Did Jow Forums already forget about him after only a few days? A rare legitimate robot?

Did Jow Forums already forget about him after only a few days? A rare legitimate robot?

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i see threads about him nearly ever day or so

No one cares about some paki faggot
Elliot will never be topped as king of Jow Forums

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who the fuck is that sandnigger?
actually i don't give a fuck, saged

It's been weeks and there's at least one thread about him a day so no, clearly not you fucking faggot

wasn't it like 5 months ago?

Theyre both very different. Idk if I would compare them.

Of course not. He made a lasting impression.

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I don't care about anybody identifiable. Anyone not an user can fuck off. any dead idols are dead and not worth my thoughts.

Is this fucking shadman?

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Is he the guy that shot himself with a KSG?

Why did he stream it? Did he not realize he would become a meme?

Goddamn Elliot posters ruining every thread.

We didnt forget about him. Is it your first time back in a while?



This guy is right it was already back in March.

It's been several months you moron, who cares, just another male who killed himself, males do it all the time, this faggot just was extra hungry for attention.

It's hard to forget something you never knew in the first place

At this point I just believe that these threads are made just to give him attention. R9k probably doesn't care, and I'm betting it's just another discord cult.

Haven't been on r9k in months. Who the hell is this and what happened to eggman?

He was a robot who livestreamed his suicide in March. Eggman is now a normie who has gone through several girlfriends already.

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Well the fact that you directly called him a sandnigger (though he was a paki, close enough) when everyone initially thought was he was a spic kinda betrays your implication that you have no idea who he is.

He was not a robot. He had friends.

Anybody have the full video?

This nigga lived in the Same Town as me and I think I may have brushed past him ounce.

>rare legitimate robot
>literally a normalfag teen who had f*male friends he used to talk to online

Yep thats him okayy.

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tell him to do it again and this time without the shakey cam

Why can he not be a robot and have female friends?

how do you think his mom is holding up lads?

what poster is that in the background