you wanted to hear. That's religion for you.
>Dark age myth
It's true that there was never a time when philosophical dialogue wasn't ubiquitous. However there was a time after lots of bookburning in rome when philosophy stood still and everyone spent a few centuries twisting aristotle to match scripture and killing any naysayers who got too loud.
Regardless, when you can point to a spot in the brain where physical things happen for nonphysical reasons, you may have grounds on which to start speculating about souls or cartesian selves. Until then, read something that doesn't tell you what you already wanted to think. Grow as a person. Because there's no room for christianity in the adult world.
I call it
The Nasty Patty
or veganism.
>be open minded to grow as a person
>I don't need to though, because I already have the right opinions
Don't get me wrong, I share the same opinions as you, but what you're saying is ignorant.
Right opinions about what? I just said that when you show me evidence I will change. You incompetent dumb fuck.
What's with the unnecessary insults? By "right opinions" I mean only believing materialism and by extension the scientific method. All the things you dismiss are impossible to prove a negative so whether or not you believe in them is always an opinion. I called you ignorant, because you assert that there is no room for christianity or any idiology with metaphysical aspects but reality could not be further from the truth. People in general long for something of higher power, something they know will set the record straight when the world is not acting fairly. Does that mean you have to embrace it? Absolutely not. Do you have to be a dick about it? No. You suggest he opens up his mind and tries to delve into literature that opposes his opinions, yet I couldn't imagine someone with your attitude to do the same. You might read the material but you are by default dismissing it.
>Do you have to be a dick about it? No. You suggest he opens up his mind and tries to delve into literature that opposes his opinions
Just to clarify, I also agree with you on this. The problem is despite this being an ad-hominem fallacy, nobody is going to take this kind of advice from someone who expresses themselves like you.
>atheists hate this guy
>find out how one man proved the existence of souls with one trick
Meat is one of the easiest sources of amino acids. The body literally just rips apart polypeptide chains and reuses them. If we only ate vegetables we would use up a lot of resources trying to make said amino acids from scratch. If you don't know what amino acids are they are the basic building blocks of protein, linked together in long plypeptide chans which are folded and twisted to make the protein. Proteins exist outside of skeletal muscles, making up tissues of major organs, enzymes and key receptors on cellular membranes. In short, we need meat.
The scientific method does not require belief because there are no other methods of inquiry that are anything other than wishful thinking and confirmation bias. That's not to say that I somehow know that the universe will fit into material terms and the scientific method will lead us there, because I don't. The scientific method is still ultimately provisional. Yes. But everything else is retards masturbating over their inability to identify a tautology. And the dipshit child who referred me to aquinas as proof of the soul is the grandest example of one of them.
Faith is no basis on which to place opinions. It's just refusal to scrutinize your ideas because they make you feel good feelies. There is no room for christianity in the adult world. That's not to say I know that there is no god. It's to say that I know if faith ever led us to god, it would do so strictly by accident. The insults are because i'm baffled how many people need this explained to them.
>inb4 You tell me to scrutinize my ideas but you think you have all the answers.
No, retard, I made clear the reality of my uncertainty, and the reality of yours. I also opened myself to dialogue and criticism. If you can think of nothing, that doesn't mean that I must think I know everything. It means I have much more refined critical thinking skills than you.
How many stomachs does a cow have? Deer? Sheep? (Answer is four, herbivorous digestive system)
How many stomachs does a lion have? Wolf? Fox? Human? (One stomach system designed for ??????)
We humans have one stomach goy and you know that, same as lions and wolves, which you well know.
Aside from the number of stomachs that are used to process cellulose, the polysachharide sugar that is dervied from plants, herbivores on average hold far longer intestines in relation to their body size compared to carnivores. This allows them to properly absorb the sugars from plants.
Did you literally just say that humans have two stomachs?
Also an enormous caecum in horses, which I argue is a second stomach or digestive chamber, absent, or miniscule in carnivores.
Not sure how horses don't have four stomachs when they eat grass just like cows.
>fat storage
>humans have two stomachs
That is about energy efficiency moving between trophic levels.
Nothing about negative processes in your body.
It says when you move energy from one creature to another its onky about 10% efficient, but it doesnt take into account the different protiens and chemicals made that our bodies have evolved to use and is more plentiful in meat than plants.
A healthy diet includes meat amd vegetables.