Since I can never get a straight answer to this seemingly simple question. Where and when did third wave feminism and the rise of SJW's begin. Where and when did it all go so wrong?
Since I can never get a straight answer to this seemingly simple question...
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Early to mid 2000s. Basically when bush era.
Invention of fire desu.
Good point. Its kind of strange to me that all of this radical social progress shit started only 70 years ago and we re constantly told that its the only way and that its perfect. But yet civilation functioned for thousands of years before any of this.
but why? Especially when now you have such cancer as the left trying to normalize pedophilia as something to be socially accepted.
>Where and when did it all go so wrong?
1945 kiddo
This essentially
In the 90s modern SJW liberalism was born but gained no traction until maybe early-mid 2000s
Although in a way the pendulum had been swinging that way since maybe 1960 or so
It started with the first wave
What purpose does any of it serve though? They aren't "progressive". If anything they are reversing the process society has made of the last few decades.
mostly economic factors and the natural movement of the overton window
recall that in the 20s there was plenty of degeneracy as wealth seems to make people stop giving a fuck about common values and stoicism, but you can hardly blame them when things are going so well, it's hard to really be mindful of these things
It's got so bad that you are demonized for sitting with your legs slightly apart so you don't crush your testicles. Or how obesity should be celebrated and how dare the doctor tell you to lose weight.
But before this, there were cities, regions and even whole countries with almost only white people.
That's literally like a holocaust every day.
Moderate centrism/liberalism was always popular in the north. It wasnt until the population started growing and growing and lots of immigration taking place en mass shifting the politics geared towards more SJWS.
But to be fair, SJW is a dying cult, everyone now is more moderate centrist/leaning conservative in todays generation
You're thinking a bit too small
technological progress can greatly impact social values, but also societal values tend to shift over time (often cyclically)
That's why it's said:
>"A nation is born Stoic and ends Epicurean"
Please don't bring up the hall of cost if you are going to be so ignorant as to what happened.
>as the left trying to normalize pedophilia as something to be socially accepted.
>Where and when did third wave feminism and the rise of SJW's begin.
>Especially when now you have such cancer as the left trying to normalize pedophilia as something to be socially accepted
Halt right there, faggot. This is a Jow Forums meme that has been pushed (through the influence of foreign contributors) as an attempt to cause the LGBTQ community to self-immolate through the adoption of pedophilia. The problem is that nobody condones this and nobody ever will; the right wing trolls behind this are incredibly stupid. The very fact that you bought this tells me you aren't as intelligent as you believe you are.
2/10 bait.
precisely, my frend
the the pendulum must always swing back
They just want to punish lonely and disenfranchised men. Thats the reason why they shill this ultra feminist radical progressive everything is subjective truth is subjective media propaganda. Theyre main targets are low status men like incels and shut ins. They attack white men because we are simply useful pawns to justify their ideology. The fact that Jews were persecuted in the 40s somehow makes it okay for modern day SJWs to lash out at white males.
But theres plenty of backlash. The backlash is a result of all of this extreme propaganda from the far left.
I think he's talking about the movement of "virtuous pedophiles"
which is not too bad an idea, to be truthful
but don't be surprised to think it would never happen, unless you want to become an old person hoodwinked into conservatism because society around you changed more than you guessed it would
But it shouldn't be listed under the lgbt banner. Where is the line in the sand drawn? Perhaps when it's ok to murder people with different opinions?
>left trying to normalize pedophilia
This doesnt happen
Oh but it already has
>but don't be surprised to think it would never happen, unless you want to become an old person hoodwinked into conservatism because society around you changed more than you guessed it would
Cope. Pedophilia is against the law. The law will not change regarding this and just as of recently states have been banning child marriage. If you think this is majestically going to reverse during our time period, I have a bridge to sell you.
>Perhaps when it's ok to murder people with different opinions?
have no idea what you mean by this
perhaps it shouldn't be under the LGBT banner, but then again why is trans under that banner anyway? it shouldn't really be a sexuality
2007. Everything horrible started at that year. Obama getting elected a year after basically emboldened a lot of morons to spread their filth everywhere as much as they can. I voted for Obama, too, but fuck progressives.
>But it shouldn't be listed under the lgbt banner. Where is the line in the sand drawn? Perhaps when it's ok to murder people with different opinions?
Keep lying, faggot.
There are some pedo blogs on tumblr that call themselves MAPs (minor-attracted persons) and claim to be discriminated against but they're roundly mocked and the LGBT community as a whole has rejected them.
It's not going to become mainstream any time soon.
Around the time of GG a little before but Antia got huge after that and it lead into people parroting her.
>persecuted in the 40s
You say that like it wasn't completely justified.
you don't really know that, f a m
gays were mocked in the same way only like 25 years ago but the internet wasn't really around
This sjw movement mostly exploded after Trump announced that he was going to run for president.
It was present prior to this, but It wasn't as popular as it is currently.
Only 6 of the 15 names listed on the right aren't clearly listed as being jews, but still look very (((suspicious))).
>Bringing blacks to White countries
>Jews being allowed to immigrate
>Alexander Hamilton and the Federalist with the bankers
>Giving women the right to vote
>Whites fighting each other in pointless wars
>gays were mocked in the same way only like 25 years ago but the internet wasn't really around
This comparison is apples to oranges. A child has no right to consent to any sexual activity with an adult physically or online under the purview of our criminal justice system. From the looks of it, you have been consistently shilling threads such as these under the guise of "left wing" propaganda.
We see you.
Try the rise of communist ideology in the mid 1800s and First Wave Feminism which immediately followed it. You probably think first wave feminism was fine; it wasn't. Already they were changing laws, making things more to their liking, and by 1920 had raised the Age of Consent from 10-12 to 16-18 in most states. Your idea of what pedophilia is, is a modern notion only invented in the last ~100 years by feminism. Traditionally pedophilia only refereed to an actual, biological child, and age-gap relationships were not just common, but the norm. No one cared about power disparity in relationships or any such bullshit. Marrying and then fucking a teenage girl when you were 25-30 wasn't just okay, it was normal.
Are you saying there weren't white places in the past or what are you saying I'm wrong about?
>hall of cost meme
Are you blind?
If you're actually curious is comes from ressentiment. Read Kierkegaard and Nietzsche. On the Genealogy of Morality and The Present Age. Or wiki that shit.
What do you think I'm saying about that?
It's a joke. The jews are destroying the modern world because they are outraged that they had to pay a shekel to get through the hall of cost.
there was some of that stuff in the 90s but it was considered crackpot fringe shit. the people from the 90s got old and became professors and then they started brainwashing everyone in their classroom.
I saw the rise, and coverage of it shortly after the legalisation of gay marriage
really makes you hmmmmmm
The crazy SJW shit won in 68. Sure there was still strong opposition back then but in the 90s it already dominated the West.
They've changed some details many times but they've been around much longer than that. For example look at the anger towards Rhodesia.
A 10 year old doesn't even have tits. They're children period. When people say they like young girls they mean 16-19 year olds.
14-15 year olds are lewd as fuck, yet most normalfags would murder anyone who said this
>A 10 year old doesn't even have tits. They're children period. When people say they like young girls they mean 16-19 year olds.
Wrong and wrong. The mindset you have regarding it was an artificial one created by american feminists in the late 18th and early 19th century. No one would think twice about a 25 year-old man marrying and, of course, fucking a 14 year old girl back then. Sadly, it's become so ingrained no one remembers anymore that it used to be different, and not too long ago either.
it all went wrong with the Fall and will all be set right in the end. SJWs are irrelevant to it
>Tfw Jow Forums's shitty bait twists back around and baits them instead
Wrong? The line should be drawn somewhere. How can a 10 year old consent to sex if most of them dont even know what sex is? My standard is old enough to drive old enough for sex.
I think a 16 year old is old enough to have sex with a 25 year old but not old enough to marry him.
Sex and babies aren't intrinsically connected. The birth control pill made it this way.
For me my reasoning isn't power disparity like the first wave feminists, it's the ability to responsibly handle the consequences like preventing pregnancy or STDs.
They aren't ready to prevent pregnancy or STDs on average.
I don't think it really started getting shitty until the late 2000's to early 2010's, with the rise social media giving them a platform to spread their bullshit
Mainstream media is much more dominated by them than social media is. That's their primary platform.