
Why don't males have a right to make decisions about their own bodies? Isn't it bizarre that your parents can choose to cut off part of your penis, but even the mildest, symbolic forms of FGM that don't remove tissue but instead pinpricks are still considered a human rights violation?

Is this an example of "male disposability"?

Attached: circumcision day.png (833x860, 691K)

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yes male are disposable. that's why females are pure and innocent and deserve to be defended, and men go off to die in wars while their wives fuck other men. welcome to the shitty cruel world.

The "reason" is that it's part of God's old covenant, and it's less traumatic to deal with if you don't remember it.
Isn't female circumcision cutting off the clit? And is there a scriptural basis?

>The "reason" is that it's part of God's old covenant

Part of the Old Testament also condones slavery and murdering children who swore at their parents. Separation of church and state.

>it's less traumatic to deal with if you don't remember it

There's no legitimate reason to do it at all to a child barring extremely rare medical need.

>Isn't female circumcision cutting off the clit?

In many cases, female "circumcision" is nothing more than a needle prick to the clitoral hood. There is a concerted effort to memory hole this fact because it contradicts the narrative and exposes the fact that what boys are subjected to absolutely would be considered genital mutilation in the west if it were done to girls. Male circumcision is FAR more extreme than many common forms of female circumcision.

>Thrashing wildly, five-year-old Reta wails as she is hoisted onto a bed during a circumcision ceremony in a school-hall-turned-clinic on Indonesia's island of Java.

>"No, no, no," she cries, punching and kicking as her mother cups her tear-soaked face to soothe her.

>Doctors clap and cheer encouragingly. One of them gently swipes her genital area with antiseptic and then swiftly pricks the hood of her clitoris with a fresh sewing needle, drawing no blood.

>The ordeal is over in seconds as other girls and babies waiting for their turn shriek in fear.

>Doctors say the procedure will have no effect on the girl, her sexual pleasure in later life or ability to bear a child.

And yet this is still considered unacceptable. ANY cutting or poking of girl's genitals is considered a human rights violation, even simply pricking her prepuce with a needle.

>Is there a scriptural basis

In some religions, yes. But see separation of church and state.

>tfw genitally mutilated with little to no inner foreskin only frenulum left
>restoring with any method didnt work for 6 years
goddamn i really need to plan out my suicide

There's a lot of opinions that I have, where I can acknowledge the opposition. But this is not one of them. If you don't think that circumcision is mutilation, and should be illegal until the age of consent; then you're an actual piece of fucking shit. That or severely indoctrinated/coping.

Imagine how much better fapping would be. They took 90% of that pleasure away from us. Fucking barbaric.

ikr fapping is literal pain. I geniunley want all semites and surgeons murdered partly because of this.

I've had conversations with people where they simply refused to believe that forms of FGM less extreme than cutting off the prepuce exists. It short-circuits their brain processes. They cannot bear to have such a thing exist, or for even the idea of such a thing to exist, because it utterly destroys their position and reveals their massive, anti-male hypocrisy. So they just try to dance around it, failing spectacularly.

even at age of constent it shouldnt be legal mgm and fgm shouldnt be allowed even in medical cases it should be banned

>it's less traumatic to deal with if you don't remember it.
user, the procedure is so painful and traumatizing that it permanently scars the minds of the boys who were butchered during the procedure.
Did you know that they have to give them handies to get the baby hard to make it easy?
Did you know that they don't even use pain killers?
Do you know how many newborn babies are killed or lose their penis or have something else that ruins them during this completely unneeded butchering?
Did you know that you can buy foreskin stemcells and that it's a 200billion dollar a year industry?
Know that thing about it preventing HIV?
It's a fucking lie.
It doesn't prevent it in any way. And since the penis is a knarled scared up knob of flesh that scrapes the inside of a woman's sensitive vagina causing microtrauma and some bleeding, it makes things even fucking worse.

Attached: circumcision-butchery.jpg (637x423, 34K)

I dunno. I think that a consenting adult should be able to do whatever they want to themselves. If they wanna cut off part of their dick, it's no skin off my bones.

>even in medical cases it should be banned

That doesn't really make sense. Actual medical indications for cutting off a patient's foreskin are very rare, but not entirely nonexistent.

I mean, you can have your teeth pulled out for a therapeutic reason, or your eye removed if there's an actual medical indication for it. Same should apply for genital surgery.

or your dick. but yeah its just my view as those who voluntary mutilate themselves usually try to force it onto others.

why does everyone think it's such a big deal? I got myself circumcised thanks to my parents when I was 2. there is no disadvantage I had to come through in my life.

oh yeah? because current "modern" doctors are still trying to shill it to poor patients with phimosis. or are fooling parents into that shit like what happened with mine

Name 1 reason that the foreskin should be removed that's not retarded.

>I got myself circumcised thanks to my parents when I was 2

The way you're phrasing this is delusional. It's like you're trying to frame your parent's decision as something you chose for yourself.

Yeah, I understand that. But there could be actual medical indications for removing a patient's foreskin, like if it were already necrotic due to frostbite or some other cause, or if it developed a cancerous tumor or something. Both of those indications would be absurdly rare, but still within the realm of possibility.

yeah sure but even then they should get somekind of a plastic surgery. living withouth one is literal hell

Your dick is only 10% a sensitive as it should be. You didn't get yourself circumcised when you were 2. Your parents did it without your consent. I know it's hard to face, but try not to get delusional, user.

Attached: Me irl metaphorically.png (452x710, 359K)

Frostbite that has literally already killed the foreskin. Foreskin cancer. Lottery odds of either of these things happening to you; you're probably more likely to get hit by a bus. But it still could happen technically.

i literally cannot take this shit anymore

tl; fucking dr

Elaborate. What do you mean specifically?

being a fucking cutfag

Neither of those posts are too long. You're just remaining willfully ignorant because learning the truth about how fucked up this thing is would shatter your worldview.

So yeah. The removal of the foreskin is stupid bullshit that has no place in a civilized society and the far reaching physical and emotional implications of this evil practice RUINS every single fucking society that pushes and indulges in it.
They all end up being debauched impotent animals who hate women and indulge in every sick sexual practice because they can't bond with women during sex nor feel pleasure from the sex in a deep fulfilling way.
Even the women become debauched bisexuals because they can't get certain things from their men during sex and in the relationship.

I'm sorry, man. Maybe in the future it'll be possible to regenerate the foreskin.

LEL brainlet can't get his point across quickly. Stay mad fag

Yeah, and you know instead gave you fags higher stamina

thats fucking naive like that retard who said that well be travelling by spaceships in the late 50s.

you do know that cut males are more likely to prematurley ejaculate than those with a foreskin? and they also start getting erectyle problems thx to the skin and the glans desensitising ?

i just hate this ugly stupid scar thats on it. this shit sucks because my dick doesnt work right.

Who knows. We can't predict the future.

What outdated fucking stats are you using there, no child man or woman has died of a circumcision in American in years and actual surgeons do it fairly well cause it's just one of the easiest surgeries of their career so almost no child has gotten even nipped in almost as many years

even if thats the case by the time that a common person could buy it or a neet well already be dead by a generation

Circumcised men suffer from ED and being Quickshots as a rule.

Because the head is completely exposed and without the foreskin covering it up on the outstroke/the ridge along the top letting them control the sex better the blast in seconds.

Also,without the hood protecting the glans and the lack of a frenulum WHICH IS THE MALE GSPOT...
this basically means that they'll feel no pleasure form sex by the time they're in their mid to late thirties or worse even earlier.
The death grip phenomenon.

Even if they go full no touchy dick unless washing pissing or readjusting in pants. It's going to happen.

Does being circumcised makes you last longer since you're less sensitive? You should be happy

>What outdated fucking stats are you using there,
Are you retarded or are you a massive shill for circumcision.

The opposite actually.
Being a quickshot happens to circumcised guys as a rule.
Unless their dicks are completely deadened, then they begin to suffer from ED regularly.

Oh and the procedure makes it so that not only do they not get a dick that is as big as it should be, but it lowers their testosterone levels and has been a major contributor to the rash of emotional and learning disabilities we've been seeing lately.

No. Premature ejaculation is about equally common among cut and intact guys, but cut guys are more likely to have partners complain about frequent orgasm difficulties and a lack of sexual needs fulfillment.

Historically, a major reason for arguing in favor of circumcision was to reduce the pleasure of sex, both for the man but also for his partner. Even about a thousand years ago people believed that a circumcised penis would give a woman less pleasure. That was, in their view, a major pro.

> The Sages, may their memory be blessed, have explicitly stated: It is hard for a woman with whom an uncircumcised man has had sexual intercourse to separate from him. In my opinion this is the strongest of the reasons for circumcision.

>No. Premature ejaculation is about equally common among cut and intact guys, but cut guys are more likely to have partners complain about frequent orgasm difficulties and a lack of sexual needs fulfillment.

It isn't actually. The circ guys pop super early because their glans is exposed and they have no way of controlling their pleasure response.

I'm referring to the findings of the study I linked to in In this large scale study, both intact and cut guys had similar rates of PE. It wasn't particularly common among either group.

Because fuck you. You are property of the Rabbi.

Am I the only one who's glad I'm circumcised? Why would anyone want a gross anteater dick? Girls (at least in the US) find it repulsive.

Go shill elsewhere.

Attached: Dr. Jórunn Vidar Valgardsdottir.png (734x748, 270K)

what does any of this have to do with an uncircumcised penis looking like a disgusting pig in a blanket

You say that because you're biased. If everybody got their pinky fingers cut off, you'd be going "Ha, look at those ten finger freaks". Also, I've never heard anyone say that about unmutilated dicks. Are you coping, jewish, or both?

Lol no, we don't find it repulsive. Why are you shilling for genital mutilation?

t. burger femanon

This has everything to do with circumcised penises looking like dried ass raisins

This young lady doesn't seem so disgusted with it.

Attached: 776.jpg (683x1024, 130K)

Because learning the truth would emotionally hurt him like it does every other cut guy who accepts reality. So he puts up this "b-but girls like it better! I'm GLAD they did it to me!" to protect him.

It will be illegalized in america in 2030

Cut guy here. I am absolutely repulsed and disgusted by pro-circumcision women. How does being cut benefit me? If a woman was pro-circumcision, I wouldn't be attracted to her. If she fetishized my mutilation, I would be disgusted by her. So it doesn't benefit me that she finds circumcision attractive. I don't, and I don't find women who find it attractive attractive.

>tfw there is a massive gap right below the head of my dick where my frenulum would have been

That area of my body is practically numb and it KILLS me knowing that it would have been one of the most pleasurable if I hadn't been tortured as a newborn. I dont know how people cope with this. I can't take it anymore. I'm so fucking disgusted with my hamburger meat inner foreskin remnant and destroyed frenulum remnant. Every time I look at my dick it's a reminder that someone emasculated me, controlled me, had my fate entirely in their hands. Someone literally strapped me down by my hands and feet and ripped off the most sensitive and vulnerable part of me. It makes me feel like a weakling. It makes me feel subhuman.

Attached: IMG_4530.jpg (3264x2448, 1.36M)

Why is it that when females are circumcised its a "human rights violation" but its completely normal for males to be circumcised.

At least you have some frenulum. I don't have any.


It's not normal or acceptable unless you're Jewish/American though
See: Icelandic doctor who won't even perform the surgery

He mentioned he can barely feel it though. The nerves may be shot. They chopped the fuck out of it, you can tell from comparing it to an intact one.

Attached: 1280px-Frein_du_prépuce.jpg (1280x960, 87K)


Idk but jacking off isn't a problem for me. If anything I think I'm nutting too early. The people saying its not as sensitive, its the other way around. I get unwanted boners just from wearing jeans and its annoying, I think its too sensitive. I got my dick cut when I was 7. Yes I remember it, no it didn't traumatise or affect me mentally. I went unconscious at the end of it and when I was conscious again I thought "thank god its over". How many of you are even circumsised? I dont have to go through the effort of washing my foreskin so I dont get a fucking infection like you guys.

I don't have any frenulum at all.
Mine was completely ripped off.
My dick is in fact completely broken.

I'm actually kind of lucky because I created a pseudo foreskin as a horny preteen by just using what little foreskin I had to masturbate with.
Dick is still broken though.

>I dont have to go through the effort of washing my foreskin so I dont get a fucking infection like you guys.

I'm glad my parents burned off all my hair follicles I'll never get lice!

I'm glad they ripped off all my cavities :D :D :D

You are nutting too early.
That's part of the problem with being circumcised.
But don't worry.
By the time you hit 35-40(if you don't masturbate a lot that is) your dick will be completely deadened and you won't ever have to worry about nutting too easily.
Or even getting a boner.

Christcucks (specifically burger protestants) are retarded and you are a lazy ass for not even bothering to read any of that.
Doubt it would happen in my lifetime, nerve restoration isnt exactly a thing and assuming there was some treatment where both the foreskin and nerves were restored it would likely cost an assload of money.

>assuming multiverse is true:
>tfw in an infinite number of timelines you weren't circumcised
>tfw living in one of the infinite ones in which you were is the price you have to pay so the others yous in those uncut timelines can be uncut

I hope you guys appreciate my and the other cut me's sacrifice.

Attached: 785678585484.jpg (618x597, 144K)

>Oh and the procedure makes it so that not only do they not get a dick that is as big as it should be, but it lowers their testosterone levels and has been a major contributor to the rash of emotional and learning disabilities we've been seeing lately.


i'm circumcised and i hope this isn't true. fuck my dad for doing that shit

While circumcision is bad, most of what he said is bullshit
This guy breaks down circumcision

>less traumatic
Bull-fucking-shit, that shit is done without anesthesia and permanently alters babys mind because of the severe trauma it causes.
Some Leaf doctors did a study of it and surprisingly their study was shut down and they were silenced.

I wonder if fgm was involved in the Jewish faith if it would continue to be legal and not become outlawed in every developed country. Just wondering.

sci-hub (dot) tw/10.1016/S0140-6736(96)10316-0
Different leaf doctors did a study

None of what I said is bullshit user.
It won't take but a few minutes of websearch to find the answers.
Don't use Google.
It's filtering information.

I can't find anything on this
> lowers their testosterone levels and has been a major contributor to the rash of emotional and learning disabilities we've been seeing lately.

Danes afaik are thinking of outlawing it.
Jews and muzzies got butthurt when news headlines of it started popping.

blackpill digits don't lie

Because there are women being oppressed you MAN
Why dont you go MANSPLIAN those MALE TEARS to your BROS you MAN

Fuck em
Tell the bagelniggers and camelfuckers to get the fuck out if they don't like it.
They can abide by the rules of the nation they are an obvious parasite in or fucking leave.
No one is going to help them or fight for them on this.
And I'm DAMNED sure the WHO doesn't want to be shown to be full of shit for suggesting and FORCING people to get circumcised by one of those "white" nations that brainwashed first world snowniggers respect.