Graduating with a degree in computer science

>graduating with a degree in computer science
>apply to 100s of jobs
>always get ghosted or rejected without even an interview
>try to improve resume but was unable to get internships because my resume was shit
what do I even do? how the absolute fuck do people even get jobs? I'm sure the average posting on Indeed has 200+ applicants.

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Just keep plugging. Make your resume searchable on Indeed and Dice

Have a Github with some projects as well

Military/cia need people. They always hire people

>leave college because I hate it
>sister gets me a job in IT company with me having no experience
>quit because I hate office life
>apply for a trade jobs
>get one
>hard work but enjoy it and paid well
>now saving up for my own place with 0 debt while living with my parents
Heh nothin personnel

Attached: 1532825324152.jpg (1000x1000, 161K)

>he fell for the STEM meme
You're literally competing with hundreds of other faggots for every position
It's oversaturated as fuck.

Attached: 1496860469283.gif (396x216, 1.04M)

Just keep on applying. It's painfully boring but you'll find something eventually. Also I find that cover letters improve your chances slightly so maybe add one to your applications. Just make a template cover letter and change the date, company name, and whatever else.

Contribute to open source projects. You need experience. In this industry college degrees are increasingly worthless. They care more about your work history and what skills you have. Not just programming concepts, but actual practical skills. Have you ever lead a team of engineers before? Have you ever worked on a large enterprise system? Do you know git? What processes are you familiar with? Are you certified in any languages or technologies? AWS? Java? .Net? Have you ever done agile development? Do you have experience in consulting? Do you know how to manage expectations when dealing with non-technical people?

And so on.

Thank fucking god I dropped out of CS. Going through this shit just sounds awful

I'm a software engineer, will have to interview three people for engineering positions this week.

put your resume on all of the different job websites like Monster and Indeed. Try to find a recruiter. Make sure to follow up with the places you applied by calling or emailing 2-3 weeks after your application. Try to ask anyone you know (they don't have to be an engineer) if they can recommend you at their workplace for for an engineering position.

What city are you in? What's your GPA?

>he fell for the STEM meme and become a bugman
>the hive doesn't even need him
kek like pottery

Oh and one more thing. CS graduates make good candidates for QA engineering positions and also for cybersecurity and info security analyst positions. If you're desperate for a job/don't care if it's not a software engineering position.

Thank god I'm in finance where job skills include going to the right university and schmoozing with partners over golf.

>coop in school
>build apps and fill out portfolio
>networking events
>beef up resume and CV skills
>contact recruiters on linkedin
>be willing to move cities

Also you fell for the STEM meme. CS is a shit tier degree

>do you have skills that require you to have a job to be able to have to begin with? do you have skills that require you to have a job to be able to have to begin with? do you have skills that require you to have a job to be able to have to begin with? do you have skills that require you to have a job to be able to have to begin with? do you have skills that require you to have a job to be able to have to begin with? do you have skills that require you to have a job to be able to have to begin with?

Oh user, didn't they tell you? You have to be charismatic and socially skilled to get a job, education and experience don't matter.

For real though, did you have the chance to go to any job fairs at your school? That's where I was able to get a job related to my c sci degree

Also most people get jobs lined up before they graduate. If you didn't do that you're kinda fucked. Should have got a different degree OP, everyone is doing CS now, it was in demand years ago and everyone was lied to and being shoveled into it so employers could lower wages.

If you didn't get an internship it's hard to prove you can do the work of an engineer. Fact is a 4 year degree holder is over qualified to do the work of an entry level programmer. They have a lot of higher level knowledge that an experienced developer is expected to have, but absolutely none of the basic core skills a dev 2 or even a dev 1 has after a couple months on the job. The result is this weird person who doesn't really fit in with the engineers, fresh out of college hires often end up as analysts where I work.

If you need something quick, try temp work. They're always hiring. You'll need to be prepared for a shifting work schedule and learn quickly, but it's a good tide over between jobs.

Half of those things I mentioned do not require you to have a programmer job, they can be done by yourself or on a personal project. The others you can potentially gain via internships.

Computer science is a meme degree.

I know this one girl who has it and still hasn't found a job years after graduating. She admitted she didn't feel like she learned anything from her degree and wasn't confident she could build anything on her own that wasn't part of a team.

People who have taught themselves to program in their basement can program circles around these meme degree people.

If they have ethnicity boxes tick them.
First nations, black. Doesn't matter.

>Have a Github with some projects as well
What projects

Hey, Colleges are beyond hostile to most men who go, cost way too much, and have degrees that don't mean jack shit in the real world.
Even the degrees that they're told are worth something.
They have to sell male students something to get them to come back there.
They've hit pay dirt with stupid cunts who'll go tens of thousands of dollars in debt and go creepy pansexual debt slave whore who can't survive in the real world away from colleges.
But consequently fucked it up HUGE with the more poweful and more lucrative in the long run male demo.

Colleges are fucked and are scrambling to look like a better deal to male students who're burnt out on the female/queer/beta/rich friendly and normal male of all race and social backgrounds hostile academic world. STEM is it.
So they are whoring the FUCK out of it.
They're also trying to subtly suggest that college girls are hot easy pussy.

But every man out there knows #metoo and that every bitch in college ends up being creepy unfuckable cunts who'll blow a rape whistle for even talking to them even while their fisty dyke women's studies teacher and hideous college lifer dyke students is grooming and raping them.

That's just what I think.

I had a couple of VR games I made for a class on my github and I had worked on a website for a while. Used those at my interview for a BI related job and it worked.

The ones you make in your own time? If you are a programmer you should have a few personal projects, even if it's just dumb stuff to occupy your time and help you practice shit. I have a github full of half-finished Java and C++ projects that I pull out and tinker on when I get the time.

What the fuck are you even ranting about? You sound fucking insane user. Colleges aren't anything like that, it's just degrees are mostly useless now, you need way more extra stuff to do anything.

Schools teach people to not learn.
To not want to learn
To look down on those who want to learn.

This is just a lie. There is a HUGE dearth of skilled software engineers in the US and that's why outsourcing is a thing. It's not because it's too expensive here, it's because there's literally not enough talent in the US to fill demand. I work at a consulting firm and we have so many leads for major business clients that we have to defer them to some of our partners because we literally cannot handle all the demand for our services. We are continually hiring people because we desperately need more teams but it's incredibly hard to find people qualified for the positions we need filled.

The people in this thread saying CS is not a good degree are fucking retarded. I guess if I were making $8.25 at some shitty McPoverty job, i would want to believe that the STEM was a lie, too.

Sorry, folks, but cyber security is one of the fastest growing industries in the world with the bureau of labor statistics projecting demand will grow 28% over the next 10 years. And demand for software developer jobs project to grow 24%. And yes, they factor in things like outsourcing growth, degree enrollment, and automation growth, you ignorant philistine faggots.

Average US salary for a dev is around 100k. I don't believe for a second this guy submitted "100s" of applications and not heard a call back.

>you can only do CS or make 8 an hour
lel you're a fucking retard

>Accounting and Finance with designation like CPA, CFA, CFP
>Programming, Web Design, Databases, IT but dont go to school and get certs instead
>Trades like plumbing, electrician, HVAC etc
>Doctor, nursing, x ray technician
>law enforcement in major cities
CS is a fucking meme degree, companies hire people without degrees, you don't need a fucking degree there you retard

>It's not because it's too expensive here, it's because there's literally not enough talent in the US to fill demand.

user, they fire people so they can hire untalented foreign people who they have to hire people to watch and unfuck their code.

This was a thing
They litterally create massive hurdles so that american software engineers can't be hired so they can use some visas and bring over slave workers who'll do the job for nickles from over seas.

This is a thing and it's not changing any time soon.