>too cool to be sitting with the spazzes yet not cool enough to sit at the cool table
who else was like this?
>too cool to be sitting with the spazzes yet not cool enough to sit at the cool table
who else was like this?
I was like that all of high school. It robs you of a sense of belonging
Just kinda somewhere in the middle. I know that feel
I was too spazzy was the spaz group
Jesus American schools sound like fucking hell with all those common group assignments, shared showers at gym, lunch tables and dances. Like why do Americans hate robots so much?
this is my 4th year now at uni and i have sat alone for lunch every single time.
>at fucking college
Take the intermittent fasting pill, user.
I was the same. I was completely friendless and I sat around brooding, day dreaming or hallucinating while at the same time barley passing my classes. I never had anyone to relate to. People left me alone because they were scared of me. I had enough balls to never let myself be bullied, however.
I never noticed any of this stupid social hierarchy shit when I was in high school. I basically ignored social stuff for my entire education, including college. I focused on studies, and hanging out with my very small group of friends. I had no idea who the popular kids or where their table was or whatever. I never went to any dances, I skipped assemblies thanks to a BS note from my mom about how it's bad for my anxiety. I didn't have any anxiety, I just hated crowds and noise and didn't want to put up with that shit anymore than was necessary.
I hated high school and I would never relive it, but I didn't have basically any of the milestone experiences people on here bitch about.
by lunch i mean any time i ever go to eat anywhere...nigger
in school I didnt sit with the tards or the cool kids however early on I made a lot of friends that were mentally ill
once I ended up going to ones house and he had 16 cats but they were no where to be seen and the whole place smelled like shit
the other was less strange in his home life but he believed in dragons from the dragonology books and later became some kind of degenerate drug addict
>never invite anyone to eat lunch with you
>wah why does nobody sit next to me?
This is why robots are hopeless, because they have no idea how the real world works. Nobody is obligated to spend time with you outside of public school, you have to actually make an effort. If you didn't take advantage of the fact that you were forced into proximity with lots of people your own age in public school then you wasted your time in public school. It only gets exponentially harder to make friends once you're done with it.
>gettin bullied at school
>kid takes my chips, smashes them up, and dumps them on my head
>sperg out
>start fighting him
>does some jackie chan shit and whips me in the eye with his jacket
>wail in pain and blindly throw a chair in his general direction
>hits a bunch of normalfags
>get suspended
american school is bullshit
We didn't have lunch in public schools in my country but in the big recesses or when we didn't have classes due to a teacher missing I used to buy a coke/energy drink and gulp it while sitting on some park bench outside the school all alone. Was kinda self-conscious about it and often looked around to see if someone from skewl saw me.
There was a bakery selling food during my first year there but when it closed I didn't eat at all from 7 AM to 2-3 PM cus I was getting anxiety from the shop in the school which was always full and packed. One girl joked with me about it and asked me why didn't I buy a coke today if I just didn't feel like drinking.
i fucked multiple girls before
im just so fucking jaded all my life
>he had 16 cats but they were no where to be seen and the whole place smelled like shit
user I don't know what to say.
The public school system is bullshit anywhere and that includes both curriculum and social environment. There was a guy in HS who literally fucking groped me and other lads(but me esp) and he played it out as a joke. He also called me asocial cus I had like 2 friends in that school, and generally insulted on a very personal basis just because which he also played off as joke.
Fucking beat his ass 3 times and I still wish I mauled him like an animal instead of backing out. I put him on the ground during class and the teacher who was generally responsible for our class did fucking nothing, the only time the school did anything is when I told my mom to switch schools cus the same guy cornered me with another guy who slapped me every 5 mins and demanded me to go and meet them in x place. They got that faggot expelled but I didn't return since I couldn't bear looking like a coward in front of everyone and still being a sperg but now hated by some cliques.
School blows fucking ass.
it was a strange experience for sure, my mum later said that she regretted leaving me there for a few hours after she dropped me off there.
for some reason the shit smell was especially concentrated in a cupboard in his room there was a pile of clothes or something that it seemed to be coming from but I dared not move it and see what might be lurking below
I also know for sure that he did have cats because he once took a kitten to school in his backpack
>iT rObS yOu Of A sEnSE oF bElOnGiNg
i don't get it, what happens if you just walk up to the cool kids table and sit there?
>tfw I was the only spastic not wanting to be social and cringy
don't regret a second, I even got a chad outcast friend with the same attitude
>normies somehow knew what didn't cross the line, but I couldn't figure a payback without looking like a mad sperg, or crossing the line.
This was honestly the biggest bullshit. They could throw gum in your hair, but whatever payback would've been seen inappropriate by everyone.
Story of my life apparently.
Cyborg life is a curse.
I struggle to be a semi normie fag but, suffer to maintain that.
Even at my lowest of lows I can't quite cut into being a sperg class.
same here, op. me and one or two of my friends sit at a secluded table and look at our phones for the entire lunch period.
i was -5/10 in popularity
there was a point where people in my year wouldn't know who i was and think i was new.
im still like this today. i have discord but never use it
>get on my level
underage detected, overabundance of cringe
>calls me underage
>calls what I said "cringe"
pick one
>Part of the main group and did stuff when everyone was doing stuff together, but never part of the subgroups in that group and never did stuff with individuals
Anyone else?
Yeah sounds pretty similar to my childhood, would hang out with some groups of normals but we never talked outside of school. I didnt even enjoy being near the normals i just felt a desperate need to be accepted.
Yeah they'd invite me out and I'd always say no then they gave up asking, they let me hang around them in school still at least.
>>once I ended up going to ones house and he had 16 cats but they were no where to be seen and the whole place smelled like shit
>later became some kind of degenerate drug addict
I hope your not talking about me, but if you are atleast say my name
I can relate. Don't worry in a few years no one at all will care about you. You will drift into oblivion and no one will notice.
>who else was like this?
I have a story about this that might seem painful if you read it but its true, please if you have a choice just make friends
I have a situation which happened and let me tell you its fucking heart breaking
Trenchcoat mafia, anyone?
I got kicked out after Dylan/Eric in 99. I have a trench coat for cozy/nostalgic nights.
My parents were considering emigrating to the US when I was 12. I'm so glad they didn't. School there sounds horrific and would have been worse with an accent to single me out.
I'm still like this. I just dislike the small chat people engage in in lunch settings. I also can spot predatory behavior and like to stay away from damaged people.
I usually skipped lunch all together and just sat in the library silently. Before that though I just sat at the very end table near the door with the other misc. people who didn't have groups. We all just sat silently usually.
he was right on both accounts, so he doesn't have to choose.