Any incest stories, robots? Preferably sister ones

Any incest stories, robots? Preferably sister ones.

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I blowed my cousins dick when i was younger and he blowed mine

Also i was very young
I though if 2 man have sex with each other and don't use a condom they get aids
So i didn't jizzed in his month because i though that gives him aids because the sperm knows if its a man or woman

I had no idea how aids worked, don't judge me


How old were you gays at the time? Why didnt want to fuck your girl cousin, she cant get aids cuz it isnt gay if u fuck her

I was i guess 14 or 15 and he was 12 or something idk

I never had been alone with my female cousin also she would have been to young at the time

Today she is 12 and i am 19

You molested your cousin? What a jerk. Do you guys still do gay stuff? Would you seduce your girl cousin when she gets older?

If it was legal and she wanted it i would do it right now

Only thing that is bad is that she is type of girl who always talks to her mother about EVERYTHING

So guess a bad idea

Nothing pretty interesting but when we were playing with barbie and tmnt figures my sister and i decided we wanted to know how kissing felt.
I think we were 8 but honestly it's been such a long time ago it's hard to remember, so we kissed (not with the tongue obv) and then we did our own things and never talked about it again.
I have no memories of how i felt after that.

I saved this frustrating incest ride for you all.

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desperate bump for desperate incest needs

When i was super young, me and my sister got into a closet and kissed each other trying to copy our parents.

I still miss her.

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I'm still angry at him for fucking it all up

Sad fucker really had it all

How old was he when all this went down? I can't tell if them being 16 and 19 was something that happened in the past, then many years later they realized oh we are attracted to each other lets fuck

if im not mistaken he was 19-20, since a year sort of passed during all of that

>grandpa molested
if that never happened, and they were both a bit older, they'd actually be kinda cute. at 16/17, too much can change in her life and she'd be like yeah that was a mistake... also i'm telling everyone. Not that more mature women are any better kek

I slept in the same bed as my older sister up until I was 14 because I was retarded and super scared of the dark. when i was 13-14 i would spoon her sometimes knowing she was unconscious. once i took it further and pulled my dick out and had it awkwardly positioned between her ass cheeks [it didnt feel nearly as good as spooning, lol] and she jolted and moved away from me on the bed. i cant really bring it to myself to talk to her about it but i rarely see her anyway so yeah lol

Had a physical relationship with mom for about a year. During the divorce she kind of awkwardly asked if I'd fuck around with her since the love life with dad was non-existent. A lot of it was letting her experiment and do things she felt she missed out on since dad was the only relationship she'd been in before.

>A lot of it was letting her experiment and do things she felt she missed out on
Like what kinda stuff user? We would really enjoy a greentext


Was your mom attractive?
What's your relationship with your mom like now?

Let me gues, your mom had you really young?

I used to masturbate with my little sister when we were at the youngest 11, and the oldest 17. We got caught. There's still some tension between us. Now the most we do is cuddle and nap when she visits from college.

Are either of you in a relationship?

Like I said she and dad didn't have a love life really so even stuff like different positions was something intriguing for her. Also the chance for sex to be just for enjoyment and when she wanted it, I think it was a chance for her to learn about herself too I guess. Or her body, sexuality, whatever you want to say.

Could greentext if you wanted something specific maybe. Kind of hard to sum up the whole relationship in green since it went on for over a year.

She's average I think in looks but her body's not half bad. The relationship now is pretty normal I'd say but we do have that closeness between us that sometimes comes up. Mostly it's a secret but fond memory between us.

Yeah she did good guess.

You're never in a situation where you'd be alone with her and fugg?

Nope. I was dating a girl a few months ago but it never developed into a relationship. According to my sister she only hangs out with her friends. It's believable, she's never been the type to leave the house. I would assume it's the same for her dorm room.

We've been in a situation where we could but it's never really reached that point I guess.

>She's average I think in looks but her body's not half bad. The relationship now is pretty normal I'd say but we do have that closeness between us that sometimes comes up. Mostly it's a secret but fond memory between us.
This is pretty hot desu
If she wasn't in a relationship would you fuck like bunny rabbits?
Was there any silliness whenever you fucked her? like emphasizing that she's your mother and you're her son etc during?
we need details, man!

I used to masturbate to my mom's cousin when I was around 11-14. She's 5 years older than me, and at every family function, she would tell my mother that she thinks I'm good looking. Ironically, me and that cousin never really talked to each other in our lives... so idk. She's married now and she put on some weight but I would've tapped that when she was in her prime.

Nice read, fapped to it. One of those strange cases on which im not sure if his fault was fucking her or not keeping fucking her.

Not sure how things would be now since it was years ago when we did this. It could be a possibility but she said herself that she didn't want it to be a serious relationship. We were at it like rabbits though when this arrangement was going on. I don't know about silliness but we had fun with it and she enjoyed weird dirty talk like bringing up our relation. We got a laugh out of it mostly it wasn't that serious but I think she liked the weird aspect of it a little as well.

If you decide to have a relationship with the sister, i hope it works out for the two of you

>Could greentext if you wanted something specific maybe
Tell us about some of the kinkiest things you did, or greentext a sex story

>but she said herself that she didn't want it to be a serious relationship
What's the age gap between you and her anyway?
Still sounds like you both had fun and it was pretty hot

What was the first time like with her like?

I agree with this
> A lot of it was letting her experiment and do things she felt she missed out on since dad was the only relationship she'd been in before.
What sort of stuff did you/she try?
How much of it was her initiative?

Kinkiest thing probably was going away and pretending we were a normal couple because we didn't need to worry about people recognizing us. It wasn't even something we planned but took the opportunity and it ended up being pretty cool. For actual sex my personal favorite thing was getting to standing fuck her. A really weird feeling and dynamic getting to pick her up and carry her despite her being the parent.

She had me at 16 and this was going on when I was 20. Three years ago by now. I mostly did it because I felt bad for her, her situation was pretty pathetic but I think she valued it and enjoyed it so I'm happy to be able to have done that for her.

It's still a really wrong and fucked up situation though I'm not in denial or anything about that.

>Had sex with his own mom regularly
>Doesn't have a delectable treasure trove of kinky stories to share
Found the liar

Boy, that escalated quickly

Fuck, I remember that unfolding and boy was I disappointed

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What? he and his younger sister masturbated for one another and there's clearly some desire there

It kind of felt like mutual pleasure if I'm being honest. We tried it once and liked it, did it again and again until it became a habit. Masturbating is very unrewarding now. It just felt like the better thing to do.

I get you
So possibility of relationship? y/n?

I don't know. I haven't thought about it much in a serious light. I enjoy spending time with her a lot, so that's a plus. She's still my sister though. Never really thought of it as something that could actually happen.

Well just remember, your family will probably disown you two (but especially you), or you'd have to move somewhere else, or you'd have to keep it a secret etc
But sounds like it could be a special relationship

I do have a number of fond ones I just don't plan on flooding the thread with them. Also the time it would take to write multiple out.

Honestly most of it was vanilla since her inexperience meant she was easily impressed if that makes sense? It was pretty much entirely her initiative. Like even when I took charge or acted dominant it was because she wanted or asked me to and I'd do that for her then or at a later time. I mean you have to understand that for a long period of time for it, she was happy enough just to be playing with and checking out my dick before sex became a thing for us.

The very first time I remember it pretty well.

>A couple months already of the arrangement so she was comfortable messing around with my dick but we'd talked and the idea came up of sex at some point
>This time was another normal one then with her fooling around with my dick to her liking
>After a break she wanted a round two but said this time she wanted to try something more and moved to sit on me with our junk to junk
>Got me hard like this and lined us up and after a lot of hesitation worked it in
>She sat there for a long while just cherishing the feeling, she really enjoyed it while my mind was going nuts over the logic of what we'd done
>Even more when she finally asked in a sort of sigh how it felt being in her and I remember just thinking, holy shit this is amazing please let this be the new norm
>Eventually she got around to riding me but at her own pace and very slowly, more like bouncing than riding
>She wanted it her way so I just laid back and let her do her thing and didn't move or force it or anything
>Just her enjoying the feeling and me getting the amazing show of watching her do it
>She went till I think she hit a high point then took a break before getting off and going back to before of finishing off by fooling around with my dick

We didn't go the full way together the first time but that was the first time getting it in.

>Honestly most of it was vanilla since her inexperience meant she was easily impressed if that makes sense? It was pretty much entirely her initiative. Like even when I took charge or acted dominant it was because she wanted or asked me to and I'd do that for her then or at a later time. I mean you have to understand that for a long period of time for it, she was happy enough just to be playing with and checking out my dick before sex became a thing for us.
I understand. Regardless, sexy as fuck experience. My mother hasn't been attractive in decades so I could never have the same thing kek

>The very first time I remember it pretty well.
Did she ever let you cum inside her?

I said before though she's not hot, only average at best and I was never attracted to her that way. I did it mostly because I felt bad for her and didn't want her to go and do the same with like random dudes of tindr, not because I was into her. For cumming inside, like it took a long time to get past just playing with my dick it took some time to get to that point too but once we were she was ok with it and it became a regular thing that she even liked.

It never ceases to surprise me that some people are so terrible at writing they can literally make illicit tales of sex with their own mother sound boring.

Sorry man I'm not a writer. You want quality literotica I'm sure you can find it, I'm just trying to get across what happened with us.


Quit being such a downer. Tell us your favourite parts about sleeping with her. Stories about sleeping with your mother shouldn't be so difficult to tell that it's like pulling teeth. Unless it was really that shitty

Anybody have any incest experience where both parties didn't come away from it feeling shame

That's a fuckin Larp. I've read almost that exact same story before on an incest story site. Everything the same from the truth or dare to the bunk beds and the beach.

kek, goddamn it
I always have a suspicion that most incest stories are fabricated

What the fuck is wrong with you? You were 15 and he was fucking 12? Your cousin? This is legally and morally wrong on so many levels.

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